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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. This whole situation reminds of me of my fishing theory.  It goes like this:


    Fishing is inherently an activity completely bereft of anything even resembling excitement.  It only seems to be exciting.  Fishing is like stepping into a sensory deprivation tank so that anything that happens, anything at all, seems exciting.  Thus holding on to a string which is occasionally tugged by a mindless, mercury ridden fish seems like a trip to Vegas.  The TH news is like that.  The off season is a football deprivation tank into which we have all been immersed.  Anything that happens, any tid bit of football news actually seems exciting in our deprived state of mind numbing football-less-ness.




    My God Mickey your analogy reeks of someone who needs constant stimulation. Your comparison of "excitement" to "trip to vegas" fits in perfectly. I certainly can undersatnd what you are saying but I don't happen to agree with it. To help you understand, try replacing the word "exciting" with "enjoyable".


    Thus SOME people (not you evidently find fishing ENJOYABLE while others (such as yourself) find it BORING. SOMEpeople ENJOY going camping, others enjoy going to Vegas.


    You couldn't pay me to use my free time in a casino. You, on the other hand, apparently would have to be roped and thrown physically into a rowboat or canoe to ever get you to go out into nature.


    Different strokes for ......


    As to the Henry news: Fine. You're bored. To the rest of us, the idea of FINALLY ending the Travis henry era in Buffalo AND getting a decent draft pick IS exciting to SOME of us.




    Good luck in Vegas Mickey. I hope you win but , more importantly, I hope you have fun.


    watching the red-tailed hawks out my window (which I find exciting)




  2. Green Bay could match anyway but if a deal could have been struck that the Bills could meet but the Pack could not.......grrrrrr



    From FF.Mastermind.com:


    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports transitioned free-agent TE Bubba Franks has yet to sign an offer from another team and has until July 22 to do so. After that date, he can either sign the tender offer for one year at $2.095 million or negotiate a long-term deal with the Packers. Thus far, things have been very quiet on the Franks front. With just a week left for him to sign an offer with another team, things could heat up. The Packers have the right to match any offer another team would give Franks, but if they chose not to match the offer, they would not receive any compensation. Assuming Franks is back with the Packers - and they simply can't afford to lose him at this point - the tight end position should be solid.

  3. If that was true, wouldn't you think the Jags would have picked one of

    the RB in the 1st three rounds in  a RB rich draft....


    The truth is somewhere in between....and caught the Jax off guard during

    the draft.






    Check out the article which confirmed this - The "in-between" conjecture is somewhat confirmed but the article also mentions the jag coaches lauding the work of " two young backs, third-year pro LaBrandon Toefield and 2005 fourth-round draft choice Alvin Pearman, and expressed confidence the two could successfully fill in if Taylor's recovery is prolonged."


    I think the jags were unwilling to use another draft pick on a RB, were hoping for good news on taylor (which seems crazy to me given the severity of his injury), AND - and this may be the key point - were hoping to get Henry on-the-cheap as a further safety valve.


    It looks like this is going to work out for the Bills, perhaps for Henry , and for the jaguars. The holdup may actually be TD trying to get a conditional 3rd rounder. The 3rd rounder straight up seems all but assured now IMO. The conditional one WILL happen if the Jags wait too long and another team loses their starter during the preseason (not THAT unlikely a scenario).



  4. I'm starting to believe that Fred Taylor is on his last legs and this may be his final year as a starter (if he even does that this year).  So if TH signs with Jax, he is probably also thinking it would be a good place to be for his future not just this year.




    For the umpteenth time folks - Taylor reported a few weeks ago that he had two torn ligaments which were operated on last December! There is no way he will be ready to play by September let alone mid July. Not to mention Taylor was injury prone anyway. The Jags front office lied stating it was only a 'scope so the Taylor announcement (which the Jaguars front office admitted was true) was BIG news. Do ANY of you know of ANY player who has come back from this type of surgery in 7-9 months? The standard recovery time is one year to be able to play and two years to be 100%.


    In the next few weeks, Taylor will begin to run around and prove to them that he is - at best - at 50% which would be pretty good just 7 months after a double reconstruct. If the Jags go into the season depending on Taylor then they are nuts.


    The Jags will cough up the 3rd rounder.



  5. So like the topic title says I was talking to a friend who happens to be a Lions fan and he was very insistent that for the Bills this would be a season where the Bills win in the range of 6 games. He kept on insisting that because JP is only in his second season and this is his first season starting that the Bills will struggle. He raises a good point, as very few quarterbacks come in and are succesful right away. There are the obvious exceptions Marino, Roethlisberger and also I thought Byron Leftwhich was solid as a rookie. I kept on countering with the argument that very few young quarterbacks come into as good a situation as JP Buffalo having the #2 defense and #1 special teams plus he has good skill position players with Moulds, Evans, Mcgahee and Shelton. I also raised the point that the Bills won 9 games with Bledsoe at QB and that it should not be too difficult for JP to match Bledsoe's play. Finnally I raised the point (Now I am not sure if this was Mularkey's call or Cowher's call) that in Pittsburgh when Kordell Stewart was struggling he made the right choice to go with Tommy Maddox and that the Bledsoe Losman situation was similar and that Mularkey was making the right choice to go with Losman over Bledsoe. Anyway I'm just wondering what it is with other's that makes you Comfortable With Losman at QB? I should add that I think the Bills have a top notch backup in Kelly Holcomb as I think Cleveland could have been succesful with him at QB with a better defense.




    "MrLocke" - Objectivity is almost impossible to find inside WNY let alone outside! Your points are well taken but you are wasting your time trying to convince anyone ESPECIALLY outside of Buffalo. JP will simply have to go out and do it.


    The keys to JP's season is a lot like you say and also like "canbuffan34" is stating in his complaints about the rags thread, the coaching is going to play a MAJOR role in how well JP performs. Unlike a veteran who has established his own way of doing things, JP is much more able to listen, learn, and adjust. The game plan - unlike almost every brand new QB in the league - will not be focused on him but on the rungame. Most newbie QB's are on weak teams and the new QB's play is the key role. That is hardly the case in Buffalo. JP is the caretaker of the offense. IF he performs well, his role will expand. Defenses will be set up to STOP THE RUNGAME not the passing game.


    Look at the great Peyton Manning: The first few times the Bills played them, the defense was focused on stopping Manning. it worked....to a point. The key for Manning was the addition of James (obviously adding Harrison helped too!) JP comes into a similar situation as Roethlesberger except JP has a full year of practice under his belt PLUS he knew by late February that he would be the starter. Ben was thrown into the fire in Week 3. Ben was susccesful due to a great ST, defense, rungame AND a gameplan where he was not the key player.


    If JP is well prepared and IF the coaching staff puts together a game plan geared to what JP CAN do right now, there is every reason to expect him to at least match Drew's performance (Drew was # 27 out of 32 teams.......uhhh, not so hard to match right?). I actuallity, is expecting JP to be as high as #20 outlandish? If so, that is a HUGE improvement in the Bills passing game from last year.


    Let the games begin.




  6. I totally agree with this assessment and prediction.


    I also agree with the premise that Reed needs a big season to be resigned. I have my doubts that he can do this. Early in his career I was convinced he would be a great rec (not just a good one). Staring with his drop of the flea flicker in the 31-0 drubbing of the patriots 2 years ago, reed has done nothing but disappoint and my expectations are now low for him. Too bad. My cnjbbb friends bought me a Reed jersey 3 years ago.






    I think he will be a Bill post camp because:


    1. Even in his disappointing seasons the Josh Reed MO has been that he is a workout warrior who looks good in camo though he disappoints in regular season.  I think he will likely look impressive in pre-season though he may well disappoint in regular season.


    2. Reed has shown that there is a big difference between how you practice and how you perform, in addition to having a few key plays in pre-season games as mentioned above, he will likely look good from Friday to Saturday though this well may not translate to Sunday.


    3. His contract is such that we have already paid him 400K + of his near million dollar salary, the braintrust will be reluctant to cut him as they have already spent above the rookie minimum for him and a cut would subsidize aniother team.


    4. We likely will have the space for him despite the huge number of WRs in camp.  I think we can keep up to 6 WRs with one space allocated to a WR who really is a KO guy. The 6 are definites Moulds/Evans/Parrish and likelies Reed/Aiken and Smith.  Things can hapen like someone else (Brown perhaps) steps up and impresses and forces his way onto the roster as a scrub WR did a few years ago (Clarence something or other). However, even this possibility forces a choice between Reed and Aiken and Aiken is ahead of Reed last year based on performance since an injury riddled Reed did nothing last year, but Aiken did not take the position by the throat either.


    In my mimd, the key to this is going to be ST performance for a player who I think is likely to be #4 on the depth chart if Parrish plays as advertised. Reed's mental lapses appear to be in regular season game performance where he has gotten the droppsies before. Mentally he stays in his lane and will pump iron in the locker room and with his cap hit whether you cut him or not that should keep him here.


  7. I figure this is impossible but I would love to own just one game which represents the kind of RB OJ was like. I have tried to describe his running style to my wife - kind of like Barry Sanders except north to south and with the strength of an Edgerrin James. I doubt anyone has any video of OJ though. VCRs came out...what...in the late 70's?


    Maybe McGahee will look like that this year - hopefully he will have a better home life in any case. sigh

  8. I still don't see how Travis could divide the locker room.  Everyone knows that McGahee is the clear cut starter; the fans, media and players.  Henry will only be a backup for the Bills and nothing else (barring injury).  If he starts bitchin' the players will either ignore him or tell him to 'shut the !@#$ up'.




    I tend to agree with you (uh-oh Nick , we are dividing again :lol: )....


    I have always argued that there is no such thing as a RB "controversy" (as opposed to a QB controversy which is very real). Thus, if Travis wants to play - play well when you get the rock. If you want a good contract next year , then play well when they hand you the rock. Complain, and the rest of the team will drill you in practice.


    This means showing up, shutting up, staying in shape and making the best of your opportunities - on THIS Nick and I AGREE :doh:


    Hey Nick - BTW - good luck with your new Backer's Club!!!





  9. The reason to trade him is that whatever rose coloured specs we all might wear, Travis is not going to produce diddly-squat this year if he's in a Bills Uniform.


    It's a basic equation... You pay him just over a mil this year for no return. You don't pay him and let him go for no return. You trade him and get some return (3rd or 4th round pick).


    Travis can do more harm than good in Buffalo in his current state of mind and we should get shot of him.




    Ahhhh Nick this is why neither of us is a GM.


    I don't disagree with your prediction (aka A Trade) but I do disagree with WHO is in the driver's seat. Let me ask you this: Were you one of the people advocating trading Travis for LJ Shelton? if so, then you would have traded a yet unknown value (to us) for a player that Arizona eventually released (thus of no value) PLUS if we had traded for LJ we would have paid him $3 mil per year for 3 years.


    Now if you were not advocating that trade, then you got that one right and then you and I only differ in that I DO NOT see Travis holding out forever but - if no trade ensues - he will come in for his paycheck.


    I am not seeing TH with rose-colored glasses. I see TH as a very capable and cheap backup at a critical position. You see him as a guaranteed zero so any trade will do.


    We'll eventually see what happens. IMO, I am glad you are not GM


    Of course, your prediction may come true. I hope not

  10. Jones is at best a FB.  Toefield isn't a starting-caliber RB.  And Pearman is a 4th round rookie who COULD be a gem, but expecting him to be one is about as smart as hoping Taylor is at 100% to start the season.  Without Taylor or another strong RB, the Jags aren't going very far.  I still think that they (and the Titans) expect the Bills to release Travis at some point, and I think that when training camp rolls around and their running game looks pretty week, they'll come calling with a good (read: 3rd rounder) offer.




    I see no reason for the Bills to release Travis - his cap hit is only 1.25 mil. if he holds out, the money comes back to the Bills eventually and he gets fined PLUS his contract rolls over. I just don't see him throwing away the money. I honestly don't. This is not your rich sports athlete. He is poor due to well known money mismanagement. Thus, $1.25 mil is a lot of money ( not just to us :doh: !) Travis will eventually come into camp where the other players will pound him to make him realize he is only hurting himself by holding out OR some other team will pay the Bills price.

  11. I predict a national newsworthy drunkin' incident, regardless of the outcome.


    A Saturday night, 8:30pm start. Most people off work the next day. Plenty of time to prime themselves, with tailgates lasting 3 or 4 times longer than the norm. Thousands will just pour themselves into their seat.


    I'd say 8/5 odds on a bearded Santa, streaking out of the stands...




    well, as long as he doesn't do it from the upper deck (with the illusional reindeer in front of him) I guess that'll be alright

  12. i agree with that........


    but they also drafted greg jones in the 2nd round last year and alvin pearman in the 4th this year......not to mention they have toefield as a backup as well.........henry trade could happen, but i really don't think the jags will with their current depth at the position......even if taylor isn't healthy right out of the gate, it's a long season and having him healthy down the stretch is much more important.......on top of that, they made a large financial committment to taylor just last year and i doubt they are ready to give up on that and eat the remaining signing bonus.........i don't think the jags have any reason to panic.......




    Greg Jones is awfully big to be a fulltime RB - he's listed at 250. Seems to me to be more of a FB. How many carries can you expect in the Florida heat from a guy this heavy? 15? 20? (I get tired just thinking about it).


    This whole Henry issue is interesting since we do not whether the draft pick cost or the contract cost is the bigger issue. If it's Henry holding up the trade, it seems to me that at some point he will bend since his options are


    1.) sit out and make no money

    2.) come back to Buffalo and sit for 1.25 mil

    3.) go to another team for 1.25 or a little more perhaps.


    A huge contract is not in his 2005 future. Why would any team give up a pick AND sign him to a rich, long term deal? Only in desperation. Travis' best move would be to come to Bills camp and work hard and say the right things. Meanwhile, when a trade is discussed, he should either insist on playing out his contract or work for the best deal possible without risking the trade.



  13. Dam Rich, ya just talked me into going to that game. Saturday night is perfect. Fly in Saturday morning, fly out Sunday morning, only a 24 hr jaunt. Think i can get that approved.



    Way to go! If the team is doing well, the CNJBBB wil be there. As the date approaches, make sure to remind me and I will have your very own plate of Hot Wings ready for ya.


    Dang! Now I want wings.....(and beer too, of course)

  14. He might be ready for the season opener...but he won't be close to 100%.  Good luck with the season, Jags!




    Thta is my point - not close and we are talking about a player who has been injury prone his ENTIRE career. I am unsure of this but I THINK this is the most serious injury he has suffered (two torn knee ligaments). To expect him to come back from such an injury (December, surgery in January) in 9 months is beyond optimistic even if his name were McGahee - a YOUNG, never-before-injured RB. Taylor is none of these things. A more reasonable timeframe is November for about 50%-75% playing speed and 80%-90% strength.


    The Jag are stupid to not have acquired another RB by now IMO.


    With Henry out there, who can be had for a 3rd rounder, I just don't get it.

  15. I agree with your assessment both as to the potential effect on keeping the Bills in town and on your estimation of potential sellouts. My only additional comment is that I think the Denver game WILL sellout since it is against Denver (a good , snow team, who we have played in big games in the past), the fact that it is a national game, the fact that is on a Saturday gives regional fans the day off of Sunday to travel home plus the late start gives regional fans an easy drive up and need only stay over one night.


    The CNJBBB, in fact, is already discussing a SECOND tailgate (which means, FEZMID, a second chance at CNJBBB wings in Hammer's Lot) for the game. The Bills record and the weather may play a role in this (the former more than the latter certainly - I mean, what does it matter if it snows on our deep fat cooker??)


    Go Bills!




  16. Arthroscopic vs full reconstruct? Peh, you media guys...ya think you are doctors now huh?


    (by the way, they may not have lied....I have had two reconstructs and each one included an arthroscope as well.....of course that's like saying you had your teeth cleaned while also getting a root canal)


    I repeat my contention, there is no way that Taylor will be ready for training camp in one month if he had a full recontruct in December - especially at his age.


    From FFmastermind.com:



    Jags Refuse Comment on Taylor's Knee --

    Thu Jun 30, 2005 --from FFMastermind.com


    The Florida Times-Union reports Jaguars spokesman Dan Edwards said the team will have no comment on the condition of RB Fred Taylor's knee, but expects him to be ready to start the regular season. HC Jack Del Rio was unavailable for comment on Taylor's contention in a radio interview last week that surgeons performed what he called a "full cut'' on two torn knee ligaments, even though the club announced in January that he underwent arthroscopic knee surgery.

  17. Yeh, a bit of a homer. The Fish certainly have big problems and are likely to end the season at the bottom of the AFCE. The Jets have the Pennington issue, one of these days Martin will actually get old, and their defensive line took a hit plus Abraham is holding out.


    But New England is nowhere near "in trouble". They are huge favorites to win the division and go deep in the playoffs. They are practically everyone's SB pick.


    The Bills season hangs on how well JP plays. The rest of the pieces except for placekicker and TE are set. The o-line is suspect but serviceable IMO. This puts the Bills way behind in expectations to the Patriots and at or just behind the Jets.


    I THINK we all will actually know a lot more by the end of August. Can Pennington throw? will be answered. Can JP run a "competent" offense? may also be known by then. Preseason injuries amongst NE, NYJ, and BUF will also give us a clue to what may transpire in 2005.



  18. I think offensive line is the most subjectively viewed position in the game of football. Unlike the other skill positions (QB, WR, CB, DL, LB, RB), OL opinions WIDELY vary even amongst different teams (let alone amongst the media and amongst fans)


    Having said that, I have no idea how good Verba is. How many of you watch, with any consistency, the offensive linemen of other teams? I love the game of football but I seldom notice any OL's except on my own team and the rare players on opponents we regularly face. The Pro Bowl voting backs me up on this: How many of you , if you even bother voting for an OL, know if they are good or if you have just heard of them? How many times did Ruben Brown get voted onto the PB team? Was he an All Star?


    "SOMEWHAT" surprisingly, the sports media also seems to know very little. How many of them thought LJ Shelton was a good match for the Bills? Well, the Bills didn't think so. Obviously they had a different opinion as to his skill level.


    Do the Bills need a new OT? The "experts" say so (sports media and fans). I happen to agree but I JUST SAID I DON'T know jack about linemen I haven't seen play a lot. Which means my opinion is....shall we say....not expert by any means.


    I have to assume that TD and his scouting, medical, strength, and coaching staff know more than I do as to the skill level of the linemen on the team and available in free agency. If the Bills talk to Verba, then they are interested. If they don't, they're not.



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