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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. At #8, the Bills will have a choice (if not Ngata) of Huff and Davis. No o-lineman is worthy of the 8th pick once Ferguson goes. The draft should go something like: 1.) Bush 2.) Leinart (someone trades here) 3.) Young 4.) Williams 5.) Ferguson 6.) AJ Hawk 7.) Cutler 8.) Davis - Ngata - Huff - Williams I see it as a possibility that Young falls to #8. if so, do the Bills draft him????? Ferguson falling to #8 is a dream - won't happen (sigh)
  2. John - I am glad you looked at the film - I never keep losses and I really regret it this year since I would have liked to have been able to evaluate JP a bit. But, my take is similar to yours. So, yep, I am an apologist. I still am furious that JP did not play in week 17. he needed the G-Damn work F-ing Mularkey
  3. One would think that with 2 DT's signed that that leaves us free to draft Huff right? Maybe Davis. Unless by some miracle Ferguson falls to us but I doubt we can get him without trading up - in fact, if Brees goes to the saints, then maybe New Orleans drafts DaBrick. Of course, what should the Bills do if Vince Young falls to #8??? We'd have to take him or trade down for $$$ picks
  4. she's in my prayers it is POSSIBLE this is just an infection that can be treated with antibiotics. I hope so
  5. I agree with you - Ngata looks great but rookie DT's seldom make an impact right away. Davis looks incredible and can only help JP. I , too, would like to see DT's signed in FA and drafting Davis at 8. my 2 cents
  6. I do - but I was wrong when I predicted the Jets wouldn't even franchise him I just can't see how the jets - still about $12-$13 mil over the cap, can afford to keep Abraham. Knowing this, plus the fact that he's been something less than a team player in his career - why trade for him when he'll probably be released?
  7. My understanding was a release of Pennington puts a $12 mil hit on their cap. I also hear that Pennington's agent is (rightfully IMO) arguing with his client to NOT accept an $8 mil paycut. I thought Ty Law as a small cap figure right now and only became expensive sometime in 2006. Maybe the $29 mil over the cap figure I have been hearing has been assuming Ty still on the squad? Yes, I had heard about the Tag and Trade but I couldn't figure out how the jets could stay under the cap after March 3 - assuming no trade would take place before then.... (in other words, I still am confused as to how they are doing this)
  8. I can't figure out how the Jets will stay under the cap on March 3rd. Clumpy? Help me out!
  9. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...art1/index.html For those who'd rather not point and click: 1 Bush 2 Leinart 3 CUTLER 4 Young (bye-bye Chad) 5 Mario Williams 6 Ferguson 7 Hawk 8 HUFF - The Bills are getting a little old on defense, and they have some cap issues to sort through in the weeks ahead. Huff is a versatile talent whose stock is on the rise as the Combine nears. If veteran safety Lawyer Milloy ends up being one of Buffalo's cap cuts, Huff could fill the bill. 9 Ngata 10 DeAngelo Williams 11 Davis 12 Greenway 13 Hali 14 Holmes 15 Jimmy Williams (a popular last name) ******************************** It DOES seem obvious that, baring a trade or the top DE dropping down to us, the Bills will select one of the following three players (Ngata, Huff, or Davis). One thing I have noticed over the years, rookie DT's seldom do well in their first or second years. Of course the Bills need help on both lines, but at pick 8, can the Bills ignore the best TE and/or the best CB on the board? Wellllll, let's see who the Bills sign in FA prior to the draft. Cutler going third overall? Yeh, right. Ricky? You've got smoking buddies! -RnJ
  10. everyone and their kid sister keeps stating that the Jets will tag Abraham and then trade him. This looks impossible to me for two reasons: 1.) The Jets are currently $29 million over the cap - not counting Abraham. A tag on Abe will cost upwards of $9 mil. The Jets are making noise about "forcing" Martin, Mawai, and Pennington to take huge cuts or be released. I think this still keeps them over the cap not to mention the $9 mil + they would have to be under to make room for Abraham. Plus, Pennington would be an idiot to accept a pay cut. He should pocket the bonus money he has already and dare the Jets to release him. As to Martin and Mawai? I guess they will be cut. If Mawai passes a physical...uh, yeh, I'd sign him. Yup. 2.) Trade him? (Abraham) See #1 What team will trade for a player destined to be released? ************************************ Many Bills fans are talking about the Bills signing this guy once he's free (or haha trading for him (see #1 above)) This guy refuses to play hurt , gets "hurt" all the time and wants more money than God. I'll pass thank you. Bills should focus on offensive linemen in FA. Draft either Haloti Ngata (DT) or Vernon Davis (TE) in the 1st round then grab more linemen in rounds 2 and 3. Give JP time to throw and a big TE to throw to plus Evans and Parrish streaking downfield, and you will see points going up my friends. Go Bills! -RnJ
  11. An update (again via KFFL who got this from the Washington Post): NFL | May be no need to push free agency back Wed, 15 Feb 2006 19:17:36 -0800 Mark Maske, of the Washington Post, reports, as noted previously, the start of NFL free agency could be pushed back from March 3 to April 1 if there is sufficient progress in labor negotiations to warrant such a delay, according to sources around the league. The problem is there has been no progress in labor talks. One participant in the labor negotiations said Tuesday, Feb. 14, that there's no need at this point to contemplate pushing back free agency because there's no sign yet that a few extra weeks would produce a deal. ******************************************************* The NFL has been the most successful sports business in history of late. I cannot believe, given the "fine" examples aka baseball and hockey, that they will not find an amicable way to split up this money cow. Given that, the 28-30 "less greedy" owners will force the 2-4 "greedy" owners to "suffer along" only making a gazillion dollars a year instead of a coupla gazillion dollars. Poor poor owners. meanwhile, the players need to push for what they can - maybe a bigger % and a piece of the luxury boxes. As a give back, I URGE THEM to limit rookie salaries and bonues. Too many youngsters who never make a decent play in a game are chowing down on what the good players should be chowing down on (Ryan Leaf is the poster child for this premise). Limit the rookie pool AND BONUSES and then the money inevitably will go to the veterans. Why not? They have EARNED it! Go Bills!! -RnJ
  12. NFL | Free agency period could be pushed back Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:18:53 -0800 Gary Myers, of the New York Daily News, reports the NFL free agent market is scheduled to open March 3, but it could be pushed back until April 1 if there is enough progress made in the next couple of weeks in negotiations for an extension of the collective bargaining agreement. There have been advances in some areas since the Super Bowl ended 10 days ago that could lead to a delay in free agency, according to source with knowledge of the talks. The sides met yesterday in New York. "The only good news is there is a lot of talk," the source said last night. "That is usually a good sign. Both sides are feeling pressure to get it done within a reasonable time period." ******************************** More time for Marv to prepare for free agency? A good thing? maybe. It would also help the Clements negotiations to be able to extend any bonus beyond the now uncapped year of 2007.
  13. Obviously clumpy is the most astute commenter in this area but one would think that , other than gamesmanship by GM/Owners which MIGHT lead to a lot of "threatening" rhetoric, contracts should be able to be formulated to BOTH deal with the uncapped year AND with the built-in caveat of automatic changes implemented IF a new CBA is signed. For example, bonues can be "guaranteed" in 1/N payments for each year of the a contract of N years. IF a CBA is signed THEN the guaranteed money can be paid immediately but the cap charge can be spread out over the contract length as is the rule under the current CBA. This automatic adjustment of agreed upon contracts (preexisting prior to the signing of the new CBA) would have to be part of the new CBA as well. -RnJ
  14. No way. If the Bills select a QB then they are selecting for the future. The Bills will select the biggest, best lineman on the board unless Hawk is there. I am still unconvinced that the Jets will take Ferguson Unless they have already signed a bigtime FA Running Back by draft day.
  15. Dom Capers to be new Miami DC according to ESPN.com
  16. Martz as per always is an idiot 1.) Sherman get $3.25 Mil next year from the Packers. If he is paid by another team it goes to the packers until it goes over 3.25. Thus, a team could structure the deal based on how much Green Bay is obligated to pay. 2.) Don't forget, Mularkey's resignation put $3 mil in Wilson's pocket 3.) Wilson said "money is no object". errr...well.....2 out of 3 ain't bad
  17. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3568
  18. As far as I know - there has not been any word on what a new collective bargaining agreement would have in it that is different from the current one which expires after next season. Are you saying you have heard particulars of a possible new agreement? Can you provide a link?
  19. PTR: My recollection is that he was considered HIGH character - a monster blocker who "loved to pancake" his opponents. I have never seen a bad review (except from a few here at TBD who claimed they knew he stunk before he was drafted) at the time he was drafted. McKinnie was also considered a "sure thing". I sure hope the next collective bargaining agreement includes language to limit the amount ROOKIES can get. These high draft pick busts are hurting the game. -RichNJoisy
  20. Looks like any coach named "George" will give us a 75% chance of nailing a winner!
  21. Nick - c'mon. April not only is the best ST coach in the league but he also is respected by every player on the team and - my god! - actually gets them to play with heart. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Keep McNally too by the way
  22. PTR - I am not sure the Bills HC job is as much of a "dog" as some here (such as you) are stating. At the very least, let's look at where the other HC openings are and then rank them objectively. The openings are St. Louis, Houston, New Orleans, NY Jets, Oakland and Buffalo (Green Bay, Kansas City, and Minnesota have already filled their coaching positions). Oakland : 4-12 last year and you'd be working for Al Davis. If the Buffalo situation a worse choice? Houston: 2-14 last season. You will have David Carr, Reggie Bush and Andre Johnson but no defense. Still, you will have a full 3 years to turn this boat around. Better than Buffalo I grant ya New Orleans: What a mess but you'll have Leinart as your new QB, McAllister as your RB and a decent defense. Of course, you may have no place to play......... St. Louis: A good situation with an aging core perhaps. A good place to coach IMO NY Jets: An absolute mess. Questions at QB (durability), $29 mil over tha cap with a terrible defense and no offensive line. Their run game has to be dealt with (Martin turns 100 next season). Plus there's the NY media to deal with. Worse than Buffalo The Buffalo situation is problematic more in terms of administration/coaching than it is player skill. The Bills are in good shape capwise. They can be in great shape IF management (the weak point) can optimally deal with Mike Williams and Eric Moulds. Free agency is a huge issue: Can the new "GM" and the other "GM's" do a good job filling in holes on the offensive and defensive line AND handle the Nate Clement's decision well? At the skill positions, the Bills are set (except for 3rd stringer Reed who needs to be resigned) at WR, RB, LB, and CB (except for the already mentioned Clements and Moulds issues). Some at TBD are clammoring for another QB signing. I disagree unless someone can be got on the cheap. Losman should compete with Holcomb. The Bills must deal with the line on both sides of the ball as the absolute priority of this offseason. They also have TE issues. A VETERAN head coach, should not be unwilling to take this team AS IS and make it play 500 ball. Above 500 is the trick. There is no doubt in my mind the Bills could get Haslet tomorrow. But do we want him? I DON'T want him but he is not a disaster merely a poorer choice. The advantage of bringing Haslet in is the speed at which it can be done and assistants signed. I prefer Jim as DC. There are several veteran coaches out there: Mariucci, Fassel, Rhodes, Sherman, Capers, (Reeves?), Turner (no!), Jauron plus Haslet. Promoting Gray IS an option (not my favorite). That is more head coaches than openings available. Plus, as I have said, the Bills situation is not the worst in every aspect. A STRONG , veteran head coach would see this as a decent opportunity that is well paid. Not too shabby a situation. -RnJ
  23. I agree Mark - I was FURIOUS JP did not play in the final game UNLESS it is revealed he was hurt - but how could that be if he was "probable"??? I am relaxed assuming the Bills will do two things this offseason: 1:) Sign topnotch linemen in FA - (Why? I think ralph will open his wallet WIDE to do so) 2:) Draft Linemen early Hey mark and John from Hemet, chime in - Is it true the frnachise charge for CB's has dropped to $5 mil in 2006. Does this not make it a slamdunk that Clements will be franchised? If so, would you keep him for one year at that price or trade him? If trade, would you accept less than a 1st rounder? My answers: Franchise him and only trade him if 1st rounder. Also, sign him to 5-year deal if it amounts to around 5 mil per year cap hit (or less early and more late). -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  24. My wife and I both saw it (and TIVOed it) on Christmas morning. Haven't seen it since. I KNEW a few Bills fans would see it as an insult (that we are losers). We saw it VERY differently - that it was a very funny depiction of the ravenousness of the Buffalo community for all things Bills. I know my emotions go up with wins and down with losses. That's a FACT This was a tribute to those fans IMO. (Even if the people who wrote the commercial think otherwise) -RnJ
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