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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. From ESPN:



    In a move that will create competition among two youngsters for the right offensive tackle spot, the Seattle Seahawks released starter Chris Terry, whose combination of injuries and off-field problems likely cost him his job.



    ........ the Seahawks signed him to a new five-year, $19 million contract following the 2002 season, \


    From just a football standpoint, Terry could attract some attention now that he is a free agent, because there is no denying his talent. He is an unusual tackle, in that he plays the strong side position, but is regarded as a better pass protector than run blocker. Any team that considers Terry, however, will have to factor in his past off-field problems and that he missed considerable playing time the last two seasons.


    Terry was suspended for four games in 2003 because of a repeat violation of the NFL's substance-abuse policy. He was also fined an additional five game checks that year for violating the league's personal conduct policy. In 2004, he started in just eight games, largely because of a shoulder injury that eventually required surgery.


    The former University of Georgia standout still had three seasons remaining on the five-year contract signed in 2003 and was scheduled to earn a $3 million base salary in 2005.




    Apparently, when physically, healthy - this guy is good


    NOT your typical Bills signing since it sounds like there are major character issues.

  2. ALSO...


    Some of those companies out there that don't pass on the domain registration charge actually lay ownership to the domain name.  It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. 


    Go to one of the larger ones, Yahoo, IPower, Interland, 1&1, and so on.






    Thanks for the input - I just emailed the guy who helps me out (ie: does most of the work!) for our current website. He may pm you. (His name is Tom Kelley)



  3. Hi everyone:


    I want to move my group's host site (which is free but unstable and very small) to a paid (or free if it's > 100 mb at least and projected to be stable) host site.


    I PLAN to establish my group's domain name through yahoo who is currently offering a deal for $5 per year up to five years (so for $25 I can lock in my group's domain name). But I am confused about the difference (if any) between a host site that charges for domain registration and for domain transfer. It appears that at least some (if not all) charge the same price per year for registration OR transfer)


    There are a zillion host sites out there but I am far from expert on figuring out what is critical and what is fluff. For example, dot.easy offers a free host (but charges a $35 transfer fee to transfer an existing domain name OR $18 to initialize and maintain the site (PER?) year).


    The free services doesn't include subdomains, SSI's (?) or a static IP address.

    (This last one makes me nervous)


    My main goals are simple: I want to be able to print up Membership Cards that have our group's website KNOWING it won't be moving around making the cards obsolete. Second, I want enough space to be able to have a reasonable number of gif files (photos mostly) 100 mb min but I prefer say 500 or 1000 mb. I also want the site to not have some inherent difficulty "built in" (ie: a bait and shift key missing piece) to make the site practically useless for most everyone to access. I don't know if I need worry about this or not.


    Any wise/knowledgeable assistance/advice would be appreciated. Some sites distinguish between linux and windows based services. What are the main issues with this distinction since windows-based is always more expensive?


    Thanks everyone



    Pres, CNJBBB

  4. Whoops, I messed up the date. :P  I changed it to the 20th.


    It's probably easier to send payment (Paypal or check) to me; I know Campy's had some problems with his internet connection and all.  However, if people feel more comfortable sending it to Campy, that works for me; just realize that there will be a delay of a few in getting the DVDs.  People would also have to clearly state that it's a donation for DVDs so he doesn't think it's just a plain donation.


    BTW Rich -- you can make your donation in wings; pack 'em in dry ice and send them my way, ok? :P





    Expect a check from me - only have to remember....duh...


    Having some real wing withdrawal huh my friend? I'll be cooking 'em up this saturday - The CNJBBB is meeting to discuss a new webhost and other business. I plan to have on the CD of the Seahawks game you gave me.


    (didn't mean to rub this in :lol: - Look at it this way, September is only (gulp) 6 months away.)



  5. Hey fez - Sunday 3/15/05?


    Today is 3/15/05




    Where do you want the checks sent? To You or directly to Campy?


    I suggest that you enlist campy to take checks sent to him and then to email mail you with the send WHICH DVDs to WHOM afterwards - I mean for all you are doing for him, I think it isn't asking much for him to simply do some of the paperwork


    justa sug.








  6. again..you're assuming too much. How do you know he hasn't properly invested after that? If not, why would travis play one more year at a low salary with the risk of injury on a poor team when he can hold out for much more?




    Well, we are going to have to just agree to disagree


    You may be right but from what i have heard/observed I am of the opinion of if it walks like a duck...blah blah


    IF Travis hold out - then you will be proven right.

    If he plays under the current agreement then I get the swing


    If he signs a new Long Term contract for LOTS of money - you win again. If for low money ..me and if for medium money. Then we shake hands huh?



  7. You're assuming too much, If travis is traded without a contract extension, he is likely to sit out for a season and avoid injury. Cardinals aren't going to have that. He wants and needs to get an extension to be moved. You can say that TD can do what he wants because he owns TH, which I believe you are saying, but its not that simple.




    Ahh! That would be a perfectly reasonable scenario for any RB of Travis' talent except you are forgetting one thing;


    Travis is rather - how shall put it? - "undisciplined" with his finances. - he can't afford to sit out. He signed the extension because he was in deep debt and needed more money. The extension was such a bargain I almost fainted when I first heard about it.


    Travis is trying to play hard ball with TD and Green but I am willing to betcha he's scared out of his mind that someone will call his bet. And guess what? TD (and Green too probably) know that Travis can't afford to sit out. He's holding a losing hand. Travis will play wherever he's sent (or not sent).

  8. Yeah, but what if Denny lands a RB he wants in the draft or FA?




    He (Green) may very well be thinking along these lines but then are you sure that this makes the Henry for Shelton deal LESS likely?


    The scuttlebutt is that the Cards want Travis to sign a long term deal and w/o it won't make the trade. But, if the Cards plan to draft a RB in round 1, then wouldn't they prefer the one-year Travis Henry loan (the "payment" being the dumping of Shelton and his $3 mil salary) while the new RB gets his NFL legs? If Travis plays well, then they can neg. a new deal OR use the new RB. whatever.


    Remember , Travis is C-H-E-A-P. A $1.25 mil backup RB is reasonable if the guy is any good at all - Henry is a one time pro bowler yada yada.


    Green MUST get rid of Shelton. The question is, what can he get for him? IS a 4th or worse pick in 2005 better than Travis straight up? Of course not.

  9. There is one thing that is DEFINITE folks - let's start there.


    Green has absolutely painted himself into a corner - Shelton MUST be traded. They already have not only signed a new lineman they (incredibly IMO!) publicly announced their starting Offensive line -which (duh :lol: ) did not include Shelton. A BACKUP making $3 mil per year??? That the coach has publicly decried???


    So - given that eveyone including my grandmother - knows that Shelton is bye-bye, let's look at whom is in the running for Shelton.


    Chicago is now out of the picture after their big OT signing of whats-his-name


    That leaves Tampa and.....Buffalo. ANyone else know of any other teams in the Shelton "sweepstakes"?


    Those of you willing to offer Henry AND a pick....well, I'm glad TD is in charge.


    TD IS good at this folks. I still can't believe he was able to get a 1st rounder out of Atlanta for a player the Bills had no intention of signing. I think he is running Green in so many circles his head is spinning.


    Now, with Travis, we are really in the drivers seat. WE DON'T HAVE TO TRADE HIM. A $1.25 mil backup RB who has rushed twice for 1400 yards? OVERPAID? I don't think so :lol:


    So, Green has TWO choices. Trade Shelton to Tampa for a 2nd DAY pick OR trade with Buffalo for Henry (and a Ariz conditional pick based on performance?)


    If I forgot a team in the Shelton market - please chime in. Actually, I am surprised no one else is in the mix but that seems to be the case.




  10. sometimes, and I don't mean all the time that's for sure....


    A person turns one of life's negatives into a positive.


    For example, LYNN Swann became a tough, football player after being teased as a child about his first name.

    ROSIE Greer (ditto)


    JP - has an effiminate quality - certainly not something that would be helpful to him with a bunch of atheletes where attitude (appearance!) often plays a role in performance.


    JP may be one of those who always has to prove himself to new people who make the wrong assumption based on his looks/voice/ and demeanor.


    We may have the real deal folks in this "kid" (MAN)


    To say the least, this episode gave me a sliver more hope. On the field will be (and should be) the true measure. My prediction at this point, is that JP CAN be measuredRIGHT NOW by what he has done on the field (yes, college) so far and not by what he looks like on ESPN . I think the ESPN naysayers will be singing a new tune ....and soon. ELI - eat JP's dust.


    Go Bills!!



    CNJBBB - Home of "Bills Central" The place to be for wings outside of WNY (drop by and see us when you are in the neighborhood!)

  11. I agree GG


    I think some of the GM's are using the media bigtime - no need to bring in any ringers


    Like I said in a post last week - Dennis should learn from the computer in WarGames the best choice is not to play


    (....ie: games with TD - you'll lose)


    On the other hand, TD now has me so befuddled I am not sure he even WANTS Shelton now! :huh:

  12. Bills | Henry for Shelton Trade Dead? - from www.KFFL.com

    Sat, 5 Mar 2005 05:50:37 -0800


    ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports a potential trade between the Buffalo Bills and Arizona Cardinals that would have sent RB Travis Henry to Arizona for OT L.J. Shelton appears dead.


    Bears | Landing Spot for Shelton? - from www.KFFL.com

    Sat, 5 Mar 2005 05:49:45 -0800


    ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports the Chicago Bears appear to be the likely landing spot for OT L.J. Shelton, of the Arizona Cardinals, who is on the trading block.





    Bears | Miller Agrees to Five-Year Deal - from www.KFFL.com

    Mon, 7 Mar 2005 12:57:34 -0800


    Jay Glazer, of FOXSports.com, reports the Chicago Bears have agreed to a five-year deal with free agent OT Fred Miller (Titans). Financial terms were not disclosed.





    One would think now that Pas hass got #2 wrong already since the bears just signed Miller.


    Probably is 2- for 2 in getting the "dead trade" wrong too.

  13. I am finally grasping this.


    TD , Clements, and our line coach have developed a brand new scheme to take advantage of a highly mobile QB - The FLAM Line (Fast, Light, Agile and Mobile)


    That's why TD is signing guards and letting the tackles depart.


    Why go this route?


    A.) Takes advantage of JP's strength (speed)

    B.) Takes advantage of the lower cost of guards and centers

    C.) confuses the hell out of defenses who can no longer time their blitzes to a location plus makes FAT defensive linemen have to run more to get to the QB.


    So, it's not that we are being outbid - we aren't even in the bidding.


    Time to put Mike Williams on a diet.


    o.k. o.k. how does this help our run game?


    good question! :o




  14. Good post, Rich. I appreciate everything you say, and try to keep the faith, but I tend also to lean with Kelso regarding JP, though maybe for a different reason. It's just simply impossible to predict if JP will be better or worse than  Drew. Some think of Big Ben and some think of Eli. Personally, I'd take someone in the middle...but to predict any results based on what one thinks JP will do is nothing more than optimistic speculation.


    Do I think we can open 0-4 next year? I can only tell you I was convinced we wouldn't open 0-4 last year, so this year I'll act wiser. Yes, I think we can and no, I hope we don't. There's no way to know for sure, but anything is possible.




    Hey LA!


    Although I amy sound like it in my posts in this thread, I am not an Optimistic Opie. I try to be realistic in my expectations. I do agree that it impossible to predict how good or bad JP is at this point (He could be the reincarnation of RJ or the next Brett Favre - more likely - he is somewhere in between).


    What I AM tring to predict here is what he has to do to get the Bills to 10+ wins.


    I asked myself (and everyone here) to consider this.


    He is coming into a situation with a good to very good (perhaps excellent) defense. This means he should not be way behind that often.


    He is coming into a situation with an excellent ST - which means good field position OR points on the board directly from a ST score.


    he is coming into a situation with what looks like a very good to great running back.


    Now, my first ASSUMPTION is that Clements/Mularkey/Donahoe will provide him with enough pieces to give him a decent to very good run game and short passing attack.


    (Note: I already am convinced JP is a better screen pass thrower than Drew - of course, I think I am a better.....)


    My point is that JP will be set up to succeed.


    Obviously, defenses will be set up to take away the short game and to confuse JP with all sorts of shifting fronts etc etc. This can be JP's undoing but the obvious first step is to severely limit JP's options - few or no audibles. if that fails then the next step is to allow JP to audible more. This could be JP's downfall or his salvation. BUT, the defense first has to stop the short game. Can they?


    The conclusion I come to is that the Bills have a team that can win with a QB asked to do very little. And I was ENCOURAGED by what I saw JP do in the preseason last year. Hardly a clearcut proof of anything but it does make one conservatively hopeful.



  15. Yes, I agree on all counts, but you fail to address what will happen with the departure of Pucillo.....




    I DID forget! Oh woe is me! ;)


    As to your comment, kelso, - I admit it, I think TD is infallible - I am "coming out" - the fact that I am not ripping him a new A-hole due to the loss of PW and JJ has brought me out of the closet. :doh:



    O.K. Kels - You are determined to make the point that JP can do worse than Drew. Fine, can you back up your statement? How many games did Drew win last year due to his play? let me help you out. The Bills won 9 games: Miami (twice), Jets, Seattle, St. Louis, Cinncinnati, San Franciso, Cleveland, Arizona. Now, how many would you say the Bills lost DIRECTLY due to Drew's play? The 7 losses were New England (twice), Jacksonville, Oakland, Jets, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh.


    Think about how the presence/absence of Willis played a role in the win or loss. Now replace JP in the games and think about where a win could have become a loss and vice versa.


    I would Drew's skills at the long ball and experience. JP would be escapability, arm strength, and the run threat.


    O.K. Fire away! I am truly interested in understanding your apparent certainty that the release of Drew and the replacement with JP was a bad decision.



  16. for some of you, I think it's a religion :doh:


    Both JJ and PW went for more than the Bills could afford.

    JJ was WAY overpaid for. Do any of you think JJ will play in 16 games this year? Howsabout 12? 10?

    PW will be 33 by the start of the seaosn. $4 mil per year? are you kidding me? Some of us would like to have a little $ around to sign Clements.


    Does the loss of JJ and PW mean the Bills might as well check off the 2005 season?




    Losing PW hurts but the Bills DID draft a new DT last season. When did you all expect him to start contributing? Do you all expect PW to play better next year? What about the year after that? Why draft Anderson at all if we have PW? Plus the Bills have Ron Edwards. Both young and cheap. The Bills were #2 last year defensively. If they drop to #5 or #10 does that mean they stink? How many games did the Bils lose due to the defense last year? How many more would they have won if the offense had put ONE (1!) TD on the board. Can JP do worse? You HAVE to be kidding.


    The Bills still have the #1 ST. Do you think that will change much with the exact same group of guys on the field?


    On offense, losing JJ hurts but we no longer have a statue in the backfield and Willis will be BETTER in 2005. It takes two years to recover from an ACL tear. This is COMMON knowledge. Do the Bills need a new LT? Of course. But they also could use a new TE, a new guard, and/or a new center. They still have $7 mil to spend. Oh, a new kicker wouldn't make me cry crocodile tears.


    Don't forget, folks, JP played behind a terrible line in college. His numbers were -shall we say - impressive under difficult circumstances? He certainly did not have WIllis McGahee to use as a decoy. BTW, how many points MORE do you think the Bills need to score per game to get that 10th win? Could 5 more starts from Willis and a QB that can actually MOVE add up to a few more points? You DON't think so??


    Last year, we saw the departure of Winfield. How many of you were angry at TD for letting him go? In retrospect, was he worth the price paid? Did not the defense do "o.k" without him? Did not the Bills defense get a few more INTs than a Winfield-led defense? In 2006, we can look back again on the loss of PW and JJ and make a retospective judgement. (we will also have compensatory picks - maybe - to paly with).


    In closing, do any of think the Bills will start off 0-4 this season?


    Then, cheer up! We are already ahead of the game.




  17. Given a choice, I would rather they cut Josh Reed than PP.

    Preston is very good on STs, and I dont know how many more drops I can stomach from Reed.




    I hear ya Bill but I'd hate to give up on this guy yet.


    He WAS great in college.

    He WAS great his first year.


    But he stunk year 2 and last year was a non-entity (although he was injured to be fair)


    My reasoning is that Reed is still very cheap and has the potential (perhaps) in the right circumstances to be a very good posession receiver. If I were the OC and/or HC, I would let hi know he's on the bubble and then see how he and JP work together. Will JP look to him as someone he can count on over the middle on third and 6-10?


    I hear how slow he is but then how did he catch so many passes in college and his rookie season?

    he's also a very good blocker.



  18. Hey clump are you willing to voice an opinion as to whether or not the Bills can and will clear more space?


    The Clements Pro Bowl was a real blow wasn't it?


    Any word of a rework of Mike Wiilliams contract ?


    (I am probably taking you to a palce you'd rather not go right?? :D )


    Thanks for all your efforts.



    (stop by the CNJBBB for a special order of Hot Wings for the Home Opener -- Hammer's Lot ,, date TBD)

  19. ?

    Why would Jerry Sullivan send you a personal email filled with expletives ?? I'm curious to hear more about that exchange.




    I sent him an email POLITELY disagreeing with him about his (then recent) assessment of TD and I also stated I thought his comments were sounding more personal than they were professional.


    I outlined the good (and the bad) IMO of TD's tenure to date and I suggested he do the same thing and consider perhaps atleast granting that TD had done some good for the team etc etc


    His response was that TD was bleep bleep bleep and would always be a bleep bleep bleep etc etc


    Let's just say that JS' reposnse didn't change my opinion that JS was writing more on some slight he felt rather than objectively evaluating the topic at hand.


    I don't read JS' artciles anymore.


    why bother?

  20. Teflon Tom. I'm sure he'll avoid any kind of ill will this year with a quick "Well JP's virtually a rookie" argument.





    Joe I couldn't disagree with you more


    Choosing JP over Drew DOES NOT and WILL NOT buy TD another year. Hopefully, we will never find out if I am right (which would mean JP performs as good or better than Drew in 2005).


    TD has made a lot of enemies in WNY - most notably J Sullivan. Your "teflon" comment sounds to me like you are of the opinion that TD never get fairly criticized.


    Sullivans personal email to me last year - filled with expletives - DID make me lean more towards the "maybe TD is being unfairly criticized at times" camp BUT my one and only motive/goal is for the Bills to win a Super Bowl. TD gets no slack from me on that.


    Therefore, my critique of TD to date is : The jury us Still Out


    But, he has CLEARLY made some very good moves. He has also made some mistakes but before you (or anyone else) retrospectively declares a TD move a "miss" versus a "hit", be fair and look at his hits too AND look at what the general expectations were of the the player in question at the time the move was made (Drew being the big one of course).


    Lasst year, the Defense was #2 and the ST were number 1. The coaching staff was MUCH improved and shoould be even better this year. Also, I think the Drew release was MULARKEY'S decision not Donahoes! The fact that both TD and Ralph went along does suggest, at the very least, that they were in agreement or were leaning that way anyway but - and Greg Williams is the perfect example - I think TD allows the Head Coach a considerable amount of decisionmaking power when it comes to keeping or releasing players. GW stunk but TD stuck by him. To his detriment obviously. GW was a mistake. Big Time.


    I like Muklarkey a lot and this gives me hope that he (and Wyche and Clements) TRULY think JP will be better in 2005 than Drew would have been.


    This bring me back to my first comment. Let's both hope JP never makes us call for TD's firing.


    Go Bills!

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