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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. If you have room, bring it - I will try to remember to bring along a few tools (like a hammer). I am a behind-the-desk scientist with a green thumb and I can cook up some mean wings. I also put tents up all the time so hoepfully, I won;t be befuzzled by your contraption.
  2. I am also focusing on how windy it will be. How does your tarp hold up in windy conditions? What time do you see yourself arriving Sunday? How difficult is it to put the tarp up? I am staying at the Clarion in Williamsville 716 634-7500 (Richard Gudgel) Duff's - amherst ~ 6:30 pm friday Saturday: Original Pancake House - williamsville - ~ 8:30 am Danny's ~ 7 pm Saturday day plans - probably the Falls but maybe downtown buffalo Thanks for your offer of the tarp!! -Rich
  3. I'll be posting another update after the late morning runs come in. The overnight runs are starting to show the beginning of a convergence in the model runs towards the high resolution model - where a strong cold front goes through WNY in the early morning, Sunday - strong winds / rain/ and some thunderstorms. After the front passes, the anticipated dry line is shaping up right near us and , hopefully, right over us. It will be windy though no matter what. A secondary front is another concern - which will be passing through durign the day Sunday and into Monday (The upper air low is trailing the surface low) . This will keep the region unsettled - and possibly showery. This secondary wave is much weaker than the first and more a nuisance than anything else. Update around 11 am. -RnJ
  4. As far as I know - this is new. Listed as questionable http://www.newschannel34.com/sports/story....1D-D9CBB78FB118
  5. Isn't great to have a coaching staff you can count on? 'course this won't stop me fro doing my own game-planning It seems obvious that the jets will try to beat us with Chad's arm. Their run game is mediocre. This falls into the Bils strength: pass rush and pass defense. Chad throw very good short and mid range passes but can hit the long ball which I imagine they will go for throughout the game. The Bills must gameplan for the long ball too. The last time Chad showed up in Buffalo, he led the Jets to a lead but then tried a scramble and Fletcher send him to the sidelines and ultimately to the surgeon (shoulder injury). Chad cannot move and is a staue in the pocket. Key is to rattle him - it can be done. On offense, the Bills strength is the rungame and the jets can't stop it. Hmmmm....pound the ball. The weather may be a factor. Wind and/or rain. Turnovers may wreak havoc on both sides. Does JP have to win this game for us? I don;t think so. We can win with stopping the passing game of the Jets and pounding the ball on offense. -RnJ
  6. The weekend weather is beginning to become clearer as the higher resolution models begin to come into range of the weekend forecast. it is still a little too early to see the event completely but it appears that the longer range models are underestimating the strength of the the leading system and thus underestimating the strength of the front coming through on Saturday. Right now, it looks like the system will strengthen and stall to the north and west of Buffalo . Meanwhile , the ridge to our east also strengthens. If this "damming" takes place, the question becomes where does the moisture line stall? At this time, it looks like it will be east and south of Orchard Park. A dry slot will develop as the storm wraps itself up over Green Bay. Whereever the dry slot is - it will actually warm up a bit! Suffice it to say, this bears watching. The edge of the forecast range extends to Sunday afternoon about this time tomorrow. Right now, I am cautiously optimistic that we might luck out and be sitting in the dry slot. stay tuned.......
  7. Hi everyone, With the weather looking rainy, I have an issue of how to cook up my wings. Unfortunately, I do not own a tarp/tent etc to cook under. Is anyone bringing a tarp (or could bring a tarp) AND can you let me have a spot underneath it to cook my wings? Help! You can reply here or pm me Thanks! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB PS: I already checked with Cindy and she says there is not enough room for me to cook under the TBD Tent.
  8. Friday for the small contingent of the CNJBBB: Duff's Friday We plan to join the TBD this year at Danny's Saturday evening Sunday at Hammer's at 7 am Monday - home to NJ - can't wait to hear the lamenting Jet fans at 1 pm on WFAN
  9. If it rains, will there be any room for me to do some cooking under cover .. meaning the tent area?? I can't cook wings in the rain - the damn thing will splatter all over the place
  10. I have been monitoring the forecast for several days now. Although the models are bouncing around it appears we are looking at a "changeable" weather situation which means some showers......mostly light.... and some breaks in the clouds. Looks like mostly cloudy, scattered showers, high of about 65-69 degrees. Jeans, tee, with a button up Bills shirt, light jacket and raincoat/covering should do you nicely folks. Don't forget to eat some of my wings!!!! -RichNJoisy (meteorologist) CNJBBB
  11. Can you tell me when you'll be handing them to me? Am I correct to assume it will be one five lb bag of frozen wingettes?
  12. There's a reason the Rev and I call him Dier-DORK!!!!
  13. Hi Y'all, A few people have offered to bring along wings for the Tailgate. I am trying to plan purchases on the 23rd. IF you plan to bring wings to add to the CNJBBB cooking planned on the 24th, please PM me or post in this thread. I need to know HOW much you are bringing and WHEN you will be handing me the wings. I will be purchasing wings to cook at the Tailgate on Saturday during the day. It's just me this year - no Mark - but I should be able to keep the wings coming. Go Bills! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  14. Thanks for the link And I thought only Bills fans saw these things....... I have learned that if you want the calls, you gotta start winning first with the other team getting them all the time. exceptions: Miami and Dallas - they get the calls regardless of their record
  15. Yeh, like the the last game Drew played for us where he "wisely" down the ball on a 4th down play which effectively ended the Bills season in 2004? be careful what you wish for
  16. we spoke about this last Friday but just so you have it all in one place - one prime spot for me I will be one of the last to leave at the end of the day RichNJoisy
  17. RevNJoisy and RichNJoisy will be arriving at Hammer's around 6 pm or so - probably a little later. Haven't departed from "joisy" yet. We'll probaby chat with Hammer and then head to the stadium - I like to get in as much Bills watching as I can for my 7 1/2 drive! Go Bills! -RnJ
  18. I voted for Trixie but boy is Sadie Mae cute! That Frank is one ugly mudderfudder!!! BTW: I owned a Bassett when i was a boy....been working on my wife to let me get one!! right now, we have a yellow lab - smarter and cleaner but not as loud nor as smelly
  19. To the person in charge of the parking at Hammer's for the TBD tailgate, I will need one prime slot plus I want to make sure that I can arrange a very close spot outsidethe main area for an RV. We did this two year's ago. I want to use his power supply (battery) to plug in a small cooker to heat up hot sauce. There will only be one cook this year (me), so I expect to be offering fewer wings but I still hope to cook at least 150 or so. ABout 75 before the game and 75 after. last year, #89 brought a frozen bag which we added to our cooked "coffers" -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  20. Pyrite - don't you think it would have helped JP if McGahee and Evans were in the game for his time on the field? I will be at this Friday's game (coming up from Joisy) Go JP! -RnJ
  21. RichNJoisy has joined the TBD2 league I get back from Maine the day before the draft Don't forget to stop by Bills Central this season for some Wings!
  22. Ha! I didn't work THAT hard to make something out of this I would like to hear, however, from folks attending the practices if fairchild is SCREAMING at the QB's and how that compares to last year. My IMPRESSION is that something has changed. I remember a line from PATTON "They'll lose their fear of the Germans. God help them if they ever lose their fear of me!" perhaps fairchild has een the movie?
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