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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. That's wild speculation by Florio that has no chance of happening. Based on losing the appeal, taking it to court (which will not happen) and then more appeals.

    IMO, Mike Florio has been biased - most of his Deflategate articles have been exceedingly Pro TB. I usually can guess before reading the byline, who has written

    an article (Florio or anyone else). I have been mostly dismissing his views and his articles when it has anything to do with New England.

  2. With no contrition whatsoever from TB, I can't see any scenario where Goodell reduces the suspension. If TB admits anything - even that "others may have reduced the ball

    pressure but I knew nothing about it" - will mean a reduction of one or two games but, IMO, TB will not even admit that.


    So, under those circumstances, Goodell reducing the penalty would make no sense to me. Again, my opinion.



  3. What if Jimmy Garappolo comes of the bench for a suspended Tom Brady, Just as Brady did a decade and a half ago when he came in for Drew Bledsoe, and lights it up and proves himself to be a better choice than Brady is right now?

    I thought you were suggesting he come off the bench and deliberately deflate the balls. My bad.

  4. Hi rep Donald Yee just announced he is appealing 4 game suspension.


    My GUESS is he succeeds in reducing the suspension to 2 but this not only still knocks him out of game 3 against us, but lessens the team commitment to their #2 Garofalo.


    2. The big ticket is not whether a player appeals but whether the team appeals. If the tam accept the transgression the Pats ** lives

    Don't bet on it. Yee again said the reason this went down was due to a "pre-ordained" decision. This will not likely go over well with an arbitrator who see the evidence.

  5. Fine, Georgia, join the group of people that condone cheating and don't give a crap about sportsmanship. You're not alone.

    They (and you) are are all fans of New England, and/or Tom Brady.


    I hope you enjoyed your victories,


    They all will always have an asterisk, regardless of the punishment issued this week.

  6. Is the statistical analysis that you quote legit? There are a number of articles saying that the original analysis was amateurish .I believe a number of prominent posters here have already pointed that out as well. Nothing worse than stats being misused.

    check out 538.com's comments - partway down - on this very subject



  7. I think the fumbling issue is a combination of about 6-8 factors. I'm not convinced at all it has anything to do with deflating balls. It's possible but I won't take that leap. I also don't think at all these guys have been doing this every game for eight years.

    Kelly - you may indeed be right that there may be more than one factor that is causal for the Patriots fumbling rate. But the statistics are clearly showing that the Patriots, since 2006, became major outliers compared to the other 31 teams for fumbling. The results clearly show that is very very unlikely that mere chance is involved with the differences. The fact that

    the change happened the exact year that the handling of footballs changed is a possible explanation for the change. Given that we now know brady has tampered with balls and that it was he himself who requested the new rule change, it is extremely suspicious that the fumbling rate changed at exactly that very moment. One way to find out would be to interview the ball handler(s) for those years to see if the deflating below 12.5 actually did start with Week 1, 2007. BTW, McNally will probably be writing a book. Maybe interesting reading?

    That is how offseason suspensions work


    43% reduction without even doing it weekly... You must think the difference between the two levels is HUGE

    It is huge - the statistics show that.

  8. Some rumors are stating a decision (punishment) could be issued as early as today.




    My prediction is 4 game suspension.

    I believe 8 is the appropriate punishment but 4 is going to cause a huge uproar in an area near to a place called Boston (and in all Bostonian-leaning individuals).

    All others are those that see reality.


    BTW, I can't wait to see Tom fly in the nifty black helicopter again. I thought Jesus would be stepping out of it, or the Pope.

    But it was Tom.


    Close....real close.

  9. There is a possibility the schedule will be released one day earlier (the 22nd). I believe it will be the 23rd but, according to Mike Florio




    The schedule is done and the release date is still fluid.


    Either way, my google calendar is warmed up and ready to fill in.


    Go Bills!

    now the latest is TUESDAY or Wednesday: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/04/18/new-schedule-release-target-is-tuesday-or-wednesday/

  10. I still think in my opinion that he's going to be found not guilty. Did he do it? Most likely. But no credible eye witnesses, no murder weapon found, no primary motive to do it, combined with his amazing defence lawyers

    I don't agree but I understand your skepticism. You are right about human witnesses but there IS video evidence, his own lawyer now admits he was present when the murder occurred, and his post crime actions are very suspicious. Have you seen the video shot still image of him leaving a room with sure looks like a gun in his hand? It looks like a gun to me. A jury can convict on circumstantial evidence if they believe, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused committed the crime. It seems to me there is enough evidence to convict. I would.

  11. Browns might be interested, they have cap room .

    They are interested but all signs have been pointing to Clay either signing with Miami or with Buffalo. I imagine the Pegula Express "limo" has impressed Charles. :w00t:

    I don't know if "hate" is the word here. Especially if the result is now what I expect which is the Bills called the Fish' bluff and they folded and

    walked away weeping. Poor fishys.

  12. Look - the key is Clay signs a contract with the Bills. What "leverage" do you speak of? Miami then can match, ball is in THEIR court at that point.

    I see no advantage to the Fish leaking anything. They DO have $7 mil at risk if Clay signs his tender which may be what Miami is threatened by. Miami wants one of two things either Clay signs with them cheaply because he sooooo wants to stay in Miami (obviously the kid didn't agree to this) or "trick" Buffalo into overpaying.


    The slowness of this process appears to me to be a savvy front office patiently waiting for Clay to wake up and smell the coffee (that the Bills not only want him but are willing to pay him well with guaranteed money for years). Sign the contract, kid!

  13. O.K. So, by not signing the Miami contract, Clay retains the right to negotiate but risks being released, right? Since he wants to stay in Miami (so he says) and Miami has now signed Cameron, has his likelihood of making $7 million + for more than one year with Miami gone to basically zero? This year's TE cap for Miami is now shrunk to way less than $7 million and the Suh contract for 2016 is crazy high. Isn's Clay crazy himself if he does not run to Buffalo or Cleveland and sign a contract ASAP? What am I missing? I see how a delay helps Miami but how does it help Clay?

  14. You realize if he signs it he is agreeing to play for 1 year and $7M in Miami right? There are more lucrative offers out there.

    Hmmmmm, Maybe I am wrong but I thought even Franchise tagged players can still seek out a new deal with another team? Even if they sign the tag deal with their team?

    I need to look this up more so I admit there may be this one piece I am missing. If true, a player CAN simply be released with no guarantee if they do not sign their tag contract

    but if they sign they can no longer seek out a new deal elsewhere.

  15. Until there's a press conference , I think something will stop it up. Miami hasn't given up their rights and never underestimate the Browns ability to do something dumb.

    define "dumb" At this point, the dumb one appears to be Clay if he really hasn't signed his transition tag document guaranteeing him $7 million per year for one year.

    Until he does, he is in limbo - Miami , I believe, still owns his rights having transitioned-tagged him. Not signing is mostly just a player in "complaint mode" where he does not

    want to agree to play for a one year deal. He can still sign the document and seek out a deal deal with...say...Buffalo or Cleveland. Not signing means he can be released with no guarantee. Now that the Fish have signed Cameron, I would run not walk to the document and sign it if I were Clay. What dumb thing can Cleveland do? They are free at any time to contact Clay and negotiate any deal they like. It is up to Clay as to whether or not to sign it.

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