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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4975463
  2. NFL | Ferguson suspended eight games Comment (0) Tweet me! Sat, 06 Mar 2010 22:06:39 -0800 Howard Balzer, of The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, reports free-agent NT Jason Ferguson (Dolphins) has been suspended the first eight games of the 2010 season. It is believed he violated the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs. Read more: http://www.kffl.com/hotw/nfl#ixzz0hUZS8CLk
  3. I can't see anyone trading a 1st round pick for a talented but troubled receiver who will demand a gigantic contract the year before a possible strike. Any ONE of these negatives (1st round pick, troubled, WR, huge contract, pending strike) would be enough for me as a GM to say "nope". I'd say such a trade is a non starter. my 2 cents....
  4. I would think that the time to heal is way past. he should be in great shape if he kept working out.
  5. hey, you don't sign him unless he passes a physical, right? And this does not preclude the Bills drafting a NT - playing NT is hard when you are 22 years old. Up until their first game in the NFL, they usually were by far the biggest guys on the field. Now they are facing guys their own size or bigger all the time. I am interested BTW to see if Kyle Williams can bulk up. He is still really young. my 2 cents...
  6. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/35713476/ns/...ts-player_news/ also http://otrsportsonline.com/2010/03/04/jama...liams-released/
  7. He received a $3 million signing bonus, a $4.7 million roster bonus, a $1.9 million base salary and a $100,000 workout bonus all in 2009. That's $9.75 million for the 2009 season. so, yep, we paid less for 1 year of T.O.
  8. Just saw this - prayers from Rich and the Rev N Joisy!
  9. My letters will go out tomorrow morning -RichNJoisy
  10. Hmmm, with no cap next year, what exactly would this mean?????
  11. oops...sorry I missed the thread already talking about this guy. my bad
  12. from gbnreport.com Iowa junior OT Bryan Bulaga, the Big Ten’s offensive lineman of the year, has announced that he will be entering the 2010 draft. The 6-5, 315-pound Bulaga is projected as a first-round pick, although his ultimate draft grade may have been compromised by a non-football illness that forced him to miss three games early in the season.
  13. CNN puts us on the map for their example of "U.S. cold". http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/weather/01/04/c...ther/index.html
  14. I, too, was in section 311. We made some noise to be sure!!
  15. Mary Travers of Peter Paul and Mary? you have a link?
  16. great post OC! Thanks for the analysis The Saints were 8-8 last year and 7-9 the year before. After the 2-0 start, people are putting them in the Super Bowl time for a speed bump (Buffalo) Go Bills! -RnJ
  17. The following is the answer I got from a DTV rep..he ASSURES me I am o.k. with my specific unit. Hopefully, he is correct: KC- SD broadcasts of the Sunday Ticket games are still delivered via MPEG2 encoding. I believe the problem KC experienced is due to a change in the way the guide data is delivered. Some really old model receivers (like the old DRD model RCA receivers) are not capable of handling the advanced program guide (APG) data that DirecTV currently uses. From what I’ve been told, the newer/larger guide data (APG) exceeds what these older receivers can handle. Sports packages were omitted from the non-APG guide data since it would affect the smallest amount of customers. I know a DirecTV CSR told you that it was due to MPEG4 but any of us who have been a DirecTV customer for any amount of time know not to put too much faith in what they tell you, it’s essentially customer service roulette. I’ve been told one thing one minute, just to call back and be told something completely opposite the next minute. ----> Richard- The GXCEBOT is APG capable, so you shouldn’t have any problems with SD Sunday Ticket games. <--------
  18. http://www.tvpredictions.com/dfumble092209.htm I just found this: " But on Sunday, DIRECTV only sent the 1 p.m. ET games in high-def in MPEG 4. Consequently, the MPEG 2 receivers displayed a blank screen and an error code. "This may sound like a minor issue, but in reality it may have affected tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of NFL. fans," the Times writes today. After being bombarded with phone calls, DIRECTV issued an alert on its Twitter page saying the problem would be resolved for "the next set of games," meaning the games that began at 4 p.m. The Sunday Ticket is a pay package that allows DIRECTV viewers to watch every Sunday afternoon game during the NFL regular season. The package costs from $279 to $299, depending upon when you order it. If you want to watch the games in high-def, the satcaster charges viewers an extra $99 for its 'Super Fan' package. Presumably, DIRECTV will send this week's games in high-def in both MPEG 2 and MPEG 4." I need to find this "twitter page" to verify this
  19. JR - what kind of receiver do you have? GG is reporting he had problems. You are not. mine is a MPEG 2 GXCEB0T ...hughes I think
  20. So does this mean SOME people had legitimate issues with their SD reception while others had no problems? This suggests that some receivers are too old while others are not? If this is the case, how can one tell ahead of time? Does anyone know if Directv is going to respond to this?
  21. Thanks JR - again, I appreciate the reassurance! I may, at some point, upgrade to HD but it will be on my terms once I am convinced the Directv units are worth it (I am still hearing some horror stories) and when I am convinced the cost of the unit, the cost of the monthlyl lease, the cost of the monthly HD feed and the upgrade to my 42" monitor all worth the benefit of HD and the various new "toys" that come with it. So far, I am content with SD and my 42" panasonic monitor and my older receiver that I OWN (no monthly lease fee).
  22. Thanks for the reassurance Fez!!! I would HATE for my group to find itself looking at a blank screen next Sunday From what I can tell, this is NOT a Fox Doubleheader Sunday so I am not expecting the Bills to be a National game in the NJ area (Giants at Tampa at 1 pm the only locally shown Fox game).
  23. I attended last Sunday's game and tivoed the game. Since it was a national broadcast, I tivoed it off the local feed and not off a directv NFL ticket channel (such as 314 etc). An article at the NY times http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09...#comment-147107 says that the writer (KC) did not get the games since his directv unit owned by him is MPEG 2. Directv spokesperson ("Byron") said this was an issue for HD receivers and that letters went out offering free receiver upgrades. KC replied he was receiving SD not HD and had the problem he described. I am not receiving HD and I received no such letter. Did anyone have problems - this question is for SD directv people only - receiving Sunday Ticket games last Sunday? Thanks for the feedback!! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  24. you're kidding right? just beat them as long as we don't cheat (patriots=cheatriots), who cares?
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