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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6756301 Sounds promising
  2. Thanks! (bad news for me, though, one less day to chow down there while I am in town this weekend) and..... well...... I like Duff's wings. I DO NOT like the wings at Anchor Bar ('cept for the suicide...they're o.k.) sorry all you Duff's haters....somebody has to like their wings. yeh! Mess with them!
  3. yes but I am trying not to make a personal toll phone call from work thought I'd quickly post to see if anyone knew I knew I risked this type of response sigh
  4. Is Duff's (Sheridan) closed on Monday July 4th? My experience when visiting the area during this Holiday is that it is closed. I can't find any info online. Thanks for the help and sorry moderators for a non-Bills (but definitely BUFFALO) related question. -RichNJoisy
  5. Remember, however, this is not a done deal yet. One has to believe at least some (enough, meaning > 8) of the owners understand that one reason the NFL is so incredibly successful is because of its NATIONAL draw. The NFL is a National U.S. sport. Betting on the game is ridiculously high. There is no doubt that the Super Bowl is a national holiday. The players do not care AT ALL about how the owners split up their 52% so who gets what on the Owners side of it will be decided by 23+ of the 32 owners. Obviously, the small market teams are going to push for some money to be pushed towards them that is not , at the current time, considered "shared" (the main money maker being the luxury boxes). It can be argued, and I agree with it, that the Browns, Bills, Packers, Vikings, Falcons, Rams, Chargers etc etc MAKE the NFL nationally loved , popular, and highly profitable. A compromise amongst the owners seems to me more likely than small market teams not getting their numbers up to the required 9 owners to force enough revenue sharing to keep MOST teams right where they are as long as they want to stay where they are. I really agree with the premise of the original post in this Thread - I think the media is making more of this threat then truly exists. I think if teams move it will be because they are not profitable under the old system let alone any new one. And remember, Jim Kelly has said REPEATEDLY that money is not the issue when the Bills finally go up for sale. And, if money is not the issue, there is no issue. The Bills stay put. RnJ
  6. This whole argument - see: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/06/22/new-cba-without-revenue-sharing-changes-could-be-bad-news-for-small-markets/ for example is I AGREE so much blather. Little fact and lots of conjecture clearly designed to cause upset amongst fans that care about small market teams. "low-revenue teams will be forced to sacrifice profit in order to comply" (with the new CBA). This does not mean ALL profit. So, small market teams will only be unprofitable if they somehow find a way spend more than they take in. That IS possible but what we are really talking about is one team making a profit of "x" millions versus "x+y" millions. So the Cowboys make more money than the Bills. Boo hoo. I guess I don't want to own the Bills then, huh? Jeesh. How many yachts does one have to ski behind? Plus - the CBA is not written and approved yet. Wilson managed to squeeze a whole lot of "green " blood out of the big boys in 2006. This time around, he might be able to get 8 other owners to side with him to force a little more "sharing" out of the other 23 (more like the other 5 or 6). Don't cut the old boy short. I really can;t see him sitting back and not fighting for more revenue sharing than is being suggested by the media leakers. Let's see how this plays out. Go Bills!
  7. There also is the issue of how the luxury boxes play into this (and other things such as jersey sales, etc). I assume that these profits count towards calculating the cap but these profits are not shared amongst the teams...right? So isn't this the elephant in the room for the Bills? In other words, if the total used for the cap includes large chunks of money NOT made by the Bills, then the cap will put a strain on the Bills more than on, say, the Cowboys. Ralph had added to the prior CBA a pool of money that went from the big market to the small market teams (a brilliant move IMO). So, to conclude, will there be a similar cash pass to the smaller market teams? Will luxury boxes still not be shared bit still be counted? Does this not mean the higher low end limits the Bills ability to make a profit - in effect forcing the smaller market teams to pay a higher percentage of their profits than the large market teams?
  8. The latest from ESPN: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6660319
  9. http://twitter.com/#!/adamschefter Schefter HAS been a pretty reliable source. t-minus 7 days???
  10. In Jasper, Alberta there sure are a lot of moose..........
  11. I see the BJ rule now - when B (rady) is on the field, J (asper) is not allowed to touch him. I'd be willing to deal with the 15 yard penalty. Yup from your "mouth" to God's ears, Doc!
  12. Late December, 2004, Cincinnati. A close game becomes a blowout largely due to the play of an undrafted rookie tight end from the Buffalo Bills His name? Jason Peters. 6 ft 4½ 328 lb 4.93 40 time, 29 inch Vertical, 9 ft 7 in Broad Jump, 21 rep 225 bench Press On Special teams he first made his mark - blocking punts and blowing apart opposing team wedges. Eventually he became a pro bowl offensive tackle. Enter, stage left, Nose Tackle/Offensive Tackle Michael Jasper. 6 ft 4½ 373 lb 5.38 40 time, 32 inch Vertical, 9 ft 5 in Broad Jump, 34 rep 225 Bench Press The similarities are in height and broad jump. Peters was faster but Jasper is much stronger, heavier, and can leap a lot higher and is a lot smarter. Now picture Jasper lining up as the lead man in the new two man wedge on kickoff returns. Pain. Put him over the long snapper on punts and field goals - push forward and jump high and extend. Hmmmmmmmm Oh God - let him make the team.....please.
  13. I agree - this type of story always gets me really pumped. The last time I felt like this was when the Bills signed an undrafted free agent tight end named Jason Peters. Jason's story was different in that: 1.) He had been scouted (and was even listed as high as a 3rd rounder on some team's draft boards but went undrafted) 2.) Had scored a 7 on the wonderlic and was deemed unteachable at the pro level 3.) Had some off-the field baggage (I do not remember what) Bills signed Peters the day after the draft. Jasper, apparently, is smart and has no off the field baggage. The major issues are inexperience and weight problems. The latter seems remarkably fixable especially when you see that the kid lost the weight basically on his own. Think about how much easier it will be to keep off the weight with a nutrition coach, working out with a personal Pro trainer all the time, and with teammates around him to encourage him? That simply leaves the question (albeit BIG) about being able to play in the world of the NFL - against huge, strong men rather than boys waaaaay smaller than him. Michael is used to hurting everyone around him sometimes, undoubtedly, by accident. Now he will be getting hit and hurt by others. It will be a big transition for him. I absolutely love this kind of story. Kudos to the Bills and their scout (Hand) -RichNJoisy
  14. This post is correct - I would add that his second mock is the one I personally ignore. Gosselin, himself, always stresses that the second mock always ignores value and goes strictly for need. The third mock combines need with value and is the one that is "counted" (for what that is worth). Hos third should come out tomorrow or early Thursday
  15. That is my "gang of three" as well. I also have Fairley as a close 4th. I also see Gabbert and Quinn as possibilities.
  16. http://collegesportsblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/04/sportsdays-rick-gosselin-predicts-texas.html Unfortunately, I can't get access to it (yet). Eventually, someone will post it for free and I will see it As a reminder, Rick TENDS to be the most accurate in a very inaccurate (but profitable for some) game of predicting the NFL draft This link show you some statistics. : http://www.thehuddlereport.com/Free/mockdraftscoring.shtml Rick was only 45% last year (a low score for him). Anyway - drumroll - the tiny free piece of the link actually tells me what I wanted to know, he has the Bills selecting Von Miller. For those that don't giveadamn, no need to care...... Update: As promised, I now have his picks (note he will do two more mocks in the next 10 days. The final one is his "real" one that "counts") In his draft both Locker and Mallett make it out of round 1. ****************************************Gosselin's 1st Mock Draft of 2011 ********************* 1. Carolina: Cam Newton, QB, Auburn 2. Denver: Marcell Dareus, DT, Alabama 3. Buffalo: Von Miller, OLB, Texas A&M 4. Cincinnati: A.J. Green, WR, Georgia 5. Arizona: Blaine Gabbert, QB, Missouri 6. Cleveland: Patrick Peterson, CB, LSU 7. San Francisco: Robert Quinn, DE, North Carolina 8. Tennessee: Nick Fairley, DT, Auburn 9. Dallas: Tyron Smith, OT, Southern Cal 10. Washington: Julio Jones, WR, Alabama 11. Houston: Prince Amukamara, CB, Nebraska 12. Minnesota: Anthony Castonzo, OT, Boston College 13. Detroit: Nate Solder, OT, Colorado 14. St. Louis: Da'Quan Bowers, DE, Clemson 15. Miami: Mark Ingram, HB, Alabama 16. Jacksonville: J.J. Watt, DE, Wisconsin 17. New England: Cameron Jordan, DE, Cal 18. San Diego: Ryan Kerrigan, OLB, Purdue 19. NY Giants: Mike Pouncey, C, Florida 20. Tampa Bay: Aldon Smith, DE, Missouri 21. Kansas City: Gabe Carimi, OT, Wisconsin 22. Indianapolis: Corey Liuget, DT, Illinois 23. Philadelphia: Muhammad Wilkerson, DE, Temple 24. New Orleans: Marvin Austin, DT, North Carolina 25. Seattle: Danny Watkins, G, Baylor 26. Baltimore: Jimmy Smith, CB, Colorado 27. Atlanta: Phil Taylor, NT, Baylor 28. New England: Ryan Williams, HB, Virginia Tech 29. Chicago: Jon Baldwin, WR, Pitt 30. NY Jets: Aaron Williams, CB, Texas 31. Pittsburgh: Cameron Heyward, DE, Ohio State 32. Green Bay: Brooks Reed, OLB, Arizona -RichNJoisy
  17. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/football/nfl/04/06/lockout-court.ap/index.html This story (see what the judge asked the NFL lawyer) also suggests strongly that the judge is leaning towards the players side. Let's all hope when the players win the case that they still make a deal that involves a salary cap and (I hope too) a rookie salary cap.
  18. MIAMI (AP) -- Quarterback Chad Pennington has a torn knee ligament and will undergo surgery next week. Pennington tore the anterior cruciate ligament while playing basketball, according to Creative Artists, his representation agency. CAA's release did not say which knee he hurt. The 34-year-old Pennington will have surgery performed on April 7 by noted orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews. A two-time AP Comeback Player of the Year, Pennington's season was shortened in 2010 when he underwent his fourth right shoulder surgery. He is a free agent.
  19. Perhaps but that simply means people are being ridiculous. A lock down corner is a big deal.
  20. As Aaron's stepmom, Violette, it truly is touching to see you speak so highly about your son. You must love him very much.
  21. for the umpteenth time Kelly has stated numerous times emphatically that money is not the issue. And, if money is not the issue, and Kelly is putting the group together, IS there an issue? Now, if one wants to disbelieve Jimbo - one can. But if you believe him, then one has to think about under what circumstances that Jim would head up a group of investors that would allow for the team to leave Buffalo. I, myself, cannot think of the circumstances. So, I conclude the Bills are not going anywhere.
  22. I can only find the paraphrases as of this afternoon so maybe that was all I ever saw.
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