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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. I'll bring you a bag again this year BUT I thought I read that you had a calmer version.  Yes, I'm a whimp.  I can't stand a burning mouth.




    A bag? Huh?


    As to reading about a "calmer" version - no my dear, then they wouldn't be Buffalo wings.


    But, there is no law against wiping off the sauce. it's a crime though.....sniff :lol:

  2. I offered mine for $10 each, but there were no takers.  I guess they'll just go to waste, since it's so close to the game that I probably couldn't even ship 'em to someone.




    Ahh too bad I ddin't know - I leave for WNY tomorrow around 1 pm - I would have been happy to have sold (or at worst given them away)


    I doubt it is worth fedexing 'em to me to arrive by Noon tomorrow at "Bills Central"


    Hammer also would have at least taken off your hands and, if he sold them, have passed along most :lol: of the proceeds!

  3. me :doh:  :doh:


    No, the stubs to fill out for the grand prize.  I had them all ready but when Rockpile had 6 people I didn't know who they would be and it isn't fair to put Rockpile on all 6 thus you have to fill out the stubs.


    Then the NJ crew are 27 strong.




    uhhh....actually, 28 strong.


    You ready for some Hot Wings Cindy? :D

  4. Preview is up.  Look for something today on SportsCenter also.






    fair article


    I liked the part where they say "Last year, the Bills' defense dominated the offense in practice. Now the offense is holding its own."


    I will be at the Ralph on Satuday


    I am expecting to see JP move the offense better than last week and I expect fewer penaties.

    The defense? It can't look any better except to maybe have the LB's do a better job of covering WR's and RB's out of the backfield.


    Ritzman, last week, was unstoppable. I will be watching for #91 again.


    Lastly, I would like to see one of the #3 WR's to stand out. Could be Haddad. Could be.


    And, no, FEZ - in case you were wonderin'., I won't be cooking wings.


    not THIS game. But the CNJBBB cooks are talking about timing the first batch today. Can you taste them huh huh?





    Hammer's Lot

    Sunday September 11, 2005

    CNJBBB Hot WIngs

    Be There!

  5. I'm more likely to believe this story...the NFL Network has, in its short history, a good record of screwing up stories and putting up incorrect reports.  Besides, I'll always trust a local reporter over a national one.


    yeh but didn't wgrz report the Bills had released Rob Johnson and kept Doug Flutie?

  6. be careful with statistics - especially when handed out as one or 2 liners


    see if you can track down more information which is very pertinent to the evaluation of these statistics

    (trust me, this will be a bit of work!)


    things to consider (my initial thought laundry list)


    - how many attempts to each side?

    - which teams for each percentage of carries AND the actual numbr of attempts each side for each opponent

    - injuries - who was out for each particular game

    - long vs short runs - what was the MEDIAN run from each side? (This asks the question: Did Willis happen to get a FEW long runs left while attempting more runs to the right thus making the left look like he consistently achieved better results?)



  7. This post, everyone, is somewhat "sight unseen" but I caught part of a pretty long discussion on the 2005 Bills on NFL Playbook last night. I tivoed it to watch in its entirety when I get home tonight. It might be replayed sometime again which is why I am sending this out - look for it folks.


    For those that watched the scrimmage, an expression that Sterling Sharpe kept using (which I really enjoyed) was how the Bills were "running downhill" to make their tackles. Sharpe stated in the show that it was TKO who told Sharpe to say that when talking about the Bills defense. TKO explained to Sharpe that the Bills were so fast and coordinated in their defensive attack that it was just like they "were running downhill while their opponents were on a flat surface". The group of four analysts broke down the Bills defense and how they coordinated their attacks to make it very difficult for offenses to get their receivers open before they were mauled by the Bills front line or blitzers. They said no other team defense can do this. They raved about Gray too. Moving onto the offense, they actually were split on JP (at first) but then they all agreed he would "do fine and get better with time". Sharpe commented on how JP needed to avoid the mental vs physical mistakes. He noted how JP made the expected physical mistakes (low throws and running when he should have stopped and thrown the ball) -Sharpe said JP would gradullay reduce these type of mistakes as he matured and grew more comfortable. The mental mistakes, he said, are the focus of the Bills coaching staff. Sharpe commented JP made those too in the scrimmage and he was certain the staff would drill it into JP to teach him to read the defenses, react under pressure in a "safe" manuever rather than throwing blindly where INTS are likely. They all were very impressed with Parrish too.


    There was more but the discussion was lively to say the least. This discussion got me more pumped than I have been at any point this offseason. (Just to give you some idea as to how good it was :( )



  8. Sorry, I was implying Reed for Bills fans, and simon for the Philly fans. Most Eagle fans are sick of Simon






    I like Reed but he has been a disappointment. He practices well but drops passes in real games or doesn't get open. Still, I will be comfortable with him getting one more year to step up his game on the field.


    But, if a trade is worked out for Simon involving Reed, I am fine with that as well.


    I think he's better than the Philly WR's except for the TO - The Total O-hole

  9. Driving through Philly last night this is exactly the discussion on WIP. Most of the talk was ask for Moulds, but settle for Reed. Funny, both towns are so down on each player that it seems like a steal to each teams fan base.




    down on Moulds? Have I missed something? I wouldn't trade Moulds to the Eagles at any price.

  10. AP Report: 08-09-05


    The New York Giants' first preseason game is at Cleveland this weekend, but after last Saturday's brawl with the New York Jets they may be looking ahead to the teams' preseason game on Aug. 26 at Giants Stadium to settle some grievances.


    "There's going to be a lot of animosity, you can count on that," Giants linebacker Barrett Green said Monday. "In the preseason game, there's no question about the rules, there's no question about hitting people. They're going to get hit, hard."




    Yeh! Way to go Giants! Revenge! Hit 'em! Hit 'em Hard! (Hit 'em Late! Hit 'em Dirty! :D )


    And don't forget to hit Chad. And then hit him again. Right shoulder. Bullseye.


    Go Giants! (heh heh heh heh heh)

  11. I dunno, remember when the Bills were/were not talking to the Jags and Titans about Travis Henry?




    I agree Buftex - is there smoke here?


    The fact , however, that the only source is the Trenton Times (all other news source reports attribute THEIR source to the TT) makes me doubt the veracity. In fact, ironically, the TT cited THREE sources in one of their articles. THREE? When the other major news reporters have NONE?


    Maybe the TT has put a bug on the three cockroaches living under the Philly GM's desk.


    oops, makes that THREE bugs.



  12. -- Simon & the Bills Cap --

    Mon Aug 8, 2005 --from FFMastermind.com


    The Trenton Times reports in an update to the DT Cory Simon -to-Buffalo story, a source close to the situation says the Bills are looking into how Simon would fit under the salary cap.




    Both GM's say nothing is going on. So who the heck is the writer talking to?

  13. I agree that this is a huge risk - Tons of money for a player that hasn't been on the field for a long time.


    This also must put a huge wrench in the Abraham negotiations.


    I am glad the Jets did this - it may pay off but I wouldn't have been happy if the Bills risked this much on one player of questionable health (and age).


    We shall see !


    Go Bills!!



  14. good post John


    What I want to see is steady improvement.


    The fun part of this is, IMO, JP is already doing better than I expected he would. Last yr, vs Denver, and in his VERY few appearances, he was able to move the team (not every time but BETTER than every other time).


    Friday, he had way more good moments than bad and was able to turn several 3rd downs into 1st downs with his arm.


    Next up: The colts. Steady improvement JP, Steady.



  15. qb's were allowed to run - in fact JP did run once


    BUt , and I see this as a very good sign , JP is obviously thinking PASS first and RUN second. For a young QB (with good speed), this is not easy to get inside the noggin. The fact that he chose to skip the easy 7 and was still looking downfield is something to congratulate and encourage.


    BTW: When the games count, he'll run...a lot.



  16. Hey Fez - Have you viewed the tape of the scrimmage yet?


    I think your view of JP's play will rise quite dramatically after you do.


    It seems to me based on what I saw and what you said you saw (Plus the pro-GB company you were with) that your view was somewhat clouded


    JP played well but made a few mistakes especially in the last set of plays.


    All in all, though, I was extremely encouraged and - if he improves - there is every reason to be hopeful he can perform at Drew-ish level quckly and then...beyond


    a view from Central Joisy


    BTW - I watched Gandy pretty closely and he seemed to do well early on. I will be dubbing the game later today and will be able to better evaluate this. I was, like most everyone else, focused entirely on JP last night!



  17. Throwing for the third consecutive day for the first time since undergoing surgery Feb. 8 to repair his torn right rotator cuff, Jets quarterback Chad Pennington's arm is clearly weak. And, for the first time, coach Herman Edwards admitted Pennington had "big-time" surgery. In the past, the Jets have tried to downplay the extent of Pennington's surgery, saying he had only a slight tear and he'll be ready for the opener, no problem.

    -- Newark Star-Ledger


    Is that a Bullseye I see on his right shoulder? TKO? Can you see it? TKO?



  18. Thanks CP and thanks for clarifying the Nate possibility


    It will be practically unprecendented if the Bills resign their own CB to a high salary Long term contract


    Hopefully that WILL be the case since , IMO, Nate is a solid, shutdown, probowl CB


    worth the extra bucks.

  19. Great job Rocky - as per usual


    stay cool, my friend.


    Now: requests!


    Please report on


    1) screens

    2) Gandy, Peters

    3)Anderson vs Edwards

    4) My Hurricanes "connection" tells me Parrish has fumblitus. Please watch him for any signs of this.



  20. For those of you at TSW: I was screaming for screens for years. I finally gave up last year: Drew couldn't do it. Period. I noted right away last year that JP could do them while in the preseason games. He threw a great one in the Tennessee game as I recall.


    BTW, no, Kelly was not the last QB with this ability. Doug threw a nice screen and so, for that matter, could Alex. RJ couldn't. Everytime a player got to within 15 ft of him he'd scream and run away.


    I am looking forward to screens being "Back on the Menu Boys!" (as the Orcs ate the Goblins in The Two Towers).



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