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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. The problem with SJ is that he needs to freelance to get open. He doesn't have tremendous speed but he is cunning and elusive. Fitz, for all his shortcomings, seemed to have developed a rapport with Stevie and knew where he was going even when he wasn't running the play exactly as designed. EJ, being a rookie, never developed that ability. Maybe EJ would never figure SJ out. SJ may do great with the 9ers. I don't think he would have ever been great again with the Bills.


    Surrounding a young QB with a group of young WRs who can grow together makes a lot of sense.


    THIS - I totally agree with this assessment. I LOVED Stevie but I could not help but notice he was not developing a rapport with EJ - sure EJ was hurt A LOT but, still, it was clear that Woods was EJ's favorite target. Stevie's forte is to improvise. It worked with The beard but was not nearly as successful with EJ.

  2. Apologies for being overly ornery. It's been a tough 2 months.




    Just keep writing, John. If you MUST read the negative reviews then look for constructive criticism and throw out the rest. I know , I know......but do you have a big enough garbage can?

  3. This would imply otherwise ...


    Or this simply means he has not announced he is aligned with any group. Look - if you want to believe Jim never spoke to any investors prior to Wilson's death AND that Jim was either

    lying or merely speculating when he made the same statement over and over (money is not an issue) - feel free.


    I do not believe it , however, and we will simply have to agree to disagree.

  4. Jim has gone public with his cancer battle, and yet you suggest we leave him be, while he and his family are inviting reporters into his personal space and providing regular updates on social media platforms. aware of the sensitive nature of his illness, no one to my knowledge has gone directly to Jim to ask him questions about his ownership intentions. The AP and The Buffalo News directly approached Jim's brother and business partner, Dan, not Jim.


    the Bills will be going up for sale soon, and to suggest it's not newsworthy to determine the Kelly's intention is odd. the media would just as quickly be chided had it failed to ask these questions.


    as far as suggesting Jim hasn't put together a "long-rumored" Kelly group is also a bit specious and/or naive. Are you suggesting that no plans were put in place for Jim to prepare for the Bills to go on sale prior to Ralph Wilson's death?


    really think you're off on this.




    Of course John - it is obvious (at least to me and I assume most everyone) that Jim Kelly has for a long, long time now, had a plan in place hence his repeated insistence, "that money will not be a problem". What has surprised me (and perhaps the Kellys?) is the number of other groups (apparently) that would like Jim to join "their team". My GUESS would be that Jim will LISTEN to other offers but will likely stay with the (for us unknown) "money group" he put together years ago. I am very confident Jim's major goal is to win the bidding war and to align himself with the ownership team most likely to keep the team in Buffalo. The Trump bit of things are probably only a distraction. I doubt he was ever part of Jim's original money team.

    People are understandably edgy wanting to hear definitive news. Always appreciate your stories, John! Keep 'em coming. -RichNJoisy (CNJBBB)

  5. Have to agree here. Just can't see him wanting to keep a team in WNY. When the time was right, he'd look to make the move. Whether to LA, Toronto, London, etc because it would be the biggest, hugest, most luxurious franchise in the NFL, and he'd want it in the biggest, hugest, most statement making city it could be. And as far as day to day business of how the team/organization is run, promoted, marketed, etc... You think Ralph was a meddling owner? Think about this guy for just another minute...


    I hear you on this and it is a valid concern - but - there are a few things that are clear about the man: Number 1 is he likes to make money. Number 2 is he likes to be in the spotlight. He will make money in Buffalo. Gobs of it. Not just on tickets, merchandise and TV/luxury box revenues but I understand he will get some huge tax breaks. Moving the team will be a risk and how many yachts DOES he need to ski behind? Number 2 is a good/bad scenario for Buffalonians - the bad is being , perhaps, the first owner based in London or Canada (now that I think of it...yawn...what makes Canada so "special" to Donald??) Or , perhaps, being the LA "savior"? On the good side, winning a Super Bowl and getting a SB ring? Priceless! So, I am ambivalent, yes, but I am intrigued by a Trump ownership.

  6. My 2 cents is - as an out of towner who (particularly of late with bad teams) - I often sell or eat a lot of tickets so paying for a season of cushions is not worth it to me right there. So, I'd vote no.


    As to the second item, I am a non smoker and really hate how often people light up near me. I do not, however, like the idea of banning them on a person in the stadium especially when the offense is an ejection. I would think a compromise would be if you are caught smoking, the pack is confiscated. Second offense, ejection. Obviously, I would like more policing of the stadium for smokers too.


    By the way, love the plan for radio in the bathrooms and separate beer lines making it easier to get water,pop, food for non (in the stadium!) beer drinkers. Outside the stadium, I take in beer intravenously.

  7. plenzmd1 - I believe Jay is talking about having "beer only" stands separate from the food concessions as a means to separate out fans that only want to get beer. And the Sports Bar (I don;t think you were asking about that but..) will only sell beer (and not hard liquor).


    As to the store, the doors will allow shoppers to shop without having tickets etc prior to kickoff. I assume the store will temporarily close just before kickoff to clear everyone out. Then after kickoff, the doors will open for fans inside the stadium. If you leave to the outside, that would mean you can't re-enter.


    Is this still confusing?


    I am disappointed, BTW, they do not expect to get WIFI working in the seat sections this year. It should not be that difficult networking- wise. They may be worried about piggy-backers outside the stadium or having security issues. Typical.

  8. Did I miss something? Has Mike Williams been suspended while in the NFL, or even warranted a "sit down" with Sir Roger?


    In case this link has not yet been provided in this extensive thread:




    I, for one, am very excited about the potential of this addition. I am reasonably certain now that the Bills will not draft WR Mike Evans now but will, instead go Mosely/Barr, Lewan (Matthews), or Ebron. All quality players at position of need. My guess is Ebron.

  9. Well, someone has to "own" the team before it's sold.


    It just would seem this should have been messaged before he passed. It appears like "now what do we do?" despite the guy being 95.


    And Mary is cheap.


    I do not think this is correct - Ralph could have left his estate in trust and authorized the sale of his assets and the proceeds to be distributed. Mary , his wife, is the one of the few who can inherit without paying taxes. Her being declared, "sole owner", for now means the team is hers and is not in The Trust - this may not mean any slowdown in sale of the team but it certainly does not speed it up. More likely, this buys time tax free and without as much urgency to find a "suitable" purchaser. I assume this was discussed at length between Mary and Ralph. She probably has her instructions and will sell the team and then distribute the proceeds. I am anxious to hear some analysis from lawyers and some people more in-the-know but I believe this is good news for Bills fans.

  10. That's how I feel. They signed Chris Williams and I didn't know much about him other than he was a 1st rd. pick. He graded out pretty poorly. Even if it is a little off he has to be a below average - bad football player.


    You base this, right, on the PFF rating? r because he was cut by the Bears?


    Obviously, the Bills FO did not agree. So, my question for you would be, "Have you looked through film/watched the guy play?" If not, how can you be SO sure the guy is a "bad football player"? Just as an example of my point, last year the Colts gave up on Jerry Hughes, a former 1st round pick. He wasn't released per se but the trade was for a player the Bills were planning on cutting (White). He turned out all right wouldn't you say? I am not saying you are wrong - Williams may end up being bad but not only do the Bills disagree they paid him millions to come here. I am only questioning how certain you seem by not calling him mediocre but "bad".

  11. Same numbers that I heard. I would guess that if the Bills were in fact interested they were unwilling to give a multi-year deal. One year "show me" type offer.


    I'm happy that they kicked the tires but also happy that they didn't win this one (as it turned out).


    I would have liked it if they signed him but, I do not even know if he ever really considered coming here. Nor do I know if the Bills were willing to go as high as the Redskins did. But, he would have been a legitimate #1 receiver and allowed the Bills more flexibility on the upcoming draft. Still, the "baggage" was a bit disconcerting (locker room cancer? Off field risk(s)? ) so, I am not devastated at not getting him. But, the Bills have a lot of cap space left and I do expect them to use it now to lock down players such as Darius and maybe Spiller. My 2 cents.

  12. I guess I don't see why they would not draft Evans (if they like him) regardless of whether they sign Jackson. He is 20 years old and a different type of WR, one they really need. While he can still help this offense as a rookie based on pure matchup issues and talent, he is still raw and may not hit his full potential as an NFL WR for another 3 years. Who knows where Jackson will be then. But we would still have Evans.


    They might but there is a limit to how many players one can keep at a given position and I am sure you agree the Bills need more help along the offensive line and at TE and at LB. Best Player Available is only REALLY applied when either the player truly stands out way above other possible selections AND when a team can afford not to draft a player that fills a big hole. My comment had to do with increased likelihoods and freedom to be more selective. If the Bills do not sign Jackson, I DO expect the Bills to draft Evans unless Matthews is still there. Again, just my opinion.....

  13. nice post. Fully agree.


    I don't - with DeSean only being 28 yrs old and having drafted two WR's last year, I think it forces a lean towards a situation where best player available at picks one and two lean towards OL, LB, and possibly TE. So, IMO, the chances of drafting the topTE (Ebron) goes up with a signing of DeSean.

    Still, having said that, I see the Bills drafting Mathews or Lewan at pick 1 or Mosely/Barr instead of Evans.


    Unless they are really high on Evans (hedge hedge).


    This all assumes that Mack and Watkins are gone of course (which I expect).

  14. You have to take everything before the draft with a huge grain of salt. Perhaps they really like Robinson or are worried Evans won't be there @ 9. Or perhaps they are floating a rumor to get another team to try and move up.


    They certainly do not need to move up to #1 for Evans. Only Clowney makes sense (but it really doesn;t given the apparent cost to move up from 9 to 1).

    Robinson might go 1 but the draft (apparently) is very deep at tackle. Again, not worth the move.


    I doubt there is any meat to this rumor.

  15. The Bills will not be sold for at least a couple years because it's been said that the estate must be settled first. But the team will likely be sold well before year 7 of the lease. Now it's up to us fans to show we can support the Bills. Forget about "14 years and counting..." and fill the stadium for every game. If you won't support the team now don't come here crying when they leave.




    I totally agree PTR. I have season tickets and I still live in NJ.


    But, it would be nice, ahem, for there to be some meaningful games in December.

    For people like me, it is not the price of the tickets that has kept me from driving in but the quality of the

    product. So , I buy the tickets and hope I will make the drive and the key issue will be bad weather

    on the drive and not a guaranteed loss and a sad drive home.


    Funny, after a win, those 420 miles go by quick.



  16. It's stating the obvious. There is a very strong lease and the Bills will not be put up for sale for a few more years. So the Bills are not going anywhere immediately. There are 2-3 other franchises that are easier targets for L.A. right now.


    But no one can know what the future holds. 2019 is D-day. The team will have a new owner and either a new stadium being built somewhere in WNY or they will be packing for somewhere else.




    The one solid thing out of the last 24 hours is that the Bills may be sold or not in the next 6 years BUT no one will move them until year 7 at the earliest. Prior to year 7, we will know a lot more than we know now (who owns the team, threat(s) made (or not) about moving the team "unless", etc).


    If the Bills can actually become competitive meanwhile, WE THE FANS, will have a say by routinely selling out The Ralph.



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