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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. Let's face it - the last thing one can call TD is "sentimental".


    I imagine belicek was called a lot of dirty names in the past - he handles his players like meat on hte spit when it comes to $$. Obviously it has paid off bigtime.


    As to the JJ and PW - JJ isclearly gone. But his loss is due to his salary demands. Period. Obviously we all prefer he stay but the Bills can't afford to over pay for him - the question is folks, can the bils afford to pay a fair value for him? The answer is moot since he is going tot he highest bidder and someone WILL over pay (thus my conclusion JJ is gone). BTW: Last year was the only year he did not miss time with a high ankle sprain.


    As to PW - I do think TD is trying to get him "on the cheap" and is holding up Sam Adams' contract as his selling point. All of you angry with TD, have you looked at Sam's deal? Do you realize the Bils are only paying him $2,625,000 in TOTAL cap this year? Now, PW wants at least 5 mil. so his agent says.


    Who's closer to the true value pf PW? (TD's version or PW?) IMO, TD should look at the offer PW gets and if it is in between Sam's and PW's, then sign him. BTW, there is the danger of overpaying PAT and ticking off Sam.


    I'd prefe to keep PW only if we can get him for numbers close to Sam's, otherwise, promote from within (at the same time, there are a few decent players on the market who could come cheap - Jason Ferguson or Leonardo Carson come to mind). The Bills don't need to have the number 2 defense to go to the playoffs. We do need to outscore our oppenents. I'd prefer TD use his money to get us the best team possible (duh)


    Losing JJ is big but the Bills do have $8-9 mil to play with. Plus we have Travis to deal.


    Let's see what happens and hold off crucifying TD. Besides, TD's entire Bills existence is in the hands of JP now. Everyone knows this.



  2. although he seems old to me to be classified a RFA, aparently he is and the Jests tendered him for a low number whereby the Bils can grab him the price of a 7th rounder IF they can get him to sign a contract. Supposedly, parcells is hot for him.


    He's not young but he ain't ancient either


    I'm surprised the Jets didn't get hin signed for something more than the basic tender. His numbers are decent and he is a big part of their Defense



  3. this report makes sense AND contradicts the ridiculous report from the Miami Herald where it was reported that TRAVIS was the holdup to the trade since he did not want to play out his contract. A bug duh since of course he'd like to become a FA next year and get the hell out of Arizona.


    Travis may indeed be the holdup since he wants either a "lucrative" extension of freedom to walk next year.


    If Travis has any kind of an agent (who realizes he has a numbskull for a client - albiet an athletically gifted one!), he'll get Travis to sign a contract quickly else he'll end up sulking on the Bills bench next year.


    My guess is that Travis will be persuaded to take the cash and start for the Cardinals until he gets hurt again (probably sometime in Week 8). Meanwhile, LJ replaces JJ and the Bills either sign Pat for the same amount they signed Big Sam or they use the money on a new TE.



  4. uh-uh


    nice try


    but Adam's "deal" is 120% becasue his salary last year was MORE THAN (!) the average of the top five kickers in the league. Thus, if he were paid at the top five average asthe franchised player his salary would actually GO DOWN


    To compensate for this very rare occurrence, the NFLPA and the owners put into the contract the guarantee of top five average or 120% of the previous year whichever is higher

  5. Remember that Green Bay is currently OVER the cap (projected by $3 mil).


    The Bills do have a little more wiggle room IF they can lock up Shelton/Henry deal


    Renegotiate Mike Williams to free up space.


    I stil see jennings walking BUT the franchising of Jennings does intrigue me since the market for LT's is getting bigger every day (limited resource and highly regarded position). One can only figure that if TD can trade Peerless that he can do the same for Jennings. BUT the bills will need to juggle contracts I think to do all of this.


    Clumping Platelets?? can you speculate on the possibility of


    Trade + Franchising + offer for Franks?

  6. Good Post "Buffalo Wing" - you should post more often.


    I am only now learning about LJ - but, it sounds to me like a one - for - one deal is going to be a hard sell. My CNJBBB club meets today and I am sure there will be different opinions voiced! (aka Henry is worth MORE than a sometimes backup oft-injured LT/RT...yada yada). My opinion is that LT's are VERY VALUABLE. This guy is young (29) and signed through 2008 at $3 mil per. whatfriggin bargain.


    That said, I am confident that TD with McNally's input will correctly value LJ and will "up" the deal if nec (but no way a 1st rounder...I think EVERYONE is in agreement on THAT one!).


    I agree with you that JJ walks. In fact, it sounds to me like he walks no matter what. $10 mil bonus is an awful lot for him BUT the Bills will need to replace him if he does walk.


    I agree with you Price must be signed but can we be sure that all the other teams failto realize his value? If even one does, Price's price shoots up!


    I agree too that PW will resign. He has stated publicly he won't be unreasonable which means ubless TD is stupid, he will only SLIGHTLY undervalue PW - high enuf to not insult him but low enuf to make him quite bargain. I'd say something like 4 years, $5-6 mil bonus or higher + base salaries of 2,3,5,6 (=$22-$23 mil + contract)


    I agree (hey, we're on a role!) about signing a new TE. Whom I have no idea. Franks will be franchised. Gates will require a 1st rounder to steal away.



    I don't agree about Batch - as far as I am aware he has done nothing to warrant being a 2nd stringer lately. I look for McMahon or maybe even McNown from Arizona (I'd LOVE this!).


    gotta go cut up wings now........


    Go Bills!!!




  7. IF the Bills trade for Shelton and

    IF the Bills can sign Pat Williams

    THEN tagging Jennings makes a LOT of sense - not because the Bills can simply keep JJ but because then they would have the option to TRADE him.


    This scenario makes a lot of sense to me IF all this can be done under the current cap situation. I am completely in the dark (fact and opinonwise) on the Mike Williams contract plans. This will play a major role in the maneuvering room moneywise for the Bills.



  8. There are actually TWO issues on the money side


    1.) yes, he would get paid like a high draft pick - based not on his selection in the supplemental draft but based on his expected value if he had come out for the normal draft. I am sure TD would argue this point though :doh:


    2.) Clubs are allowed a certain amount of money to sign draft picks. How this plays out in the supplemental draft is unclear to me since the pick would be charged to NEXT season. in other words, if the Bills were to use it to draft him in round 1, then they would lose (be charged) their number 1 pick for 2006.


    Thanks to all of you for letting me know his situation - I couldn't figure out why anyone would do what he is reportedly thinking of doing.

  9. Matt Lienart, the Heisman Trophy winning quarterback from USC, is considering entering his name in the supplemental draft, according to The New York Post.


    He would have gone very high if not 1st in this year's NFL draft.


    It makes no sense whatsoever to me for Matt to do what is suggested in the Post


    but - if he did -


    The Bills WOULD have a 1st round pick in the supplemental draft. This draft is weighted like the NBA lottery. Which means it is possible (slim slim) that the Bills could get the number 1 pick.


    stranger things have happened ..... ithink :doh:

  10. The Seattle Seahawks on Wednesday reached a seven-year agreement worth more than $50 million with Pro Bowl left tackle Walter Jones, avoiding him being tagged the team's franchise player for the fourth consecutive year.


    Cross him of the Bills fans "in our dreams" list


    Seahawks still have tag left to put on either Alexander or Hasselbeck


    (If I were Matt, I'd leave. To many dropsy receivers)

  11. I think the thing that bugs some of us is that (in the perfect Bills World) JP and Drew would compete (The Competition) for the job and JP would win THEN the Bills could keep Drew or release him.


    Of course even in this PERFECT scenario, Drew would cost us more since his bonus kicks in on March 2 (prior the the competition I spoke of)


    The premise that Drew should take a paycut prior to The Competition is unreasonable. Why should he take a paycut if he's the starter? Plus, by taking a paycut he has to admit he is a backup prior to his losing the job.


    All this points to the now obvious future: Drew gets cut next week.


    I agree with those who are worried about JP - he has proven absolutely nothing yet at the NFL level. Or has he? The coaches have seen him in practice and the scouts in college games. They are obviously of the opinion that JP was worth the trade up and is now worth the risk of wasting a playoff year (potentially) while he "grows up".


    There is nothing left for us fans but to hope and wait. meanwhile, I'd like to see the extra $$ saved by releasing Drew and reworking some more contracts to shore up the offensive line, extend Clements, and/or sign Williams and Jennings. Maybe sign a new TE?


    At least this boring offseason isn't because the Bills have no money (like three years ago). Its because the Bills have few needs.


    Plus, there is still the Travis trade to wait for.

  12. good news indeed. One would hope that this gives the Bills adequate space to sign Jennings and Williams.


    In FA, it would be great if the Bills can pick up one more offensive lineman.


    The DB situation still sits there: If they keep him, then we know where we stand but if they cut him then the Bills will need a backup (or competitor!) to JP.

  13. F-F-S one thing I am pretty sur you are saying but may not be clear to other readers is that you are assuming Drew will both compete AND agree to a salary cut if he fails to win the starting job. (You mentioned him "putting his job on the line at the cost of millions to himself")


    I am not stating as FACT that Drew would not agreee to this but if that is what the Bills expect of him, I doubt (my opinion!) Drew will go for this.


    My thread stated that the Bills MIGHT NOT force Drew to modify his contract - even if JP wins the job. This is how you getthe "backup making a helluvalot more money than the starter" scenario.


    One reason I am looking at this this is way is the fact that Donahoe actually offered Rob Johnson a fairly large salary if he stayed on (it was still a big cut - I know - but , as I recall it, it still amounted to millions. Suffice it to say, I was pleased RJ told TD to stuff it). It is all a matter of looking at the total package - similar to the way TD looked at the draft two years ago: Getting Kelsay and McGahee both was a steal but the Bills did it "backwards" (McGahee 1st and Kelsay 2nd). What does it matter if Kelsay wasn't 1st? We still drafted the same two players (as it turned out, no one thinks McGahee would be there in round 2 anyway so TD played his cards PERFECTLY).


    In the same token, does it matter if Drew makes more than JP regardless of who starts? Only if one is certain JP is better than Drew in 2005 and there is someone out there to back up JP for less money than Drew is making (this latter scenario is obvious but I am being ridiculously meticulous here). What I am obtusely saying is that Drew #1 + JP #2 costs the same as JP #1 and Drew #2. We all prefer JP wins the job but if he doesn't then that means Drew is better. period. (and oh sh@T!)



  14. How do you know that?


    JP has seldom worked with the 1st string

    he has a rocket arm and can move all over the place.

    In college, he played behind a trerrible o-line and still managed to put up TD's, Yardage, and W's.


    Although injured, he has had an entire year to learn the playbook. He is not a rookie anymore.


    Your statement - if it came to pass - would mean that Drew would not get the chance to win the job. Don't you think he would know this has happened if it does (in other words, if he loses the job but not the competition)? This would mean he would be disgruntled and would undoubtedly be a pariah on the team.




    JP has to win the job outright or sit and learn for another year.


    Like I said, I hope he wins it but WIN it he must. Having the job handed to him guarantees the Bills another year with no playoffs. Some young QB mature quicker than others. let's see if JP is one of them. Mularkey does not come across to me as a "let's just give him the job" type of coach. he believes in giving men the opportunity to prove themselves. To the victor shall go the spoils.....


    Here's hopin'......

  15. The Bledsoe discussions are based on two assumptions which - to me - are not "slam dunks"


    1.) That Drew would never accept the role as backup

    2.) That Donahoe would not pay Drew starter $ as a backup


    As for #1, at some point Drew will accept that his skills have declined and that their are 32+ QB's out there better than him. There is no guaranteed blueprint for this assessment. It is based on not only the actuall level of a player's current abilities but also the subjective opinion of the player and management(s). That's part of playing the game - how much does a guy have left? Will a change of scenary raise his level of play? etc. What I am saying is that Drew MAY accept going into training camp with the understanding that he will have to WIN the starting job and agree that if he loses he will be a trouper and be ready-to-go but still the clipboard holder. I don't think it is a certainty that Drew will rule this out. He may though (of course).


    As for #2, the Bills cap situation WITH DREW is not bad (~ +7.5 mil under the cap). Dropping Drew right away puts the Bills in the situation of ASSUMING JP is ready AND necessitates them to pick up a new QB to back up JP. They will have to pay this guy too (duh). Since the Bills only save ~ 2 - 2.5 mil dropping Bledsoe then we are only talking about a small overall savings PLUS we will forced to go down the JP road without being sure he is ready OR able to do so. In addition, the new guy will need to learn a completely new offense.


    See what I am saying? IF Drew is willing to fight for his job AND be a "good boy" if he loses, then I don't see the release of Drew as the obvious thing to do.


    My own view of this is that I would LIKE to see JP BEAT Drew and have Drew as the (albiet highly paid!) backup. Three years ago, Brady was the starter for about a buck fifty while Drew held the clipbaord for $6 mill. The result? The Patsies won the Super Bowl and Drew came in at a critical spot to win the AFC Championship game. So it is not unheard of to - for a brief time - have the backup QB making more than the starter (actually , for a time, RJ made more than Dougie while Flutie started).



    Central NJ Bills Backers

  16. No change in tomorrow's forecast at the Ralph - cool and rainy (mid 40's), winds will be a bit of an issue 10-15 with gusts in the 20's


    Denver's forecast has warmed a bit to the mid 40's.


    I think we need a minimum of a 14 - point lead before the scrubs come in on offense for the Colts.


    For the Jest game, IF the Rams can keep it close (and the Jets are GONE if they fall behind after the 1st quarter) I see a very close game with a Ram victory. I can't see Chuhhhhad bring the Jests back from being behind.


    The Jests need a lead .... EARLY


    If the Jests blow it, I am soooooooo looking forward to the whines from the Jest "fans" on Monday on WFAN in NY.


    Go Bills!!



  17. Sorry.


    My wife, RevNJoisy (and I) figured out many years ago....


    God doesn't give a flying F about footballl.


    It's the only explanation for years of Cowboy/Jerry Jones/ Helmet Hair's Super Bowls.


    plus Homerun throwback, "Just give it to them", etc


    leave God out it.


    At BEST, He/She doesn't care.


    At worst.....(gulp!).......


    Anyway, God is VERY busy these days in Asia....sigh :ph34r:

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