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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. Too many different schedules and we are a wider-spread group than you realize (Sid comes from 60 miles way as does Big dady Hulse (to "Bills Central" in Millstone NJ).


    Anyway, SOME car pooling but that is all.


    Mark will be bringing the hot peppers this year Mr Host.


    Be prepared to sweat. :blink:


    AS PER ALWAYS: BIG DADDY WILL TAKE ON ALL (alleged) CHALLENGERS! - to out hot him in hot pepper eating.


    My advice? be afraid, be very afraid.


    (His stomach is made of galvanized steel)

  2. Hi Hammer


    The CNJBBB has purchased 27 tickets so our contingent is even larger than last year.


    We will be cooking wings as per usual and require 2 parking spaces. One for Mike "Big Daddy" Hulse and one for Mark Week's truck.


    Lisa and I will be arriving with Mark in our car - we will simply park as close to the general area as we can but outside the Tent area is fine. The other members will have to do the same.




  3. CNJBBB Final count = 27


    Check in mail early Friday




    Looks like we will have a few cooks at the event huh?


    (actually, it will still be just Mark and I :lol: )



  4. Come Hungry.


    The CNJBBB is already starting to plump up the birds


    Hot wings :P - ICE COLD beer :P - a Buffalo stampede over the hapless, unfortunate texans. ;)


    Where else would you rather be?


    Go Bills!




    CNJBBB - Home of the best wings east of the Appalachians (New Jersey?!?!?...yep)


  5. add 7 more...we are up to 26! Deadline at my end is 4 pm today. I will pm you with final headcount and to let you know the check is in the mail.


    Man, can you taste the CNJBBB HOT Buffalo wings yet? :P


    I can



    Go Bills!




    cnjbbb pres.

  6. I know I know , TH talk and huge disaggreements yada yada


    but I still don't want to trade him for a LOW third rounder. (which is what an eagle pick next year will be)


    I prefer keeping him as a backup


    I realize I may be in minority but that is my opinion. If Philly is willing to make it conditional (+1000 yd = 2nd and +1500 = 1st)


    O.k. then

  7. Agents ALWAYS overstate how quickly their players can be back on the field.


    The fact that only one ligament was involved IS good news but the rehab is still 6 months to be able to START light practicing and no one recovers fully for at least 9-12 months. Typically longer for speed but being a TE Everett might not be as affected by that.


    My own prediction is that Everett will not suit up for a game at all this year and - if he does - it won't be until November.



    (PS: I am HARDLY a pro but I do have experinece in ACL tears - having torn mine twice inthe same knee. I did jog 22 miles on my "bad" legs last week so I am not a complete gimp (I did say "not a complete, mind you) <_<

  8. Lower bowl will cost you unless you can find someone at this site selling them.


    I think there are lots of great seats and that the upper bowl is fine but that's just me.


    Jay Rosen will be buying a block of seats (upper deck typically around the 30 yard line, shady side)


    Since I and the CNJBBB will be there enmass, and since I own seassn tix, I will (eventually) be selling my upper deck, 50 yard line seats for the Opener. I won't be sellign them, however, until summer at the earliest.


    So, if you wait a bit, Wallers (such as myself) will be selling tickets (at cost) to Bills fans.


    up to you...


    Go Bills!!






  9. FWIW: SI's Don Bank's in his latest article - part of which talks about TH but another talks about an LA football team, mentions the following:



    "So if it is the Saints, Chargers, Colts, Vikings or even the Raiders who move to L.A. -- and that's thought to be the order of likelihood -- look for the league to orchestrate the sale of the team to the buyer of its choosing before the relocation takes place."



  10. Jay


    I have put a deadline date for CNJBBB attendees of Wednesday May 11.


    I will contact you with the number of tickets on the 12th and mail the payment on the 13th.


    I am expecting something like 10-12.



  11. at least he hurt himself playing football.


    Cleveland's Kellen Winslow ran his motorbike into a curb yesteday and sent himself over the handlebars


    Injury status unknown but he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.


    oh, BTW he WAS wearing a helmet


    but....uh.....it flew off 'cause he hadn't strapped it on :blink:



    This year's Darwin Award nominees include an angry boyfriend who tried to break the windshield of his former grilsfriend's car with his shotgun




    no more boyfriend.


    you can't make this SHi@@ up

  12. I have not seen Lindell's numbers right next to Doug Brien's but it looks to me like Brien has made many more long kicks - yes, he choked last year in the Jets second playoff game but he nailed the winner in OT vs the Chargers.


    Can someone make a direct comparison? - I am on the run today and can't do it myself right now.

  13. This subject has been talked infinitum but I'll chime in hear 40+ yr fan (sigh, I can only chime in as 35+ ....I mean, I can't count games before age 8 can I?)


    In my opinion, if the rest of the league thinks Travis sucks then I keep him for the $1.25 mil charge this year. WE know he can run and catch and will give his all when in there. A backup RB for that price with his skills is a bargain. Why trade him for peanuts?


    A holdout means he loses $1.25 mil. I doubt he can stomach that. if I were TD, I'd call his bluff AND fine him. Big time - starting with the first mandatory mini camp.


    Plus, if he fails to show up for the last four games, his contract simply rolls over to next year. he'll be back to square one with a zillion $$ in fines.


    I say his threat is words, nothing more.


    Hey Travis! You signed the contract extension - the rest of the league thinks Clarrett (!!!??) is better than you (I disagree with that asessment but that is what happened) - swallow what pride you have left and come in a be a man. Play out your contract and play well. Next year will be payday for you.


    You can suffer and live off a measly 1.25 million bucks.

  14. i hadn't thought about it from that perspective, but you make some sense.  i also like that 4 of the first 6 are at home.  our fans should be smart enough not to get down on JP if things are a little bumpy and provide him with strong support.  by the middle of the year when the schedule toughens up, big cat should be on the prowl.




    uhhhhh, speaking of "smart" fans, would you mind threatening to beat the crap out of any fans near you that start the wave WHEN WE ARE ON OFFENSE!!!! :(


    When THEY have the ball. O.K. , idiots?!?!?

  15. In all my years of following football, I have never seen a tougher opening 1/2 of a season.



    at Carolina

    at Pittsburgh

    San Diego

    at Atlanta

    at Denver





    BYE week before Bills game, then after Colts it finally gets easier:


    at Miami

    New orleans

    at Kansas City


    at Buffalo

    Tampa Bay

    at Jets



    (well, not easy but easier.....) :(

  16. I have ordered omaha twice now for christmas for my parents and siblings (plus a package for me and the missus while I was at it)


    You have to really dig on the internet to find the best deals - believe me they have a zillion all with different prices.


    I like the strips and the filets myself.

  17. USA TODAY is reporting:


    In past years teams and networks knew the regular-season schedule a day in advance and some matchups were reported early. Now they will receive it only HOURS (my emphasis) before it is announced today on a two-hour special on NFL Network, which reaches 25 million homes.


    "This is a big day for the fans, and we wanted everyone to get the schedule information as simultaneously as possible," NFL Network publicist Seth Palansky said Tuesday.





    I wonder if the NFL Access channel is getting premium commercial $$


    Of course, then why not release the schedule IN primetime (say, 8 pm)??


    down the road I guess....

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