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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. Or "Posluszny has an ankle injury. Both he and Jauron are optimistic he'll start Sunday." Can some please tell us where they are getting there information - one must be opinion and the other is fact. please elaborate and I appeal to people to not joke all the time (if that is what this was). TONE is not possible to hear in a post (with emoticons, that is)
  2. I was happy until I saw he picked the bengals to win their division...I think he's on drugs
  3. Yes, I am certain he has been assured this....by his agent.
  4. Just some clarification: The quote came from BillsDaily which got their report via WGR. (From BillsDaily.com:) LATEST BILLS NEWS Tuesday August 19, 2008 Peters Getting Ready To Report? The Bills continue to have little or no contact officially with holdout tackle Jason Peters. WGR is reporting that Derrick Dockery has been communicating with Peters through text messages. Dockery said he thinks Peters will report soon. ***************** The new contract part came from the poster of this Thread. ******************* Here's my take: I ASSUME the Bills are going to be "professional" about this: When Peters reports, they will check him out physically, tell him he has to pay all the fines and to get to work. Meanwhile, they will contact his agent to listen to their demands. The Bills will tell them that Jason is under contract and that they expect him to abide by it BUT that they will take the demands into consideration and, after Lee Evans is signed to an extension, Jason's case for a new contract will be explored. In other words, treat the player and agent with respect but make it clear that they are under no obligation to rip up the old contract and that they defienitely will not reward a holdout. my 2 cents
  5. Sid, Stop wasting your time - The game is not being shown live except locally (Buf and Pitt). I am tivoing the game at midnight on the NFL Access Channel- I may stay up to watch the first quarter. Meanwhile, I will see if I can follow the game online....
  6. I believe Lee played but only briefly and he caught no passes. The Steelers game is not nationally televised. It will be shown first in replay at midnight on Friday - and repeated again at 9 am Saturday on the NFL access channel
  7. I am totally for Bills management here so don't misunderstand me BUT your comments are a bit unfair to Peters. He IS underpaid. he is a probowl Left tackle. No way should he make way less than a left guard. The fact he is complaining about his salary does not mean he does not care about winning - it might simply means he cares about being drastically underpaid. Now, having said that, his METHOD of complaining (holding out) is just plain STUPID - he has three years left on his contract and is coming off an injury. The smart thing to do is to come into camp, prove he's totally healthy and work his butt off. The Bills have publicly stated they are willing to discuss a new deal IF HE COMES INTO CAMP. Peters simply may be rather stupid (as opposed to being uncaring about winning). He is also listening to his agent too much. Peters shoudkl be in camp by sometime next week. I think
  8. This only underscores Peter's lack of leverage. But, PTR - who is the real idiot? The rich agent who loses nothing (except ....reputation? HA!) for screwing up Jason OR is is Peters for blindly following this guy while he is risking EVERYTHING? I seem to recall that Peters got something like a 9 on the wonderlic. That's using the old noggin' Jason! I hope he has at least ONE friend who can straighten him out!
  9. Absolutely! This game is why I feel the Seahawks game is a "must win" - the Bills simply cannot go 0-2 out of the gate AGAIN. Win at home week 1. But.........if the jags are very weak at WR, this means we can crowd the LOS and hopefully keep the game close enough to pull the upset. It would be a big upset IMO. As to jags in the Bowl, you have to pick the Cheatriots unless Tom Shady Brady goes down.
  10. I don't think so. As far as I know, all agents work alone. So Eugene Parker is Peter's agent, period. Parker's motivation is obvious - he took over as Jason's new agent during the offseason. if he works out a new deal, Parker will pocket a percentage of the signing bonus and base salary. If Peters' contract is not renegotiated, Parker gets zip. Jason, of course, would benefit from a new deal but currently is losing $15,000 every day in fines. if he goes back to camp, he at least will make upwards of $3 million. I am sure parker is willing to wait as long as it takes - Jason has to force the issue since HE is the one losing out right now. I figure this will not go on much more than a week or so before Jason caves. My 2 cents.
  11. This thread has simply gotten too long to know what is being repeated - but my (addition?) take on this is this: With three years remaining on his contract,Jason simply cannot win this game of chicken. In order to reach free agency, he would have to report for the last 6 games for each of the next three years. No one doubts (even Ralph I am sure) that Peters is being underpaid but he has no leverage. None. His only option is to report and voice his complaints and say things like "I will never sign a new contract with the Bills again". Better , is to report, and play well and privately complain (and threaten). At 15k in fines every day, he won't be able to afford this for long. Peters will cave and come in. I doubt this will go much past the first preseason game - if that. Or, he can retire on principle. eh, it's only millions of dollars.....
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3510292 Some or all of these injuries COULD reach Week 2 which would definitely raise the Bills chances of winning this very tough game on their schedule. Porter is , as the story states, expected to miss at least the entire preseason. A win in Jacksonville would be huge in my opinion.
  13. With Ellis signed this MAY mean that idiot agent Parker may now have more time to focus on the Peters situation. maybe
  14. yes, Lori, but shouldn't the capsule be written in such a way as to encourage potential buyers to want to read more? Maybe it did for you but I found the capsules to be silly ...at best. just my opinion...
  15. http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/Featu...trncamp2306.htm In my opinion, I might not read their full review magazine if they gave it to me for free. This person writes like a 5-year old. Maybe if they paid me to read it? Hmmmmmmmmm
  16. Didn't you miss Sabres vs Columbus on November 14th followed by Bills Cleveland on November 17th?
  17. I agree with you completely, Buckeye about this "we must have a new stadium" crap. I was in town this past weekend and picked up a free local paper with Trent Edwards on the front. Inside was an article by Ed Kilgore (Jeesh, he was on channel 2 when I lived there 30 years ago!) Anyway, he writes that (paraphrasing), "Buffalo MUST have a waterfront stadium or it's bye-bye Bills". yes, he says, it will have fewer seats and the cost for the average fan will skyrocket but that is the ONLY way to keep the team. Bull. The Bills make money. Does anyone doubt that? Jim Kelly said, "Money is not the issue when Ralphie passes" if so, then what IS the issue? As to the new stadium crapola. how many cities are going to finance a new stadium these days? Name them, please. THEN we can talk about blackmailing Buffalonians to pay for one for the "poor, new Bills owner". The NFL is swimming in cash, the Bills are selling out and huge stadium at that. Plus, they get a 1/32nd cut of TV revenues plus ...what is it .... all proceeds from sales of jerseys, etc etc? Look at it across the country: Jacksonville owner says, "No new stadium? Then I'm outta here!" (response, adios tonto). San Diego owner says, LA or new stadium!!, residents say, "There's the door". By the way, where exactly IS that new LA stadium? Not built yet? Whattayawaiting for? Oh, .....money Now, it's Toronto who will build it and then they will come. Leaving 72,000 fanny-in-the-seats fans to move north into Canada? What Billionaire would want to leave this gravy train behind for such an uncertain future? -rgg
  18. Thanks for the numbers, folks. I started this post but I was not POSITIVE that their sales sucked but it was what what-I-call-a-memory told me. One person in this thread mentioned Jacksonville getting ANOTHER Super Bowl. I don't believe, The first (and hopefully last) Bowl game was a travesty - they did not have enough hotel space and TRIED to put people up in Cruise ships. I heard that was a joke and the traffic was ridiculous. As to San Diego moving as a possibility - I have heard that, too but I think that Jacksonville is the team most likely to move for both financial reasons AND PR reasons (I mean, if they move will Jacksonville residents even notice?)
  19. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/hashmarks/0-8-1...lling-Jags.html One can certainly believe this is possible given how few games this team sells out - even when they are good. Won't soothe the fears of the Toronto Bills crew, but whatever...,,,,
  20. uh, yeh, that's the definition of being a Bills fan. Interesting, though, about the ticket sales. No playoffs since 1999 and almost every game is already sold out before the season has started for the first time in like 15 years. YOU "may be getting {your} hopes up"? Get in line, pal. (apparently) I repeat: Bills MUST get out of the gate fast this year. Win the friggin' Home Opener!!! Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. wow, a thread about Bills football You mentioned Trent - I am very excited to watch him progress. he had arguably the best rookie QB season in Bills history. You failed to mention Stroud - I am very excited to see him stuff the run forcing teams into third and longs. I am expecting the Bills to double or even triple their sack totals from last year plus way more INTs. I am cautiously optimistic that Marshawn can advance further both as a runner and as a receiver. Speaking of receivers....will Evans return as a major force and can hardy contribute? Which Tight End will be the main go-to guy in that position? -RnJ
  22. STOP spewing logic here you fool. E.O.A. (Emotions, only, allowed.)
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