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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. This team seem more balanced - the perreault-martin robert line was the dominant line as I recall in the seventies. The interesting thing is that the NHL is more like the hockey of old then it has been in decades. I loved hockey back then - lots of skating and, in fact, it was the Flyers ofthe 70's (broad street bullies) that initiated the top of grab and hold play that ended that era. The 2006 Sabres are fun to watch - Miller is so raw though, it is easy to imagine him simply being to soft at this point to take them to the Semi-Finals, let alone the Finals. But - 6 goals allowed notwithstanding, he DID play better as the game progressed last Friday. I hope Briere can play tonight. Go Swordsmen! -RichNJoisy
  2. hey Buftex - who are these JP-fanboys you speak of? Given what JP has accomplished so far (little) I must have missed that. What I (and I assume PTR and other of my ilk ) are saying is that that JP has been condemned by (IMO) a large number of Bills fans and outside "experts" which I cannot fathom based on my observation (40 years same as you) of first year QB's. Now, I admit I have not reviewed each of JP's games as some of you have and it is very possible I missed the consistent inaccuracy some posters have claimed, but I do recall little or no time to throw, no rungame to speak of, and playing from behind a lot. This does not sound like Roethlisberger situatition to me at all. I HAVE seen moments of brilliance from JP (mostly strikes to Evans). My position is this: 1.) JP has to compete for the job this summer. - flat out even with the other 2 2.) The Bills have to provide the QB at least 3-4 seconds to throw or more on a consistent basis...in other words IMPROVE THE DAMN OFFENSIVE LINE 3.) Bench any WR who is not working hard (this refers to my suspicions that Moulds - in frustration over his dislike of JP - dogged it out on the playing field. Don't assume I dislike Eric but I was disappointed in his play last season. I thought he was more of a professional. Well, now he has his wish: playing for a "real contender" (Houston???) for "more money" (???) If JP wins the job and 2 and 3 occur, and he STILL sucks, time to move on. As to tomorrow's draft: draft mooses! both sides of the line. RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  3. sorry Mark - I don't buy it. I assume the Bills will be giving up their 2nd rounder this year and either a third this year or a higher pick next year to move up - they cannot make this move and continue to not address the lines on both sides of the ball. Yes, I am happy about the Fowler - Reyes additions and the signing of Tripplett. but I and most everyone here at TBD are tired of the Bills selecting the prettiest face in the crowd and then burying them under a mass of bodies. Can you remember the days when the Bills o-line opened up holes for our RB's? This nonsense has to end. It all begins and ends at the line of scrimmage. If the Bills move up, it better be to grab prime meat. Since the Bills will have drafted DT in round 1, the addition of Reyes notwithstanding, the move to 26 makes sense only to grab an OT or prime OG. BTW - Clements can whine all he wants, he ours for the 2006 seeason. At the very least. live with it.
  4. are you joking? On the BUFFALO BILLS o-line, a former starter for Carolina is a backup???? yuuu funnneeee
  5. OG Davin Joseph Okalhoma is supposed to go early in the 2nd......but not as high as #27 still, I hear he was able to singlehandedly take on Ngata this past year. McNeil too, is a good supposition
  6. I saw this too but I will be pretty surprised if this pans out. The Jets are weak in so many key positions, I would be surprised if they use a #4 pick on Davis. yes, he would make it easier for Pennington to dump the ball but... ...not when they could instead get a bookend tackle or a franchise QB m 2 cents
  7. 1. Houston: Reggie Bush, RB, USC 2. New Orleans: Mario Williams, DE, NC State 3. Tennessee: Matt Leinart, QB, USC 4. NY Jets: D'Brickashaw Ferguson, OT, Virginia 5. Green Bay: AJ Hawk 672020[/snapback]
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/bills/home.htm
  9. I am as certain as I can be that the first two picks will be Bush and then Williams. Some "experts" have Ferguson going second. I am not expecting that. So, if 1-2 go as I expect then the first key moment comes: Will the Titans take Young instead of Leinart. I doubt it but there sure are a lot of prognosticators predicting Young going at 3. Now, I ask you: if Leinart is there at 4 can the Jets let him slip by? I know what I cut and pasted above but MY prediction is no - they will not let him slip by. Then Green Bay will take Ferguson. Right? I think so but, again, there sits AJ Hawk. Supposedly the prototype Green Bay player. If DaBrick falls past 5, then I predict he will slide to 8 (SF = Davis, Oakland = Bunkley/Ngata/Huff) Fun stuff maybe but I continue to predict: Bush - Williams - Leinart - Ferguson - Hawk - Davis - Young and then Bills pick Ngata(1), Huff(2) or Bunkley(3)
  10. source: http://www.eastcoastsportsnews.com/2006Draft.html 04/27...Things are starting to heat up with the Draft just two days away...the latest rumor rumblings from around the league...Houston is rumored to be closing on on a deal with Reggie Bush...New Orleans is said to be willing to accept less value for the second pick overall from a team like the Titans or the Jets if they want to make a deal to move up...if not the Saints will take DE Mario Williams...Tennessee is going to select Texas Qb Vince Young with the third pick overall...NY Jets are said to be willing to let the Draft fall to them and appear to be ready to pass on a QB with the fourth pick overall...Green Bay is strongly leaning toward TE Vernon Davis at this time but will also entertain trade talks and are said to be willing to move the pick but only if a team blows them away with an offer...San Francisco will take Vernon Davis with their pick...if he's gone the Niners will be entertaining trade talks for the pick...Oakland will Draft QB Vince Young with their pick but only if he falls to them...if not...the team will take either Michael Huff, Haloti Ngata, A.J Hawk or QB Matt Leinart if he falls to their pick...Buffalo is set to let the Draft fall to them and will take D'Brickashaw Ferguson or A.J Hawk if they fall to the Bills pick...if not they will entertain trade talks for the pick but if they don't find a taker and the Brick and Hawk are off the board the team will take Haloti Ngata over Broderick Bunkley at the #8 spot...Detroit will take CB Michael Huff or OLB A.J Hawk with their pick but if both are off the board the team will entertain trade talks for the pick...Arizona will pass on QB Jay Cutler if he's on the board and Draft a player like OT Winston Justice or CB Jimmy Williams (two players that Denny Green covets) because the team has set themselves up to be competitive this season...Arizona will also attempt to move up to the Packers pick (#5) to land the other player (Vernon Davis) that Denny Green covets. *************************** Hmmm, if true my "gut" feeling has been right - the Bills are indeed leaning towards Ngata. The Bunkley rumors are subterfuge. I find the prediction that the Titans will take Young over Leinart unbelievable. I am prepared, however, to nod my head at the "experts" who insist it will be "Young over the WEAK-ARMED {???} Leinart" gulp. weak-armed?? BTW: word is leaking out about some questionable dealing that Winston Justice has had with an entertainment company. I think this will make the man slide south on Saturday. **************** Cut and pasted from kffl.com: (NFL | Transcripts allegedly say Justice had contact with sports agency Wed, 26 Apr 2006 21:52:20 -0700 Charles Robinson, of Yahoo Sports, reports the transcripts of parole violation hearings from New Era Sports & Entertainment associate Lloyd Lake indicate USC OT Winston Justice had contact with the marketing agency during the 2005 season. Lake testified that both Justice and USC RB Reggie Bush were supposed to spend the night out with him. He added, "Well, I had a sports agency we had formed, and we had a guy in, Winston Justice, from USC. And [my girlfriend] had planned to go out with us that night, but Reggie Bush came into town. And at that time, he was going to go out with us, so I told her all his friends were coming and that it wasn't a good night for us to go out, and that kind of got her upset." USC spokesman Tim Tessalone said the school was not aware of the details of the testimony and USC head coach Pete Carroll and athletic director Mike Garrett would reserve comment until the investigation is concluded.) *************** Go Bills! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  11. Green Bay does not need a TE - they have Bubba Franks - a former 1st rounder everyone and their kid sister has AJ Hawk going to the Packers. The only way I foresee this changing is if either Ferguson or Williams fall to five. draft SHOULD go: bush - williams - leinart - ferguson - hawk - davis - young then Bills select from Bunkley - Ngata - Huff (current "expert" favorite is Bunkley) I haven't a clue whom will be picked of the three. My gut says Ngata. but that could simply be gas A trade down is possible but less than a 50% chance IMO -RnJ
  12. There really are not any worries per say Like you surmise, Huff - Bunkley - and Ngata should be there at 8 with only a few objectors, the great majority believe these guys are worthy of pick 8 and are a position of need for the Bills. IF Bush (hahaha), Williams (ditto), Leinart, Young, Hawk, Ferguson fall to us - then the Bills may pause (probably not for a QB I think) Davis falling to us may only make ME pause....I have not heard one peep out of the Bills concerning this moose of a TE. Bills can afford to trade down up to 3 or 4 slots and still grab one of the guys I mentioned. emjoy the draft! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  13. Oakland jumps to 4 to grab Young or Leinart Jets draft Ngata (??) from kffl.com: Rich Cimini, of the New York Daily News, reports one rumor making the rounds has the New York Jets (No. 4) swapping their first-round pick with the Oakland Raiders (No. 7), who want a quarterback. The Jets then select Oregon DT Haloti Ngata with the seventh pick. The Jets don't have a pure nose tackle for their new 3-4 scheme. I know...I know.... The NY Daily News. The epitome of dependable journalism BUT, If the raiders butt in, and the Jets take Ngata, this guarantees that either Ferguson or Davis is on the board at 8 (bush - williams - young - leinart - hawk - davis - Ngata ) 1-7? either would be sweeeeeeeeeeet
  14. Davis won't be there at 8. Ferguson either. if they are , the Bills must take the one that IS there the latter - as he is the top rated athlete at a position of great need. the former - because he gives JP (or Nall) an easy outlet pass seemingly guaranteed to produce positive yardage. this is moot though folks neither will be there at 8 draft will go: bush - williams - leinart - ferguson - hawk - davis - young Bills to choose amongst Bunkley - Ngata - Huff if trade down 1-3 slots offered (someone wants cutler), take the trade and select the remaining player from the above list of three. I would love it if OT eric winston is on the board for pick 2 or OG #Davin Joseph (6-3, 311 5.09 Oklahoma I know the consensus is Bunkley but I still think the Bills will select Ngata He's a moose.
  15. that certainly nails it Dibs For those that have a very negative view of the upcoming season (I judge those to be the 6 wins or less crowd), I ask you "how many wins did you expect the Bils to win last year?". if the number is the same as this year, then kudos to you - you were a lot smarter than I. Of course, injuries played into last year's outcome. In fact, for me, what really URKED me last season was the benching of JP - I am so upset that the Bills went 5-11 and the guy played for so few games. I know he was hurt for some of them but he should have played more - especially week 17. I expected about 10-11 wins last year. The defense crashing from top five to bottom five was totally unexpected. Can they recover? I am pretty certain that they can return to top 10 if TKO comes back and the Tripplet - ??? duo can stop the bleeding up the middle. On offense, in my mind it comes down to two things : 1.) Can the line give the Bills QB sat least > 3.5 seconds on a regular basis? 2.) Can Nall/Losman complete 55% + of their passes? - notice I exclude Holcomb from this equation because Holcomb as QB = top five draft pick next year IMO. My dream draft saturday is somehow DaBrick falls to 8 (forgetaboutit) After that, I am alright with Bunk-Ngata-Huff-Davis (whatever) but in rounds 2 -3 - 3 I want to see offensive/defensive linemen galore drafted. If I see CB's S's, RB and LB's I will throw up. BTW - I am o.k. wit h AJ if he falls to us at 8 (nevagonnahappin either) -RnJ
  16. Thanks - Your comments suggest strongly that, even when given time to throw, JP threw poorly? Or, is it more accurate to say that since JP could not read defenses quickly enough, blitzes killed him? I don't recall a lot of blitzes myself, I recall normal rushes and no time to throw. If true, there is no hot read. Only during blitzes are they in order. Please post your assessment of the 2nd half of the season when you can - if you remember, pm me to let me know your thread is out there thanx -RnJ
  17. http://www.gbnreport.com/2006teampreviews.html I wish for the umpteenth time that I had kept my tapes of all of JP's starts (I only keep wins) but I continue to be befuddled by the incredibly negative, "he's a definite bust" conclusion of both "experts" and fans alike of JP's skills (or lack thereof). I have already stated my view - that he is young, had little or no time to throw, and still managed to perform (IMO). Moulds , again IMO, gave up on him and this meant a player barely trying in a key position for every pass play. I am thrilled, however, that it appears that a legitimate battle for the starting role will take place this summer. AN d I contineu to reiterate this: If Holcomb wins the battle, the Bills will lose big time. I am not saying that the other two QB's should be given the job. On the contrary, I am saying if Holcomb is the best of the three, we are screwed. Kelly is an adeqaute backup..period. In fact, I would be thrilled in Kelly ends up at #3. As to the GBN evaluation of the draft...no, I (opinion again folks) DO NOT think the Bills will use a high draft pick (or any of their picks in fact) on a QB. linemen linemen linemen Puleeze. Go Bills! -RichNJoisy
  18. sabres outplaying the flyers but flyer goalie playing hasek-like totally legal knockout hit on flyer (Umberger) by brian campbell - he's batman, says umberger . scary - I thought we'd killed him miller playing well but only seen about 16 shots or so. flyer goal must be near 45 shots + 2nd OT coming up......
  19. Culpepper Could Miss Entire 2006 Season -- Thu Apr 20, 2006 --from FFMastermind.com # The Pioneer Press reports there is a chance that Dolphins QB Daunte Culpepper's rebuilt knee could keep him out the entire regular season with Miami. That's o.k. The fish have ONE (that's right, 1) other QB on their roster right now: Cleo Lemon. I Know, I Know....."Who?" must be great...I mean, Saban likes him..... seriously, could this be where Kerry Collins ends up? Or Jamie Martin perhaps?
  20. Bill - I love DBrick but no way do I trade any picks from this year to move up. This is reportedly the best draft in years. No way do I trade up. Down maybe...but not up.
  21. Beerball - that was the second link I provided.....I put it under "skill" (ha ha) PIZ: I remember the Walker draft vividly - and I was irate. It worked out great though didn't it? l But, I almost always want the Bills to draft OT's. I still cry over the old days of the Bils having a great offensive line. Surprise surprise...it was wthe last time the Bills were any good..... SO, in reply, I will cry my eyes out if D'Brick is there at 8 and we pass on him for ANYBODY ELSE (except Mario Williams but...c'mon. Brick and Wiliams being available at 8???? )
  22. Hey Rich - Rick is the 'expert" right? Might as well put this draft in the bank, huh?
  23. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article...0/1049/SPORTS01 "skill" reminder: http://www.thehuddlereport.com/top100/index.shtml I would be doing backflips in my front yard if we got this guy
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