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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. Well, the weather looks pretty lousy for fans on Sunday at the Ralph


    cold (40's) and rainy.


    Obviously - 40's is positively toasty for January 2 but I think I speak for everyone when saying I would rather watch a game in the 20's and dry or even 20's and snowing rather than 40's and rain.


    We are looking at light rains mostly but they may become moderate as the game progresses. I figure the crowd will still stay in it (I always like bad weather for away games since it quiets the crowd usually). The Bills crowd however can be counted on to make some noise even in these conditions! Bang those seats people when the Steelers have the ball!!!!




    Denver weather remains the same as my earlier forecast : cold (mid 30's) but calm and dry. Go Colts!!!



  2. horse's butt


    What a surprise that HE is the one salivating over the "hatred" and "desire for revenge" Cowher has for Donahoe.


    Just because YOU can never let any "slight" die (Jerry once sent me an email - filled with expletives -describing how much he hated TD), your "standards" (ha!) don't apply to the rest of those who have at least a smidgen of self -esteem. Cowher's goal is to win the Super Bowl. Period. He doesn't waste a second worrying about what Donahoe does or says. The proof is in how well his team's perform for him. You may think he has something up his butt for TD but, again, you have no perspective on how normal people treat each other.


    get a life jerry - I am sure Tom doesn't waste a nanosecond on your opinion of him.


    he's a better man than you. live with it. (actually, I think Jerry needs to be in counselling).


    The Evening News needs at least one new reporter.

  3. The only time the "experts" will predict the Bills in the playoffs is after they have made it.


    These guys should be in my line of work - when I forecast 8 out of every 10 storms right, I get chastised for thetwo I get wrong. The NFL 'experts" predict wrong over 50% of the time..and yet we keep coming back to them for their expert opinions.


    God are we stupid or what?


    (oops, gotta go. Mort is answering questions on ESPN. he's ALWAYS right) ;)

  4. http://www.indystar.com/articles/6/205289-1016-036.html


    Note that James is very motivated to play. Contrast this to what the Steeler PLAYERS are saying,


    "A week or two off to rest and let my body heal up is appealing" (Bettis, Burress among others)




    Looking at the Rams game, Pennington's numbers on the road this year are AWFUL. He played in five games (he was out of two game with his shoulder injury). In the five games he threw only three td's (two of them came in week two vs the Chargers). He has also thrown 5 int's in these five games. His total yardage was


    258 (SD 2 td's, 0 ints), 143(Fish 0 td's 1 int), 162(NE 0 and 0), 141(Buf - inj, 1 td, 1 int), 189(pit 0 td's 3 ints)


    The Rams gameplan should be obvious - 8 guys in the box, bump the WR's at the line forcing CHUUUHADDD to throw over the top. Meanwhile, the Rams O can hit them with Stephen Jackson/ Faulk and go after them through the air with Holt and Bruuuuuce.


    Pennington needs to play with a lead- the longer the game goes on with the Jets behind or tied....look out.



  5. BADOBILZ - Maybe I have missed you on my list of posters who post ridiculously but my recollection is you usually post well thought-out comments


    but your last post IS ridiculous


    Have you watched how Denver has played the last four weeks?


    What exactly was KC and Oakland playing for?

    Have you played sports yourself? Do you think Manning, Harrision, James etc would go out there and simply go through the motions? Do you honestly believe their presence on the field is irelevant?


    Your post basically states, "Denver will win regardless of who the Colts put out there. Let's not even play the game"


    With that attitude you must give up early all the time. The game hasn't even started yet. let them play it. As a Bills fan, you undoubtedly are very familiar with losing the big one. Well, that doesn't mean you should simply give up hope.


    The Bills may not make the playoffs. O.K. I agree. But a Colts win helps the Bills. Who the Colts put on the field matters. Period.


    If you disagree, fine, but some of us here- myself included - fervently have the opposite opinion.


    Go Colts!!!!



  6. I am going to remember this one - If Clayton gets this wrong


    The reason I posted this with the "Contrary to earlier reports..."


    Dungy stated yesterday and this morning - and several players (including Manning last night at halftime) said the same - that the Colts would play this game to win with all their starters going for the entire game. The only addendum was "If we have a huge lead we may sit some players"


    That is not at all what Clayton is reporting.


    We shall see.



  7. Contrary to earlier reports, John Clayton reported a few minutes ago that the Dolts will sit their two starting CB's. LB Morris and starting guard.


    He also stated, "Conventional wisdom states that the Colts will only play Manning for 1/2"


    Hopefully, Clayton has he head up his butt still, that's what he reported.



  8. weather in denver looks good at this time - mdh


    (mid 30's, calm and dry)




    My opinion on playing a 'real" game when it has no bearing on playoff position is that you are crazy to play starters for more than one quarter




    The coach and the players are all stating they will play the entire game.


    If they are in th entire game, Colts will win ...hands down


    now explain the 9 point spread FOR Denver????


    something does not compute.

  9. This is a medium range forecast so it is subject to some change;


    Denver, CO; Gametime 4:15 EST


    Mostly cloudy, 33-35 degrees, slight chance of showers, light winds


    (Can't complain!!)




    Orchard Park, NY ; Gametime 1 pm EST


    Mostly Cloudy, chance of showers early, increasing chance of rain as game progresses

    high 38-40, light winds


    (If I remember, I will provide an updated forecast later this week)



  10. Bengals | Palmer Might Play in Week 15 - from www.KFFL.com

    Thu, 16 Dec 2004 11:26:19 -0800


    Mark Curnutte, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, reports Cincinnati Bengals QB Carson Palmer (knee) held out hope that he would play in Week 15, just one day after all but declaring himself out for the game against the Buffalo Bills. "I'm hoping for this week," Palmer said Thursday, Dec. 16, during a lunch break at Paul Brown Stadium. "I'm going to see a doctor again (Friday, Dec. 17), so we'll find out (Friday)." Palmer did not go out for the beginning of practice. Instead, he continued the regimen of exercises and treatment to try to strengthen the sprained MCL in his left knee. "I've been doing tons of rehab," Palmer said. "It's getting better every day. I'm just working out all the muscles around it."

  11. This is a long range forecast but I want to take into account the "weather audience" on the bulletin board

    (ie: lots of Buffalonians)....to us, "snow showers" could mean as much as 4" of snow. In my current locale, 4" of snow is a "snowstorm".


    To be more precise (and precision in a 5-day forecast leaves a lot to be desired), we are looking at some accumulating snows of 1-3" but the winds are the bigger factor as they wil be in the 20-25 mph range with gusts (very similar to several Bills games this year at the Ralph (Cardinal, Jets, and Browns)...Hey! Those were all wins! (how nice)


    As the date approaches, and either I remember or someone kindly reminds me (duh), I will find this thread (or start a new one) to update the forecast.



    Pres, CNJBBB

    and oh yeah, meteorologist

  12. Hey Bill,


    TD has not made any dumb trades yet.


    Travis only counts $1 mil against the cap next year. If healthy, that is a very reasonable price for a quality backup at a critical position. Everyone, including him by now, knows he is the backup.


    Besides, there is no such thing as a running back controversy.


    If someone offers a decent, fair trade - TD will act. Otherwise, I expect Travis to be Willis' backup


    Of course, Shaud Williams looked awfully good last Sunday.... :P

  13. "I had hoped I had played my last down here," he said. "I don't want to have to go in under these circumstances. But this is the lot I've been given."


    He had no doubt he would be ready if called upon to start against the Bills.


    "I'll be fine," said Kitna, who was 9-for-13 passing for one touchdown and one interception at New England. "I've been in this league for a long time."




    -bottom of article


    One would THINK he would WANT to play - not sit on the bench.

    But there's that quote staring at you.... :devil:

  14. It's true, DeeRay, that the bengals are better than the Browns but it is not a slam dunk that they are better than the Seahawks, Rams, and even the Dolphins OF LATE (Fish have played well their last 4 weeks!).


    Offensively, the bengals are #13 but the seahawks, rams and fish are 6,8 and 27 (Thus the first two have better offenses).


    defensively, the Bengals are #24 while the seahawks, rams and fish are 22,23, and 8th respectively (Thus all three of our former opponents have better defenses)


    Kitna at QB would benefit the Bills but not as much as typically occurs when the number 1 guy is out (Palmer has played well - particularly of late). Kitna is a more-than-adequate #2 (A number 1 on several teams no doubt) but he has not had a lot of practice with the number 1 team and will be prone to throw ints.


    All this said, yes - if Drew throws an Egg game than the season is over but I have been impressed with the way the team has picked Drew up since the Patsie debacle. He actually played poorly in the Seahawk game (at times) but the team barely burped at his misthrows.


    Also, Clements has SOMEHOW figured out a way to get Drew to throw screens. I can't, for the life of me at this point, figure out how he has done this but it is a fact that Drew has thrown 2-4 screens every game for the last 4 games. SUCCESSFULLY.


    I thought it was against his religion or something :o


    So, IMO, the Bills CAN win but this will be a hard fought game right down to the wire.


    No relaxing 2nd half this game folks.



  15. give up 48 points to CLEVELAND?!?!?


    Were the Browns that good offensively that given Sunday ??? Kelly Holcomb was at QB at that point. That probably meant a lot but the Bengal defense is ranked at #24 will the Brown defense is #21.


    The Bills definitely need to score on the Bengals. Their offense is too good to shut down (ranked #13 while the Browns are ranked #28)..of course there it is again the #28 offense scored 48 points...... :o

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