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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. OK early November.  Whenever the week after the Pats night game was; and I probably wouldn't have thrown him to the wolves at the end of that game.




    Buff - one comment - Your "throw him to the wolves" remark misses the point:


    Everyone (Except Mularkey) - including JP - commented afterwards that JP was not prepared to go in and that he should have been prepared. The game was over and Mularkey was not happy with JP's work that practice week. he decided to throw in JP to give him a quick dose of very cold water.


    Could he have gotten injured? Yes

    Would everyone have been furious at Mularkey if this had happened? Yes


    But the risk was, in Mike's opinion, worth it to prove several points.


    1.) Mularkey is in charge

    2.) You better be prepared to play whenever he says so

    3.) Don't waste practice time.


    It also gave JP a chance to play under the worst of circumstances (ie: Behind, late, against a great team in hostile territory)


    I think Mularkey may be a very special coach. It remains to be seen but he has impressed me with his smarts, ability to learn and most of all by his moxie. No punting on 4th downs from our opponent's 32 yard line anymorre folks. Thank goodness. You practice poorly? Here's your pink slip (Bobby Shaw). Not ready to play - throw 'em to the wolves.



  2. yup its going to be ugly here next season...the same people that said it wasnt drew's fault last season are going to blame it 100% on losman this year, believe you me...



    I am of the opinion that JP has a thicker skin than his "look-alike" RJ.


    But, anyway, that horse ain't out of the barn yet. We are favored to win folks. Which means...we might actually win...huh?


    Go Bills!


    Prediction 9/11/2005 : Bills 24 - Houston 17

  3. Rich, no offense, but you shouldn't be allowed to post before noon...  It always makes me really hungry. :doh:








    Good point. My bad. To make things worse for ya, Mark and I plan to fire up the cooker no later than 8:30 am on the 11th of September which means you actually COULD be eating them by 8:40 am.


    The CNJBBB meets this Saturday for "BeerHenge V" or BHV for short. Details at our website. In brief, we will meet, swim, eat wings and grilled food, and drink labatts putting empty bottles at each transient point around my pool. We are certain, one year, that this will attract aliens......anyway, we are willing to try. "course that does mean we hafta drink a lotta beer.


    sigh. :devil:

  4. I think most of us will agree that this argument Drew or JP has been battled to the point of nausea already. Regular readers of the Wall know the doom n' gloom prognosticators and the pie in the sky ones too.


    It is finally getting close enough to showtime to finally get some feel for this ie: Let's see JP on the field!


    Both "sides" have merit in my opinion. To the gloom people, I agree that it is rare that first year QB's shine. You can count them on one hand over the history of the NFL.


    To the pie people, I agree that the setup couldn't be better for JP except for a great offensive line - one huge pitfall to the pie people. But the Bills have a great (not just good) defense, a great running back (probably the best since OJ I think), the Special teams can score and keep opponents pinned deep. Only our kicker is suspect. Plus, our schedule is easy early - which gives JP the chance to come out of the shoot with some W's, even if he plays RATHER poorly.


    I do disagree however with the "one more year of Drew" people. Drew could not take this team to the playoffs IMO. Can JP? We'll see.


    Let's play ball - I am certain all of us here are hoping JP is better than we think (pie people too!)



    www.cnjbbb.org - The Place for Wings in NJ AND Hammer's Lot on Opening Day

  5. Bills | Quick Scoring Plays Allowed don't Come Easy

    Tue, 21 Jun 2005 10:15:14 -0700


    Since the start of the 2003 season, the Buffalo Bills are one of three teams that have surrendered the fewest touchdowns in the NFL on scoring drives of four plays or less. There have only been five times when teams scored against the Bills in four plays or less. The Bills allowed an NFL-low one touchdown on a drive of four plays or less last season.



    From kffl.com



    "The Bills allowed an NFL-low one touchdown on a drive of four plays or less last season. " !


    I would assume that means including after turnovers.


    Incedible. How, again, did this team not make the playoffs?


    Go Bills in 2005!

  6. That's what  got me excited.  He's the equivalent of Peter Gammons in baseball to me.  They both have integrity and really care that their names are respected. 


    So when King starts talking up Willis, Gandy and J.P I feel a lot better.  Simply stated, those three are the biggest question marks on our team. 


    1. Can Willis stay healthy?

    2. Can J.P be a leader in his first year as the starter.

    3. Can Mike Gandy keep J.P off the turf long enough to make good decisions. 


    If Dr. Z gives me a thumbs up on two of them, that's a good feeling.  Supporting all three makes September only feel that much farther away.  God I want playoffs this year. 





    I think I speak for of lot of us when I express my confusion at the total lack of movement to improve the Offensive Line beyond what has already been done, Maybe if Gandy really is better than WE think (a possibility even though we are all geniuses here :blush: ) then the lack of additional moves may make some sense.


    could be


    who knows?

  7. Amen, brother!  I have to admit I get some serious road rage when seeing these a-holes weavng around in traffic as they chat away on their fuggin cell phones.  :doh:




    Uhhhhhhh BFNC - Yes, the people that do what you say ARE A-Holes BUT the more people like you and I "chill" the safer WE will be. Road rage is REAL and never helps.


    A friend (mentor) of my wife's (RevNJoisy) taught us both to laugh as often as we can at this and say out loud, " Wow! They won!" whenever somebody does something like you describe to us.


    You and I both know that the real winners will be us and the true losers are the idiots on the road who make driving a competition.


    My dad taught me day 1: Assume ALL drivers are idiots.


    No accidents so far.........(age 43)



  8. http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/545...vsuvvfrv8k60s46


    http://www.bugmenot.com -- if you need a password for the site.





    Hey Fez,


    These types of articles represent how poorly people understand statistics - which I use ALL the time in my work at NOAA. Just because it makes sense to associate one thing with another, that is often not the case or - even more likely! - is just one element in the equation.


    yes, speeding is associated with accidents but fatalities are on the rise because of the increase in large vehicles on the roadways (SUVs). They take longer to stop, roll over more easily than small cars, and when they strike smaller vehicles more damage is done to the smaller vehicle than if they were hit by something smaller. Thus, small car drivers AND SUV drivers are dying at a higher rate than ever before. Speeding doesn't help this of course!


    The article also points out (correctly) how traffic tieups due to increased traffic/congestion etc tend to skew the average driver speeds but they also tend to increase driver frustration which increases ALL drivers likelihood of making a risky move (not to mention Road Rage).


    Of course, how many drivers do you know who both speed regularly AND use radar detectors? For the life of me, I can't figure out why these are ever legal. I mean, what purpose do they serve other than to help someone break the law? So, the real law breakers will not be concerned with the crackdown. They'll be purring along at the speed limit right past the speed trap.


    That's America! As Russert's dad would say, "Whatta country!"


    My road mantra? Never be in a hurry. You'll live longer.



  9. Anyone have an idea when the schedule for NFL Network televised preseason games will be available? I assume most will be tape-delayed.




    I don't know the answer but I can comment that you are correct that MOST games are tape delayed and edited - which means that portions of the delayed games are cut to fit the games into a 2 hour time slot. The cuts are usually from the away team and in the 2nd half. Last year, games were shown within 1 to 3 days after they were played. Some were repeated.


    Set your TIVO!



  10. FOXBORO, Mass. (AP) -- New England Patriots defensive lineman Richard Seymour was missing Thursday at the start of the Super Bowl champions' mandatory minicamp.


    Patriots coach Bill Belichick said only that Seymour's absence was unexcused but he would not comment on whether it is the contract holdout the All-Pro defender had hinted at this offseason. Seymour's agent, Roosevelt Barnes, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.



    Seymour signed a six-year deal as a rookie that was to pay him $14.3 million. It still has two years left.

  11. 6 of 11 from 50+ is acceptable for a kicker, because thats a long way to kick a football, in any conditions...but 11 of 24 from 40-49 is completely unacceptable...thats no better than lindell...



    yes yes


    but he did make 17 of his last 18 -- Did Lindell?


    kicking for the Giants


    Maybe he finally got healthy again early last season.


    maybe he just likes kicking for a cold weather team


    I mean, he IS a Canadian! :)

  12. He made 22 of 28 field goals last year

    - including 17 of his last 18.

    He was three of four from 50 yards or longer.


    He has extensive experience kicking in bad weather


    He has, during his career, kicked many game winning field goals (including OT of course)


    He is not young (37) but he is not ancient either







    He has extensive experience kicking in Ralph Wilson Stadium


    Yes, it's Steve Christie


    Is he better than Lindell?


    In terms of kickoff depth? No. In the clutch...Yes. IMO

  13. This is a bit deceptive for the Bills, Fish and Jets since these teams are the only teams to have to play the Patriots twice.


    In my opinion, our schedule is fantastic for a newbie QB - lots of winnable games AT HOME to start with the tougher games coming after JP has gotten his feet wet.


    Bring It On!!

  14. I only know that I won't be taking on Big Daddy any time soon (or later)


    I have this thing of liking my stomach.

    Same thing with my back - I try to lift with my knees.


    I think I will join Chancey Gardener by saying - "I like to watch"


    See you at the Tailgate my man!






    "Later, I saw bob gulping water in the shade.


    Poor man


    Took on BDH."


    I wouldn't drink water (at a tailgate ?) - does no good to try and extinguish fire


    Milk maybe  :w00t:


  15. "Our guy" said that he couldn't pre-take our order, meaning I had to call this morning.  I called at 9:00, which was when my son's little league game started.  The game ended and they still hadn't answered.  We headed to his soccer game and as I figured, they picked up when I was driving - 80 minutes later!!!


    I was able to get our tickets, however.  We will be in section 337, rows 25-29 I think he said.  I officially received orders for 127 tickets, and I got 8 extras.  The tickets will be sent out and I should get them in 2 to 3 weeks.




    Hey Jay!


    IF you get the ticktes before the 21st or so AND you can possibly get them in the mail to me, the CNJBBB meets on the 25th. It would be fantastic to get the tickets by that time.


    Go Bills!




  16. Sorry Mr. Lamb:


    But I've seen this guy put it down and I tell you he can eat them habaneros like M&m's...................this is gona be fun to watch




    Actually Sid, it was pretty scary the last time Bob took on Big Daddy Hulse (BDH)


    As I recall, Bob argued about "stem eating" and then, with Hulse agreeing to whatever "rules" Bob came up with with, proceeded as we have long known him, to gobble down the hot stuff without even tearing up. meanwhile, Bob turned a very dark shade of Red - mark and I thought he might explode. But then the tears came and Bob disappeared for a while.


    Later, I saw bob gulping water in the shade.


    Poor man


    Took on BDH.


    Bad things man....bad things... :lol:

  17. O.K. Ladies and gentlemen....we need some HEAT here in NJ - the hotter it gets, the hotter the peppers.


    Also, Mark and I ALWAYS debate when to fire up the cooker for the first batch of CNJBBB wings.


    Big Daddy and Mark will be there no later than 8 am. me too (probably but the "Rev" is grumbling a weee bit :D ) - I am sure by Gameday she'll be ready for 12 hours + of tailgating heh heh)



    Celebrating a WIN this year will be SOOOO much nicer ay everyone??


    Go Bills!




    (visit us at www.cnjbbb.com for weekly "Bills Blurbs" written by yours truly every week during the regular season and the playoffs).

  18. I used to buy the Rags religiously but now with all the internet websites it just isn't worth it. I even stopped my subscription to SHOUT! (although that was mostly due to my perceived drop in objectiveness from the writers once the newspaper changed hands).


    My "distant" observation of the Rags is that they never seem to predict anything other than a repeat of the previous year with only a slight change in the margins.


    Anyone picking the Bills this year would be taking a risk - JP is an unknown and the Patriots are simply a powerhouse - in the same division.


    BUT - the Bills will PROBABLY be a better team this year - Drew's play was so bad and the schedule this year is conducive to a good start. Therefore, 7-9 (a 2-game drop from last year's 9-7) is a poor prediction and has to assume that JP will play considerably worse than Drew did last year.


    Might happen - but my money is on the SLIGHT opposite (I expect JP to play better than Drew did last year due to his legs). If JP actually starts to stop and throw then I predict he will play much beeter than Drew which would equate to at least a 2-game swing.


    Also, this love-fest with the Jets will end this year. They will be under 500 in 2005. Bank it.




  19. RJ was mobile too!




    The comparisons to RJ (even as a joke) are premature and JP has already voiced his extreme displeasure at the comparison.


    It sounds to me like a few of you are mssing the point Vic was making with the "rollout pocket helping the line" statement. Defensive coordinators plan their pass rush attack based on the type of QB they are facing. A slow QB means the defense can always know where a QB will be if a pass occurs - Drew was always 3-5 steps back, right behind center. All rushers could plan ahead on going to that spot. A mobile pocket does not mean scrambling QB. It means a planned shift of the pcoket to a position not right behind center. This is designed to throw off blitzers.


    There are drawbacks to this approach obviously - it can reduce the field for the QB and confuse the linemen (hence why this requires a lot of practice!). It also requires a fast QB who can get to the new pcoket location quickly to allow for time for him to set and scan the field.




    The bigger question for JP is not can he move fast (we know he can). The question is how fast can he read the defense and pull the trigger on a pass. Big Ben impressed me from Day 1 in that, even when the opportunity for a scramble was there in front of him - he was looking downfield to throw the ball. When I see JP start to do that (think pass first and not panic and run too early) THAT wil be a good sign that he can make it in this league.


    RJ panicked all the time - even when there was no pressure on him. His linemen never knew where he was or where he was going. he just plain out sucked.


    JP - in the preseason - DID show some pocket sense (un RJ-like), coukld throw the screen (un Drew-like), and occasionally hung in the pocket to the last second.


    That was preseason, let's see how he matures.


    here's hopin'.......



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