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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. The entire AFC East (except the Bills) are having some major "issues" - The Cheatriots are definitely having issues with their O-Line

    And they have no pass rush to speak of.


    The plan, apparently, is to use their TE's even more this year than last for quick strikes. To stoip them the Bills will have to play up close and force

    Brady to go over the top - and quickly.


    Brady is obviously a great QB and can do this effectively but it is my impression that if he takes enough hits he will start to flinch and throw early and

    less accurately.


    That's how I see the Bills-Cheats game. If the Bills knock Golden Boy around enough then they will probably outscore them.


    So...I likey what I am hearing out of Cheatriot camp. Yep

  2. I hope you're kidding, Stevie.


    Planning Celebrations


    Please, just don't. Don't. IF you want to make your mark, put out a rap number in your off-time. Bounce into the stands, slide back out, do a little hiphop move, whatever is non-controversial.


    Stop trying to push the envelope on the celebration thing.


    If it isn't excessive in one city with one ref crew, you never know what may be excessive with another city and ref crew.


    Higher risk of injury actually climbing over the wall, what if the popcorn disagrees with your digestion, no. NO!


    Chan, talk to the man. Just no. No no no.



    would you mind changing your title? I thought he was injured.


    As to the subject matter, let's worry about this if he gets a penalty. Otherwise, this is small potatoes....

  3. http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=8219686&city=newyork


    Cromartie says he is the Jets second best reciever and after looking at their roster he is probably right.


    And now....THIS from Jets camp:




    The Bills defense is quaking in their boots they is....oh yes....the thought of having to tackle Tebow is making 'em shake.....



  4. Cromartie's antics aside, the Jets are going to try to run the hell out of the ball in Week One. Wannstedt already knows it.


    Think about it: Jets have OL issues, a brewing QB controversy, and not exactly what you would call an imposing cast of WRs. Rex sees the D line Buffalo has built and does not want to put either Sanchise or Tebow in a position to be pummeled.


    Buffalo's run defense will be tested early and often.


    Marcel and Kyle say to the Jets RB's "come to papa"

  5. Ohh man i missed Carrington, i really want to see if he can make any steps forward, the others i missed are Moats and Batten i want to know if they can step it up



    Heading to the Promised Land from Joisy by myself JUST to watch the first preseason game Live ... so I do have some specifics to watch for


    1.) First two defensive series (or maybe only one) - the push and pressure straight up by our new defensive line

    I am expecting 2-3 yards in the middle and more from the edges right away.


    2.) How good is our middle linebacker?


    3.) Gilmore in coverage


    4.) If Merriman plays ........any sign of Lights Out?


    5.) I expect Fitz for one series and a lot of spread formation - straight down the field probably


    6.) Glenn vs Hairston on the left side.......Pears and all the others on the right. Backup centers.....good snaps?


    7.) Easley - is he healthy.....? Is he getting open? Is he catching anything?


    8.) Graham (see 7)....who else is catching the ball


    9.) Young vs (gulp) Thigpen


    10.) Is the new kicker getting NOTHING but touchbacks (note: he may be told to pooch it to the corners)


    11.) The Battle between the Punters


    12.) The fullback vs the H-back

  6. My guide shows it on ESPN2 this coming Wednesday morning (7/25) at 2:30am. I tried DVR'ing the last one and they switched the program on me last-second and I ended up with the Ravens NFL Yearbook <_<





    I thought I had f'd up !!



    but I have the damn thing tivoed for the 25th as you do too



  7. Not even close. 3rd and short, the wildcat converted less than half the time.


    If you can, can you provide any additional information to your statement? Did the Bills fail using the Wildcat during the first 6 games? If so, which games so I can check this out. If it were later (games 7-16), again, point that out and, if you can, which games and how many times?


    if you are only going from memory, that's fine, but please make that clear since in your post your SOUNDED quite certain

    (based on stats and not your memory).


    Thanks WEO!

  8. Forgive me for not reviewing the games but only going from memory (and some frustration during the 2011 season),

    but it seemed to me the following is true:


    1.) In the first 4-6 games, the Bills used the Wildcat a number of times PARTICULARLY on 3rd and 4th and short.

    2.) That we were successful in getting a 1st done every time we did this (MAYBE we failed.....once?)

    3.) After week 7 (or so) Fitzpatrick stayed in at QB and either did a QB sneak or ran some other play. My recollection is the success of

    3rd and 4th and short dropped markedly (it had to since my recollection is the Bills had a 100% success rate early on....nowhere to go but down)


    At the time, I know Brad Smith was playing a lot more wide receiver due to injuries but I still hated them not using the Wildcat for short yardage plays since they were so successful early on. This frustration grew as the Bills failed to push the chains later in the season on third and shorts.


    Supplementary question: Couldn't Vince Young completely take over the Wildcat role from Brad Smith? if so, is Brad's roster spot really THAT safe?


    Can any of you chime in on this?





  9. I'd definitely get back to Buffalo for the victory celebration and parade. I'd try to go to the game if possible, but nothing would stop me from getting back right after. I'd get drunk and run around like a fool with everyone else. It would be madness.



    The Central Jersey crew plan to be at the airport to welcome our boys home

    Northern Jersey too I betcha....right Sid?


    (thank God we both have sober wives)

  10. Jack Kemp

    Jim Kelly

    Bruce Smith

    This really pains me..but OJ Simpson.



    O.J. is the best running back I have seen in my lifetime. As a person, well.......sigh. The closest to his run style was Barry Sanders but Barry was more - much more - east-west than O.J. The closest thing would be a combo clone of Barry and Emmitt Smith maybe.


    Thurman Thomas was also exceptional - he could catch the ball and his screen plays were almost magical to watch. Freddie was -at times - Thurmanlike last year on some of his plays


    I never saw Jack Kemp play so I can't comment on his inclusion or exclusion in your list....

  11. Some rookies simply have more skill than some veterans. I'll bump this post when the figures eventually come out and we'll see who's right. If it's $300M, I'll bow to your inside knowledge. If it's not, I'll kindly point that fact out B-)



    you would be wise not to question The Hammer ......... your ONLY defense is he DID state his source was not Buddy the Wonder Dog. Eric, did Buddy at least Ruff! his

    approval of your source???

  12. Listen. Of course I care who owns the local team that I live and die by. Part of the reason why I moved back from Las Vegas to Coe home was because I missed going to Bills games. I am so obsessed I take team roster moves and updates personal if it's a player I liked (see my post history of Fred Jackson or Lynch, McGee or Greer, Schobel or retirement, just the name Kelsey). So ya, I want the future owner to be someone I like (Jim Kelly and group would be preferred) but at the end of the day if it was Lucifer himself that owned the team I could really care less as long as they are part of this town. Ya I want them to be good and relevant again but that's not all I care about. This team lifts the entire City and fans all around the world on Monday when there is a win. I couldn't imagine what this desolate town would be like if we lost them. So ya, keeping them here is most important to me and I don't care how.


    It's hard to truly read tone in a post but I didn't mean to do anything other than nudge ya - didn't mean to upset you. I only wanted to point out that WE BOTH would like to have an owner that likes to win but beggars can't be choosers...I hear you. No offense intended.

  13. I never read this. I saw the Kelly and Thomas tweets and always thought there was something fishy about the Bills deep down even though they said it had nothing to do with the team. I never saw or even heard anything about this Gillet guy and needless to say I'm not interested. But at the end of the day if he IS involved I don't think it would be for majority ownership and I guess as long as the Bills stay in WNY I don't care who owns the team.


    mrags - I agree with the stay in Buffalo sentiment as a clear number 1 but , actually, I betcha you do care who owns the team....I mean, wouldn't you prefer it be someone(s) who want to win championships even if it means a little less profit??


    like the current owner of the Sabres.....the Bills should exist to win Super Bowls. Wouldn't THAT be cool :rolleyes:

  14. Ralph could select a buyer now and sell a very small share with a first right to buy upon his passing. This would allow the NFL to start the vetting process early on a potential Bills owner.





    I don't know PTR - how does one value such a "right"? You are talking about matching the highest bid...right? You can't be suggesting that a first right to buy means no bidding war...right?


    Again, unless I have read Ralph very wrong, he is determined to get the maximum for his team for his children (and wife). Restricting the bidders to only those that will keep the team in Buffalo has always been contrary to maximizing the offer.


    HOWEVER, if a current buy(ing group) is willing to pay "fair value" plus covering the tax hit for Ralph selling now, he might be willing to listen to this. I assume that that offer would also include keeping the team in Buffalo and immortalizing RAlph's name in some way (although if the Bills stay in Buffalo Ralph will be immortalized as his "child" the Bills will still be the Buffalo Bills. Case in point - does anyone remember who originally owned the Houston Oilers now that they are in Tennesee?).


    So, I THINK the bean counters can come up with a figure that is fair. This does mean the buyers will have to pay above market value to buy the team now rather than waiting for Ralph to ...errrr... ya know......

  15. Reading back on some of the speculation around Chad Kelly AND Thurman's mysterious tweets last fall and just kind of putting pieces together, I'm beginning to get the feeling we'll know something by the start of the season.


    Certainly I hope you are correct and that Doc's "Inside Source" pans out but I still don't see how Ralph overcomes the "I'm still alive and any sale while I'm alive will cost my heirs dearly" problem. Now although it's pretty difficult to put myself in the shoes of a billionaire, I have assumed owning the Bills isn't just about money to Ralph - it is also the prestige and he honestly LIKES running an NFL team. Once he sells, he's out. Period (unless he sells to a family member which was never going to happen).

    Now, at 93 and finally slowing down, the prestige/power thing may finally no longer be an issue. That just leaves money. So, I suppose it is possible someone will overpay now to get the team now - overpay so as to compensate the tax hit. Maybe that's what's happening.....lord knows if I had the money, I'd overpay just to make sure the team stayed in Buffalo. We just need one rich person (or group of person's) that feel the same way. Eventually, I think one can still make money owning an NFL team :flirt:

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