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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. I was there along with my wife (RevNJoisy) and I agree - it was VERY loud the weather helped with no gloves and lots of great moments to pump ya up Go Bills!
  2. Hey, if it works for you....... I am cheering for the Sabres too but the Bills are still my bread and butter
  3. I am really surprised (honestly) that you have to ask this question, at least for us "old timers" here (I am 44) The Bills represent BUFFALO. I am a BUFFALONIAN even though I now live in New "joisy") What? Since the Bills continue to suck I can extricate myself from being a fan? Am I "obsessed" with the Bills? Maybe - THAT is where this thread should be going but at least understand that the Bills represent not just a team but a community. When they win, WE win, When they lose WE lose. Not being a Bills fan would be comparable to not being me. Never gonna happen. Does that make me a "loser"? Before you answer know this: SIMPLY TELLING PEOPLE I COME FROM BUFFALO is usually enough to get a laugh from people. I simply smile and tell then to keep thinking that way. I plan to return HOME when I can and live amongst the greatest people on earth. Most of them, of course, Bills fans. The people that think Buffalo is a joke can go ahead and laugh and continue to live in their unfriendly, uncaring communities - at least compared to the community that is WNY. Those of us that live out of town, know exactly what I am talking about. So go ahead and laugh......nothing new to me. -RichNJoisy
  4. Note that TKO practiced again today. Limited? I guess. Let's see if he practices tomorrow. That MIGHT mean something
  5. FWIW, KFFL is reporting that Royal and Villarial did not practice and are listed as questionable and doubtful respectively on the Injury report TKO and Bowens both practiced yesterday and are listed as Questionable last week TKO practiced Thursday and Wednesday but not Friday
  6. along with Jim Nantz Simms HATES the Bills. I wish Tom Brady would let him have his baby and be done with it.
  7. I am not sure yet what the problem is. It could be, as some here have stated, that the absence of Peters and Fletcher on the return team is the problem. Going into last week's game, I thought the problem MIGHT be that we were playing teams in our own division who have seen a lot of McGee and had come up with ways to limit his returns. Against Minnesota, he only had three chances (after the first FG in the first quarter which came after a pretty long, sustained drive where McGee was on the field playing CB), after halftime, and after the lone Minnesota TD. It could be fatigue (playing fulltime at CB) is having an impact. It could be personnel changes. I seem to recall that LAST year, McGee's return number were down later in the year....is that correct? Maybe the league is catching up to the Bills. Still, I expect Terrence to break a long one...soon. Maybe this Sunday? Yeh, baby!! Remember, the better the defense plays, the fewer the returns. Fine with me Go Bills! -RnJ
  8. Ahhh, yes the Bills were indeed underdogs but I (meaning me ) had been telling everyone how overrated the Fish were and how I had circled this game back in April as a Bills victory. Still, the "experts" saw it as an upset. The Bears game would be a pretty big upset in my opinion. my 2 cents...
  9. I know Chicago is ranked #1 but look at who they have beaten: Green Bay Detroit Minnesota and the Seahawks Other than the Seahawks, none of the other teams was ranked above #15 prior to the start of the season. Looking at the first three teams now, I'd say that Green Bay and Detroit are both very bad teams, Minnesota is medium and Seattle is only "good" (not very good especially without Alexander) I still see the Bills most likely losing on Sunday BUT unless they turn the ball over like crazy then this will be a close game (<7 points) This means if the Bears screw up (TO's) then an upset is not out of the question especially if they are looking past this game. Even the Bills in their heydey (mid 90's) were at their most vulnerable the week after a national game , at home, vs a young, hungry opponent. The Bills are due for a big upset victory. When was the last one? Bengals in 2004? Before that you have to go back to the early Flutie days. egad...we ARE due! Go Bills!!! -RichNJoisy
  10. Both of the Vikes DE's are backups and/or rookies. Sounds to me like running outside A LOT will work quite nicely. I am not , usually, an advocate of trick plays but an end around with Mr. Parrish at an opportune time might produce some very nice results. Pat W was a decent DT for us but he could be beaten with quick draws since he likes to slip the gaps sometimes. Minnesota will try to establish the run game. Bills must limit Chester taylor and force the Vikings to throw. Although a tougher game on paper than last week's, the Bills are 1 game older (good) and Vikes have never seen this group of STers. Look for McGee to break one this week. Bills 31 - Vikings 21
  11. you are correct Mike but, as so many of the reactions here show, mental illness is not perceived as an illness but as a "weakness" This is a societal perception and I do not see it changing anytime soon. As a result, the mental illness in our society continues to worsen. It is approaching an epidemic (of "weak" people...yeh right) As to TO, he obviously has been mentally ill for a while - everything he does is self destructive. However, great athletes are perceived as "eccentric" and odd behavior is accepted readily. Now, he may FINALLY get the help he needs....that is, unless they decide to suit him up for the Philly game next week. I wouldn't be shocked if they did.
  12. Are you CERTAIN you are not reporting yesterday's practice? I HEARD Jauron state emphatically that TKO did not practice
  13. Jauron's statement was confirmed at KFFL.com - Bowen, also, did not practice today and is still listed as questionable
  14. Jauron was interviewd stated TKO did not practice today was questionable and would be game time decision ****** I have no link etc - this was an interview I heard of Jauron on WFAN at~ 4:30 today
  15. indeed. But I do this EVERY week (sometimes twice a week heheh) I learned VERY early in this process - no drinking while cooking. well,....errr... not TOOOO much ya know
  16. Frozen gives me more options - plus I do most of my cooking AFTER the game. Typically, 1/3 to 2/5 before kickoff and 3/5 to 2/3 after. Why? People are HUNGRY after the Bills victories and less nervous. But I play this by ear too. Any donation will be cooked immediatly or put in my cooler to be cooked later. Thanks -Rich
  17. Aaron (NYC): Hey Keith hows things? Can you please answer my question...I have been trying to get a question answered for weeks...anyways What do you think of the Bills? Their D is smothering and i think they had a good shot to beat the Jets this weekend, especially if the d plays the way they have been and Willis gets going...what do you think? SportsNation Keith Kidd: (1:06 PM ET ) I'm doing great. I love being able to sit back and talk for an hour about the NFL. I like the Bills' chances this week against the Jets. The defense has looked awesome in the first two weeks under Jauron. I like how the offense has used Willis McGahee to take pressure off of Losman. From what I've seen in the first two weeks, Losman has made a lot of strides in his decision making.
  18. O.K> here's the update as of 1:30 pm Thursday: The GFS model (Global, low resolution compared to the regional higher resolution NAM model) has shifted markedly towards the NAM solution. This is the best we could have hoped for for Sunday. It is still going to be wet BUT the dry slot I mentioned in my earlier forecasts is still evident on the simulation but the instability behind the front will make for , at best, scattered showers conditions. Now for the specifics: Moderate to heavy rain will fall overnight from after midnight to around 5 or 6 am. The rain will then move out and we should see some clearing with possible breaks in the clouds during the morning hours. As noontime approaches, clouds will return and scattered showers are possible throughout the game. Temps will be in the low 60's but add 5 degrees if the sun comes out for any extended length of time. After the Bills victory, there is still a chance of showers but the untstable conditions should gradually reduce. In any event, the post game celebration will still be possible. Thanks to Art in RTP - I have a cooking location no matter what the weather. So Hot Buffalo Wings will be cooking as early as 8:30 am. I will be bringing along my laptop and - for those still able to log on to TBD - I will be updating my forecast several times in the next 48 - 72 hours. -RichNJoisy Pres, CNJBBB
  19. I gotcha - I know where that is....exactly I have your cell now too. in the meantime, I wil update my forecast over at the "weather center" the dry slot may be our friend......
  20. Art - is this Hammer's Lot you are talking about? or somewhere else?
  21. Probably around 7:15 - 7:30 pm at Danny's If you mean at the Clarion (Williamsville), not much. PM me and I can give you my cell numbers -Rich
  22. All papers are reporting the injury - so it is "real" whether it will keep him out is another matter. CERTAINLY - even if he plays - it will impact his play negatively. -Rich
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