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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. What you and all the "sky-is-falling! Bills doomed to move to Toronto!" people out there seem to have is this continued inability to recognize that Buffalo fans will bend but once the "Buffalo" label leaves the Bills, the organization will lose almost all of its current fanbase. Not only that, these fans will (mostly) become non watchers of the NFL. I know I speak for the great majority of current Bills fans: We are BUFFALO Bills fans - in support of the team from BUFFALO. We cannot be traded, bought or sold to another city. In other words, a slow move out of town or a fast move is not going to change this. Move the Bills and you lose the Buffalo fan. We miss ya, Tim. Go Bills! -RnJ
  2. SO hard to believe, that he has died. In our sense of mourning and loss, I know that his Bills community will understand the grief and loss we feel..
  3. The CNJBBB is trying to collect enough tickets together and still make it up. We may shift to week 3 (Oakland) but I am making every effort to find 6 tickets together at a price affordable for all. I will need instructions/updates on whether or not the TAILGATE at Hammer's is still on or not.
  4. This is getting beat into the ground folks and has brought out a lot of emotion - this is understandable. The fact that this has raised theological issues is actually appropriate (although difficult and sad to read as people argue about this) since we ARE discussing not only the legal ramifications but also the moral implications. I am a scientist married to a minister ("RevNJoisy - we often joke that it is appropriate that the minister married a man who works for NOAA - pronounced "Noah"). Although in my field (climate research), we can spend our careers investigating and studying SCIENCE we cannot answer the MORAL questions. What is morally RIGHT cannot be measured - societal belief systems (theology, etc)- make these determinations. As to Marshawn, I too reacted with "Oh no! It can't be true. Don't let it be true. Don't suspend him or put him in jail! We NEED him on the field". In my defense, that was an emotional reaction based on my love of the Bills which (all too often I admit) supercedes almost everything else. But now, as time has passed, my desire for justice has prevailed. What do I want? 1.) The facts of the case to come out publicly - including any plea bargain 2.) Lynch to receive the NORMAL punishment that societal laws decree 3.) The NFL should punish Marshawn based exactly on their rules(no more, no less) 4.) If he admits guilt I want a public apology in addition to his legal punishments OTHERWISE I will reject him as Bill. I NEVER boo but if he "gets away" with this - assuming he HAS plead guilty to something (NOTHING has been proved at this point concerning his involvement) - I will reject him #4 should include him becoming the Poster Child for How One Can "Fall" and fail - I want a public community service effort led by Marshawn and supported with his money. If alcohol was involved in the incident (which no doubt will NOT be part of the "record" HE will know this), I expect him to be involved with Don't Drive Drunk campaigns. He should not be behind the scenes but in the open about his involvement. This would be another "I'm guilty and I'm sorry" to the community for his shameful (if proven) behavior. And if he doesn't like #4 - show him the door. My final comment - I HATE all of this. I want the Bills to win with every fiber of my soul but not at the expense of what is RIGHT. So, if you did this Marshawn, count yourself the luckiest man alive in that the girl was only slightly hurt. Your PENANCE is as I described: Full and normal legal penalty, monetary (lawsuit, baby!), and public contrition. Then, you are forgiven but on probation with WNY. Don't like it? There's the door. Don't let it hit you on the butt on the way outta town.
  5. Are you saying Jack COULD have purchased the group tickets yesterday?
  6. Jack - what exactly is going on? Since (obviously) they do not have 75,000 season ticket holders, Has what has happened been that other season ticket holders have already bought up all the seats? Who else has had access to the ticket before the group sales? -RichNJoisy
  7. There are several keys to a successful Bills season. #1) Trent progresses. Sophomore year must be relatively injury-free, and he must play better than he did last year (progressively better) #2) Bills must have "normal" or less than normal amount of injuries. #3) Defense must stop the run (top 10) I also think the Bills need to get of the gate fast this year - going 2-1 (Win, Loss, Win) and no worse than 3-2 at the break.
  8. my god where YOU there. How the hell do you KNOW what actually happened? he may be protecting someone ELSE. "..He's already proven he cares more about not getting caught than taking responsibility".. what's the use. You have already tried and convicted him
  9. I know it is hard to even consider this but maybe Marshawn is a good guy? You know and what you just suggested has never and would never occur to him? THAT just might be why he wouldn't pay someone to take the fall?
  10. dang a woman is hit treated and released but the damage apparently to a SUV is severe enough to leave parts at the scene? That's either one tough gal or one flimsy vehicle. seriously......the side mirror?
  11. Check out Point 4: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...ex.html?eref=T1
  12. I figure it will be Cliff Avril or Early Doucet
  13. The Bills have no TE and have not had a good one since Jay Riemersma left. A game breaking TE changes the way a defense plays. They HAVE to prepare for him. We simply will have to agree to disagree. By the way, has Shockey ever played for a good QB?
  14. What a shock - you and I are on the same page (for a change ha ha). Shockey for basically a 2nd and 4th? We'd still have 8 picks left and, now, the only weakness at WR? We are talking about a game-breaking player at the TE position? There are , what, two others of his caliber in the league? And now people people use his attitude as making him "not worth it"? Are you guys nuts? He doesn't get arrested, doesn't do drugs, he gets angry when he loses. Also, he HAS grown up a bit. I, too, live in the Giants area (NJ) and have watched (with glee) the troubles. But Trent is NOT Eli. Trent can handle Mr. Shockey. If the Bills make this trade, I'd (blank) in my pants. -RnJ
  15. All indications are that the Eagles want to trade up to 11 or higher to draft a DT or DE In any event, at pick 19, the Bills would have a nice selection amongst the top-rated WR's.
  16. you forgot to mention that the Bucs drafted the top OL (Walker - who ended up being a bust). The Bills selected Clements at 21 and then Henry with the #2.
  17. This is what you do: You collect as many drunk, obnoxious, and weeping-after-their-loss Cheatriot fans and pile them up to the base of the Goalposts; Then simply pull the posts down from this Vantage point. would be messy though. A lot of Cheatriot fan mess to clean up afterwards........
  18. Yeh, I may not cook so much since when it was only me (I lost my other cook) I got REAL TIRED. If I find an assistant, I will cook up 'the usual" See you on the 7th! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  19. 1.) Home Opener 2.) San Diego game after the BYE 3.) Monday night game vs Cleveland And, duh, Bills must win all the 'easy" games - Oakland, Rams, Cardinals, Miami X 2, San Francisco, at least one Jets game The rest is gravy (Jacksonville, Cheatriots X 2, Denver, at KC, one Jets game) Dear God - I pray they finally come out of the box strong. Win the first game!!!
  20. If all this comes to pass - you MUST get a piece and bring it to the 2009 TBD Tailgate. If you do, I will give you the first batch of wings from the CNJBBB cooker. RichNJoisy Pres,CNJBBB PS: Weeee're baaack for this years TBD Tailgate!
  21. From: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...le.snaps/2.html "...maybe the Patriots have a right to feel a bit picked on again this year when they look at Buffalo's schedule, their AFC East rival. The Bills have home games against San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland and Seattle, the same four Pacific Time Zone teams that New England has to travel to." I feel real sorry for the Cheatriots. I do. really, Really. REALLY! Answer me this: if the Bills beat the Cheatriots on December 28th, in a game that has meaning for both teams, should Bills fans tear down the goalposts?? I vote: YES (last time was 1980 - I believe - when the Bills beat the dolphins for the first time in 21 games. For you youngsters, there were no arrests. In fact, Ralph ACCEPTED the goal post piece that was handed up to him by a crowd to his luxury box)
  22. Umm, Trent didn't look so "hot" in the snow in Cleveland last year. I think we can let this one go (for now)
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