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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. That is correct - I expect the Bills home game in Toronto will be late November or early December
  2. I saw that as well but, I mean, he's excited...ya know. TWO (2) hours of duplicate coverage!!!! The hell with spellchecker. get the word out, pronto.
  3. Not to be "outdone" ESPN says they, too, will broadcast a 2-hour live show on the nfl schedule at 2 pm tomorrow. Wow - 2 hours of full coverage reading an nfl schedule. on two different channels. I can hear it now, "O.K. The Cheatriots are playing the Jets at home at 1 pm on Sunday September 7. What do YOU think that means Mort?" "Hmm, well that means they will play the game" "Good point. Chris, what can you add to that?" "Oh yes, Mort forgot to add that the jets and Cheatriots are RIVALS" "Good point, Chris" ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ As Monty Python would say, "My Brain HurtzZZ"
  4. http://www.nfl.com/ http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/networksched...=04%2F15%2F2008
  5. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...t.532bcdf5.html Certainly not following the majority here. I think, for once, Rick is way off especially with the Bills. One interesting note, for me, would be the scenario where McKelvin falls to 11. Would the Bills select him of Cromartie? I hope Rick is very wrong since in his draft the Jets get Chris Long and the Cheatriots get Gholston. I see Chris Long going 2nd to the Rams. Ryan going 3rd to Atlanta is one early bit of excitement if that comes to pass. (no pun intended). -RnJ
  6. Chris Brown - a resource or simply reporting on OUR OWN speculations? SEE: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=5981 about 2/3's down
  7. Bills | Edwards adds muscle Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:25:55 -0700 Chris Brown, of BuffaloBills.com, reports Buffalo Bills QB Trent Edwards has added 10 pounds of lean muscle to his frame since the end of last season. Edwards has shown up to the team's voluntary offseason conditioning workouts noticeably bigger and stronger in his upper body. He credits strength and conditioning coordinator J.T. Allaire's offseason program as the reason for helping him build up his upper body.
  8. Last year, as I recall, they moved the show up to Noon (which I thought was rather silly - too early to go home and watch). 4:30 would be great for me! We shall see....
  9. www.bengals.com is stating the following: "The 2008 regular season schedule is expected to be released by the NFL the week of April 14."
  10. Duh, I can't read it seems - sorry the link was talking about last year. They even got that wrong.
  11. The past 4 years, the NFL has released the schedule on April 5 (2007), April 6 (2006), April 13 (2005), and April 12 (2004). It always was settled after the Owners meeting and the date of the release was announced about 1 week or more before its actual release. One would think there is some problem - I assume with one or more of the networks. NFL Gridiron "gab" is now stating the schedule will be released April 10th Link: http://www.nflgridirongab.com/2008/03/08/2...ased-april-3rd/ They are already 0-1 this year let's see if anyone else reports that this is indeed the date of the release of the schedule. As of right this second, the NFL Access channel has nothing indicating that the release will be broadcast on this date. -rgg
  12. Well, I found someone else who claims to have heard the same report from the NFL Network: http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/oakland-ra...eek-4-15-a.html
  13. Ryan Clady OT | (6'6", 317, 5.15) | BOISE STATE could be sitting there at pick 11. don't pop a gasket if the Bills pick him. I won't. IMO, you can never have too many big bodies on EITHER side of the ball.
  14. I see what you are saying but are not the other team needs relevant when a team evaluates the "value" of a player? In other words, I am sure you will agree that what a team pays a player is largely based on position and where they are drafted. Thus, a number 11 pick is worth X and the position they play makes their contract worth X + Y. If the Bills value a player higher than other teams but know that other teams do not value that player the same way then they will slide that player down since other team's "value" boards impact where a player will be drafted. There is always opinion, need, and guesswork involved (and hence risk of losing a player to another team) but this does play a part. Now you are saying the Bills may likely rank a WR or two higher than other teams will - not only due to need but based on their own evaluation of a player's talent. I agree this is quite possible. But if they are pretty certain (relatively) that player will be there, say, 10 picks later, due to other teams' needs, then they HAVE to weight that in their decision. Does this mean they might draft a player that they have ranked LOWER in the hopes of trading up later to nab the "higher value" player (on the Bills charts)? Why not?. It is part of the draft process - knowing not only how good each player is but also how other teams value each player. it is funny, but this is how I run my fantasy drafts - knowing not only which players are good but also how other owners value players. -RnJ
  15. LB - that is true. I should have included that position. We are talking, here, about one player: Keith Rivers. He is slotted for between 10-15 or so. At CB - there are McKelvin, Jenkins, Cromartie (who is skyrocketing up team draft boards). The "Longs" (OT and DE) will be gone. As will Dorsey & Ellis (DT's) and Ghoston (DE). Also gone will be QB Ryan and RB McFadden. I EXPECT McKelvin to be gone (Patsies) but they may go with a DT. If McKelvin is there, the drooling will begin. Good situation to trade down OR pick. -RnJ
  16. I hesitate to respond so briefly after you put so much thought into your post, but it still seems to me this draft comes down to two factors: 1.) The Bills biggest need is at WR but no WR is worthy of the #11 pick. Same goes for TE. 2.) If the Bills can find a willing trade partner who wil give value for the 11th pick, the Bills must trade down OR they must draft the best player on the board at that time. If they go for best player available, that will be a a DT, DE, OT or a CB. Right? Most likely an OT or a CB. I can live with more depth at either position. I prefer the trade down which means the Bills can draft WR's and hopefully hit on one who can help us THIS year. Several posters have shown how many flops at the WR position there have been over the years. Overall, I expect this to be a boring draft since you can't be sure if you have a "hit" for quite awhile. -RnJ
  17. he's free - he was undrafted. Carr is a non-compensation restricted free agent, so any team that signs him will not owe the Raiders a draft pick. (Yahoo! Sports)
  18. I THINK the only issue is when the Bills will go WR and how many times. At 11, that is projected to be too soon for the top ranked WR. So, do the Bills still draft one if they cannot trade down? Or do they take the more appropriately ranked (best player available) at CB, DE, DT, or OT? Next, do the Bills wait until pick 41 or trade up to nab the WR they desire?
  19. you are correct. I have watched this guy play for years - I WANTED to put him in the Randy Moss/Terrell Owens mold. But I couldn't. Yes, he is "out there" at times but, unlike Moss and Owens, his outbursts are either MEANT to be funny (and often are) or are the result of BAD TEAM PLAY. He wants to play on a team that plays well, executes, and has a chance to win. He knows he is a very good receiver and that to play on a continually underperforming team is a waste. Let's face it, the Bengals have been a joke for years - constantly having players in trouble with the law and/or the league. I'd want out too. Chad is a great receiver and whomever gets him - if he becomes available - will hit the jackpot. The only asterisk I have is that he HAS been getting hurt lately.
  20. This guy is also coming off an ACL injury last year. if I were a raider fan (God forbid) I would be ripping my hair out. I guess they are trying the be the NFL's version of the NY Knicks. Woo hoo! We play the raiders this year!!!
  21. It is ironic that the Bills - for their needs - have TOO HIGH a pick (pick 11). Unless a trade is worked out , however, I just cannot see the Bills not drafting a WR in round 1. If a trade partner can be found, then the Bills will trade down. There has never been a more obvious year to do this. If the Bills stay at #11, they simply will have to draft a WR. Yes, a CB is still a need but not a glaring need. Due to last year's incredible injuries in the secondary, the Bills were forced to throw player after player into the front lines. The result? On the field training and the Bills now have a very good idea as to what they have. That information plus the overhaul of the defensive line (Stroud! and Johnson) and the return of Poz and the addition of Mitchell means less pressure on the CB's as the run game will be much improved and opponent offenses will face more frequent 3rd and longs. A CB is still needed but he can be drafted later and nursed more slowly. Now, it is true that most rookie WR's are not very productive. But there have been exceptions (Fitzgerald, Boldin, Colston, Cal Johnson to name a few rcent ones). Peerless Price was actually pretty decent his rookie year many moons ago. The role of a rookie wide receiver on the Bills will be to stretch the defense (so he needs to be fast) and he needs soft hands (he needs to be able to catch the Fade in particular). Over the middle, we still have Reed and Parrish so there is no need to put the kid into the middle of the short field. But the Bills HAVE to make it less attractive to double and triple team Evans. So, if the Bills cannot trade down or (pick up a veteran and a later pick in a trade), they will simply have to overreach for the best WR on the board at pick 11. I am terrified of Malcolm Kelly. He has not run yet and probably for a good reason - PLUS he already has had reconstructive surgery on his left knee. I think the Bills will go for Sweed, Manningham Hardy or Jackson. The Bills need a trade partner!
  22. Nope - that would actually not fit the Raider mold. Trading for Chad would be a GOOD thing. Why do that?
  23. I agree with you that he is a great WR but look at the situation realistically - the bengals are in no position to demand let alone receive a 1st rnder for him. They will be lucky to get a 2nd. If I were the Bills, I would get involved in the deals being discussed. I would offer a 4th and a conditional pick in 2009. Then, if the Bengals bite, I'd say "wait a minute" and talk to Chad about a contract extension. The Bills also need to get serious in their contract talks with lee Evans.
  24. also, from kffl Bills | Team has showed interest in R. Davis Fri, 14 Mar 2008 00:13:17 -0700 Vaughn McClure, of the Chicago Tribune, reports the Buffalo Bills have shown interest in restricted free-agent WR Rashied Davis (Bears).
  25. Redskins | Hackett reportedly turns down offer Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:15:49 -0700 The NFL Network reports free-agent WR D.J. Hackett (Seahawks) reportedly turned down a contract offer from the Washington Redskins.
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