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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. How interesting, Doc. So, in money terms, is one more win worth ~ $15 million??? based on playoffs/no playoffs I'd say that would be a no brainer. Also, I am a bit surprised that the simulations only show a difference of one win. My understanding is that games are often won or lost by one or two BIG plays. A "shutdown corner" , one would think, would reduce the big plays markedly.
  2. Now each side is calling the other a liar. Sweeeeeeeeet http://www.sacbee.com/2010/08/11/2952069/j..._rss=Wire%20NFL
  3. sometimes I am too lazy to look uop the stats so I am forced to rely solely on my memory........how am I doing? let me just say (in Chris Berman's voice) "Let's PLAY the GAME" !
  4. jeesh what a short memory YOU have The Bills BEAT them last year. Why would you state that they should not even play the game? The Jets are trying to buy their way to a Super Bowl. Their run game is suspect. Their run defense is average. Their QB is still a baby whom we intercepted 6 times in one game last year. We beat them while Jauron was still our coach. Now Revis may be out for the game. Will the Bills be underdogs? Of course. But they ain't rolling over and I have some hope they can beat them.
  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/boston/nfl/news/story?id=5449134 So what if the Cheatriots can't block or stop the run? They have Tom Brady (Jesus) But they no longer have god to turn to (Bruschi) Also: The Patriots have a problem with unsigned Pro Bowl guard Logan Mankins. He is not in camp and has demanded a trade. what's a satanist to do? hmmmmmmmm
  6. Actually, I think YOU will be a bit surprised - as long as you can jolt the ol' memory banks "Bad 'ol". You are correct that Jauron was conservative (except for ST - he gave April a pretty liberal hand) but Jauron's weakness was not in game planning or recognizing his squad's strengths and weaknesses - it was gameday "smarts" which he had none of. He never seemed to figure out how the wind matters in a game. I have never seen a coach seemingly always getting challenges backwards (challenging when he should and not challenging when he should), his teams always ran out of gas in the 4th quarter - an indication that they were not physically prepared. In my 40+ years of watching football, The Dick was the worst gameday coach by far I have ever experienced. Yes, the Bills have a weaker team (players) than the Cheatriots, Jets, and Fish - but for the first time in 4 years, the coaching difference is not Canyon-wide. It remains to be seen how GOOD Gailey is but we have nowhere to go but up my friend. So, I guess YOU had better be prepared to be surprised! my 2 cents -RnJ
  7. This has been my argument too, PTR. The Bills schedule IS hard - early on but not that much worse than previous 7-9 years. I see the Bills winning 8 games. Less is a disappointment and more is a "bonus". I do NOT see them making the playoffs but if they can go into the break 3-2 then I see that a very hopeful sign. I have the Bills 1-4 if they lose the opener and 2-3 if they win it. Third win, if it comes, will be against the JETSsucksucksucks. I have very little hope of beating Green Bay or the Cheatriots away. No "Dick" is a +2 wins. -RnJ
  8. Wow - do we disagree. One reason to have him on the team is to let him score 3-6 times per year as a KO returner or P returner You have something against the Bills scoring TD's?
  9. I was able to pop up this comparison using a tool at: http://apps.money.cnn.com/bestplaces_2010/...mp;x=22&y=8 State income tax rate Auto insurance sales tax (lowest-highest) premiums job growth Buffalo, NY $39,500 4.00% 4.00%-8.97% N.A. -6.92% Cleveland, OH $39,903 5.50% 0.62%-6.24% $1,165 -8.11% I only used this to point out that Cleveland - which has a larger population than Buffalo (433K to 300K) lost and then regained their NFL team. The Bills have been to 4 super bowls which makes them MORE well known. So, this is one reason it is not a slam dunk that they would not get a new team. But before they have to come back, they would have to leave. I agree with the thread-starter here that although economics obviously are the main factor to a team going or staying, the Bills WITHOUT ANY DOUBT have a large and very loyal fan base. We have stunk for over a decade and still this is true. Raising ticket prices would reduce some of the numbers but most, like me, would tighten our belts and still buy tickets and jackets and tee shirts and beer (notice I did not cut back on beer). In this current economy, how many savvy businessmen do you think would fold with a hand like that to draw five new cards? Sure, they MIGHT be able to get a sweet deal from a rival city but how many cities out there are willing and able to fork over enough public cash to sweetheart a deal enough for someone to move the team? I could go on and on but we have enough to worry about folks - the economy, the wars, the environment, 10 years of losing Bills football, etc etc without adding on fearful conjecture about a possible move. Let tomorrow worry for itself. Today has enough worries. Go Bills! -RichNJoisy (PS: Rich N Rev are one big step closer to moving home----we are in the process of buying land right on Lake Ontario). We are timing the closing with the Home Opener. (of course))
  10. PTR - I can understand why you might think that a coach might do something so stupid - we have had stupid coaching for many years now. But, so far, Chan has not exhibited this nor does his record as a coach indicate that he would put "ego" above what's best to win games. So, since I think that what SHOULD decide whether or not Aaron plays should be how well he picks up the new position (1), how well he practices (2) and how well he performs in scrimmages and preseason games (3) then THAT is what I am expecting Chan will use to determine if he plays or "rides the pine". My personal view - with no idea how well Aaron will play at OLB and with no knowledge of how good of shape he is in - is that it is GREAT Aaron is goingto play since he has been our best LINEMAN for years and played great last year. my 2 cents -RnJ
  11. you are right in a sense - but think of poor Aaron being FORCED to work for $8 million .......poor Aaron on the other hand, he did have a great season last year and is an asset to the team when he has played. I actually like how management has played this - either come and play or go home and quit but we won't be FORCED to do anything. Your choices are play with us (for the measly salary) or get paid nada and in fact be forced to return some of your bonus. But at least you can stay in Texas and play with your kids on the jungle gym. poor Aaron
  12. nope --- won't happen. if they did this they would be both paying him his full bonus and freeing him to sign elsewhere. he will either officially retire or be fined by the Bills and placed on the DNR (did not report) list which frees up the roster spot.
  13. I agree with you on much of this and I would add this conjecture - the Bills have said one thing and repeated it over and over: "We think Aaron is a great ballplayer and we want him to play for us but if he wants to retire that is, of course, up to him". At some point -if you want to talk about the "ugly" - they will begin to fine him if he does not report nor officially retire. They have made it crystal clear that they will not trade him (not to say, of course, that they would not listen to any offers for him). The fact that no trade has been consummated means two things: they have not received any offers they deem worthy to trade him and that offers would be going down (not up) as the season nears since teams already have their roster plans for the season set and are becoming more solidified each passing day. Bottom line is if you want to play and be paid a lot of money, it'll be in Buffalo...otherwise adios. The latest statements by Schobel, in my opinion, are an indication that he has "blinked first" - thus, I think he will be suiting up for the Bills in the next week or so.
  14. I do not think there are no monetary ramifications for Schobel if he chooses to retire. You are correct about how a bonus accelerates EXCEPT (I think) for a retirement - one would THINK a team would have the lone stipulation in a contract about the player actually not being allowed to CHOOSE not to play out his contract and be penalized an amortized part of his signing bonus. In other words, I can't sign a 10-year deal with a $50 million signing bonus and then quit in year 2 - at least not without returning a part of the bonus. One example I can think of is Ricky Williams who TRIED to retire but Miami successfully sued him for a portion of his signing bonus. So, I BELIEVE Schobel, if he retires, will be forced to return bonus money to the Bills. If I am correct, isn't he in like the third year of a six-year deal? Thus, by my reckoning, he would be forced to pay back 2/3 of his signing bonus as a penalty for retiring. Does anyone know definitively what the rules/agreements are for his contract? -RichNJoisy
  15. The Miami Herald confirms that Dolphins DE Phillip Merling will miss the 2010 season after tearing his Achilles' tendon. Merling reportedly sustained the injury during a football workout, putting the finishing touches on a nightmare offseason. The last pick of the 2008 first round had taken the majority of the first-team reps at right defensive end in spring practices. The Dolphins will now rely on this year's first-rounder Jared Odrick after losing both Merling and NT Jason Ferguson in the past week. Maybe he will rehab in prison??
  16. A Darwin award candidate? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2010/0...tack.ksl?hpt=T2 never take on an angry Buffalo.
  17. Has he been in trouble before? If not, he would not be suspended based on one incident (unless, of course, he goes to jail).
  18. I now see it as 5.0 A friend of mine in Rochester texted me stating his wife had a hospital wall next to her crumble down. sounds likea tleast a 5 to me!
  19. 2.8 according to the U.S. Geological Survey
  20. http://boards.buffalobills.com/showthread....851#post3992851 I noted that Lynch was there (he was not listed as absent) and Edwards was beaten by Brohm at least today...
  21. "If you can't laugh at horribly depressing situation that affect millions of people and result in the death of countless marine animals, what CAN you laugh at?" check out spirit airlines latest ad campaign. This should bring people 'flying" back to purchase tickets after their pilot strike http://consumerist.com/2010/06/spirit-airl...o.html#comments for comments such as the one I posted above. I certainly am willing to cough up money for their new fees now like for checked baggage, carry on baggage, reserved seating, water, etc.
  22. Cool! I have a pair of tix set up for the Bills game vs the Jags. Sounds like "doubling" it up with the Sabres game would be awesome. -RichNJoisy
  23. I am an old-timer I guess. I watched each loss to the Fish in the 70's. 1,2,3,4,5....20. I thought I hated them but that hate does not come close to my hatred of the Cheatriots. If they all crashed in a plane, I would only feel sorry for the pilot (unless he was a Cheatriot fan of course) They cheated for years (and STILL get B-jobs from ESPN), ran up the score when they could, their fans blow and I know they have been and are in league with the devil. I knew it for sure when they went 17-0 - keeping their starters in without any injuries but then losing in the end (you see, the Devil ALWAYS reneges on his deals right at the end.) My wife was sick as a dog for that Super Bowl, She went to bed early and told me, "don;t you dare wake me up unless the Cheatriots lose". After the last second ticked off and the Giants had done it I woke her up. "WHAT?!? Why did you wake me up!?" I smiled at her. "I TOLD you not to......and you just.......YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I had tivoed that great catch and the final few minutes for her to watch. Heh heh I hate the Cheatriots. I will always hate the Cheatriots. (sense a trend here?) They can all die now. It'd be o.k. with me.
  24. just a word to the wise.....I am certain you mean that the Bills will not "earn the right" (by sucking) to draft in the first 10 slots but ever heard of a thing called a trade? You'd better stipulate this - the bet is on the Bills final RECORD and not their draft position. by the way, Mike, I like your confidence. A bit misplaced but...what the hey! Go Bills! -RnJ
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