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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/espntv/espnGuide check out April 14th at 2 pm NFL Network has not tipped their hand - they have Path to the Draft listed for that date and time. Note: LAST year, the schedule was released on April 15th so this date seems reasonable
  2. The "lightning" round Overtime IS statistically unfair but the college method, while exciting, could wreak havoc with TV coverage (early games overlapping late games, late games disrupting primetime broadcasts, etc). What's fair? Split the referees and each team starts with the ball on the opponent's 30. 3 downs for a 1st (no punts). First team to score wins. No first down in 3 tries? Then you have to hope your defense stops the opponent's offense. No Field goals. A turnover by your defense means your offense gets four downs to score a TD instead of three. No INTs or fumble returns for TD's. Broadcasters could split the screens or try to cover both on one screen (good luck). If neither team score a TD in the "lightning round" then coin flip and 10 minute overtime as is standard. Refs would hate it. Fans would go NUTS. Talk about 'scoreboard watching". Each team would have to note the progress of the opponents at the other end of the field. If the other team get in the red zone, your own offense better get a little more urgent My proposal does not take into account the advantage one team might have due to weather conditions (wind in particular). -RichNJoisy
  3. KFFL is reporting the Lions are going to draft Baylor OT Jason Smith with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft. they are also reporting Vic Carucci, of NFL.com, who says the Buffalo Bills might play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Toronto this season, according to a source at the league meetings. ..and I had already penciled in the Colts.
  4. The "experts" are predicting a 1 or 2-game suspension at most.
  5. Your points are well taken. But even before one gets to the point of considering what one will get out of a traded-for player and what the cost might be comes the skills of the player being replaced. Quite often, the SITUATION one lands in determines how one progresses (or not) in a new job. JP Losman came in after years of unmet expectations of the "veteran" Quarterbacks (Flutie, Johnson, Van Pelt, Bledsoe, Holcomb). Thus, he was given a lot of leeway even after one bad game after another. It reminds me of a line near the end of The Goodbye Girl when Dreyfus exclaims, "I'm the only guy who's trustworthy and I'm taking the blame for all those guys who preceded me!" In other words, Trent Edwards has been given one of the shortest grace periods I've ever seen for a rookie QB and I think he may be the best QB we've had since Kelly. I am not certain of this - the 1st half of the Browns game last year is still a recurring nightmare. But, if I were GM I would not even consider trading for Cutler, given the obvious costs to do so, when I may already have a franchise QB on the team right now. Admittedly, this is probably a make or break year for Trent. Which EVEN THAT may be unfair since it is only his third year in the league. I am hoping beyond hope that the Front Office can find a way to get a decent offensive line in front of him and a decent pass-catching Tight End. With these additional pieces, I think we will finally see what this guy can do. Put points on the board - lots of them.
  6. I posted in several places here that after the TO signing, it only makes sense for the Bills to move way up on their priority list to signing a pass-catching Tight End. Again, since the TO signing is for THIS YEAR, the focus must be on winning this year. A key missing component is a Pass-catching TE. Next, and of equal importance, is the offensive line. I have no idea if the Bills will give in to Peter's demand or not. I know if I were running the Bils negotiations, my "front' would be to play hard ball TRYING to get his demands down but, in the end, I would lean towards giving him what he wants. The trade scenario has two big problems: 1.) Getting value for Peters (a 1st round pick) 2.) What to do THIS YEAR about the gaping hole his departure would mean. By the way, I am still hoping the Bills ALSO trade for Waters. To conclude, trade for Scheffler, sign Peters, trade for Waters, and sign either Cato or Crowell. Draft the best DE or Offensive lineman on the board in round 1. -done
  7. This is a good site. I have been routinely checking it now starting back about 14 days ago. Meanwhile, Bialy's site is practically unreadable lately. Out with the Bad in with the Good
  8. No way will it be another division game. Ralph got B-fed for allowing it last year. I predict Browns, next: Colts
  9. So may of the posters here keep missing this one point: Unless you think the signing of TO was merely to sell tickets, then the one year deal means they are making a major push to make the playoffs THIS YEAR. Yes, defense wins championships and yes the Bills pass rush stunk last year but unless the Bills can pull off a minor miracle - finding a rookie who can make a difference right away - then the Bills have to make more moves to shore up the o-line and find Trent a pass-catching tight end to make their move to the playoffs THIS YEAR. One option might be to play both Marshwn and Fred at the same time basically utilizing Jackson as a TE. But Trent will end up on his back if the offensive line is not shored up. It is possible to find rookie lineman (better chance than rookie defensive linemen making a difference) but my view is to continue doing things the Bills seldom do : trade draft picks for veterans. Trade with Denver for Scheffler (TE) Trade with Kansas City for Waters (Guard) Talk with Carolina about Julius Peppers. CONSIDER trading away our first rounder for Peppers. I'd also make the necessary offers to sign LB's Cato June or Freddie Keiaho
  10. We actually agree since my focus on the offensive side did not consider your Peppers option. Now THAT would be Ball-sie (sorry ladies). In my original reply to this thread I stated that the mentioned moves WERE dramatic and that more were needed since the TO signing means a "win now" strategy applies - which is what you stated too essentially. Hopefully, the front office realizes they have committed themselves.
  11. These two additions would be pretty dramatic in my opinion but I agree we need two more signings (O-Line and at LB). But, you need to realize that the TO deal is a one year fling. This means, the only way it really makes sense is to push HARD to go the extra step this year. I feel this means borrowing from the future. There are two ways to do this: 1.) make a significant trade of future picks to get a needed piece this year (such as scheffler form Denver) or 2.) use the 1st round pick this year for NOW instead of the future. A now pick would be Pettigrew rather than at DE. DE is a major need and will pay off in the long run but who, then, plays TE this year???
  12. here's another interesting article : http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=525249 As to Trent's arm strength which is the subject of a lot of debate, I think it's stronger than pennington's but certainly weaker than JP's The key is can he throw the long ball ENOUGH to keep the CB's from pinching. There has to be the THREAT of the long ball to keeps the corners honest. I think Trent can do this and with decent time to throw - will make this clearly evident from game 1 so - we need to fill in the offensive line via FA, trade or maybe the draft (round 1) AND give him a decent Pass Catching TE. Looks like points to me.
  13. No no no! Now that we have TO for one year we have to get a pass catching Tight End. If Crabtree is still there then trade down with Denver - we get Denver's first round pick plus Scheffler. They get our 1st rounder.
  14. I still think the Bills need to give Trent a decent Tight End. Plus, the line still needs one or two more DECENT players. We've got TO for ONE year - we HAVE to give Trent time to throw and a decent dump off option. Man - Can you imagine the year Josh Reed may have now - he's Trent's favorite go-to guy and now he will get covered by a linebacker (Unless they want to leave TO or Lee wide open)...heh heh heh
  15. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...ason/index.html
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/09/sports/f...ml?ref=football As I have felt basically from the start - a one year deal is perfect.
  17. I now think the Bills should look for a TE - either via a trade with Denver or drafting Pettigrew in rd 1. The TO signing means they plan to try and win THIS year. We need a pass catching TE....NOW. (we can give AARON steroids.) -RnJ
  18. Damn math expert!! My wife is POed by the signing but I THINK she's calmed down. I have posted this elsewhere today but my wife and talked about TO yesterday - about how he'd never come to Buffalo because it is "not his kind of town" (in other words, boring but in actuality is possesses something that none of his previous team's has had: Heart. Too bad his contract did not have incentives which included "good behavior" since living in Buffalo might "save" him. His personality has always been completely egocentric but that is not only unusual in WNY but unacceptable. He might...just might.... if he spends some time working with some charities/churches/social groups whatever, learn what the Grinch learned. It may sound corny but this guy is LOST (rich, famous but messed up) Now, I hope he discovers this....but if he ONLY brings a few playoffs games, I will accept that Go Bills RichNJoisy (aka old fart)
  19. I am thinking a little differently now about the draft. Are we all in agreement that the Bills signed TO to try to win games THIS year? If so, drafting a stud DE meets a long term need (and maybe a short term need - the equivocation has to do with how much impact a rookie DE can have on a team's success....typically not much (Peppers aside)) but The other big need is at Tight End. If I were the Bills, I would first see if the rumors about Denver being interested in trading Scheffler were true or not. If true, I'd meet their price. If false, I'd draft Luke Pettigrew. Now, Trent has two good RB's (minus Marshawn's 2-4 game suspension) a good TE two great WR's plus Josh Reed. The risk is that Aaron Schobel can't return to form. worth the risk to try and win 11 games next year. When we beat the Patsies, I say let's tear down the goalposts! Go Bills! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  20. I turn 47 on the 16th and I, too remember the rockpile as a wee one. So I hear you. These past 10 years, however, have been agony. Now, I highly doubt TO will sign with the Bills - someone will simply offer him more. But If the Bills sign him to ONE YEAR deal, he will be playing for pride and next year's big deal (somewhere else). It is the only way I can imagine him being a "good citizen" and playing his butt off in Buffalo. So, yes, a one year deal would be IMO fantastic my 2 cents you "old man"! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  21. I don't think so but, let's face it, in this age of easy internet webpages fake sites abound. Like I said in my original post - which I was forced to rename by the new gestapo here at 2BD - reader beware. I figure only we can figure out through actually making note of people who report things accurately. such as "soprano" source (aka=sucks) -RnJ
  22. I have never heard of him either but I said, "what the hell..here's the link" As to an earlier poster's comment about (paraphrasing), " TO ending his career in a small town proving his true love of the game", it's strange you should say that since my wife and I sadly agreed that being in Buffalo unlike any other city could actually "save" TO - it's a place where people care about real things and each other. The sort of things that bored the hell of of McGahee. If I signed TO his contract would be filled with incentives not only about staying out of trouble but also with bonuses for community work and "bettering" himself (such as seeing a counselor) It's like someone being incredibly beautiful and actually developing a good personality. The two together are rare. TO is a gifted athlete and a totally sick individual (mentally). oh well,......
  23. http://www.salsports.com/BillsTerrellOwens.htm I do not know what to make of this. Do the Bills need a legit #2 WR? Yes Is Jauron under pressure. YES! Does he know it? Maybe. Is TO a BIG change from any other Bills signing you could name. Oh yeh. Gotta say, it interesting but since he is legitimately crazy (I mean, the guy seriously needs to be on MEDS and be seeing a counselor) , I can't see this attempt helping except in the short term...very short term. RichNJoisy CNJBBB
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