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Everything posted by Bills99999

  1. I like the 4-3 because it means an extra spot for a fat guy I am all about fat guy affirmative action
  2. She was 90 lbs on our wedding day Thirty years later she is about a duece-and-a-quarter I was only 280 on our wedding day and 425 now. Whenever she gets on me about being fat, I remind her that SHE is the one who more than doubled her weight, not me
  3. OK, I see your point I'll set my new goal at 375 I'm am talking a 118 lb weight loss here. When you have carried 493, your lower body get tremendously strong as well as your abs and your triceps from "dipping" yourself out of chairs and off the toilet. My biceps and lats are also very strong from pulling myself out of my car I will be able to dance on my toes like a ballerina at 375....maybe even dunk a basketball... I am far from bed-ridden. I walk at least two miles every day and do my own yard work.
  4. No, I swear I really do weigh that much I went to a tailgate for the Bills opener against the Vikings a while back (1997 I think) and some regular posters saw me when I was only about 350.
  5. I never liked that term morbid obesity because I think it is incorrect. I have been over 350 for at least 10 years and I am 53 years old. Thanks to lucky genetics, my BP is slightly elevated, my cholesterol is 142, my triglycerides are low, and I am not even close to being diabetic. I will admit my knees are sore sometimes, and my back used to hurt when I was near the quarter-ton mark, but it is fine now. I laugh at these people who say you are putting a strain on your heart Oh, really? Arent marathon runners also putting a strain on their hearts? Explain to me the physiological difference between putting a strain on your heart through "morbid obesity" and intense physical exertion, which is thought to improve health and prolong life. My body is in a constant state of exercise. I would love to sit next to a little guy like you on an airplane. Last time I flew, I was next to this guy who was about 220 and he used the part of his seat that I usually use. Very cramped flight.
  6. You must ask yourself who sets those "standards". Is it the scale industry? Are they doctors? I don't think so Those 350 lb scales have been around for years. It's time for a change
  7. What about this: http://dickliquor.com/
  8. Have we given up on Mayin already C'Mon, give the kid a chance
  9. Well, I guess you are entitled to your opinion
  10. The operation was about 18 months ago. I think I need to loose about 30 more pounds and I will be happy. The doctor said I should have more fluid added to the band to tighten it, but I don;t want to loose too much weight Standard scales only go to 350, so if you are more than that you can't monitor your weight and it kind of sneaks up on you. I had no idea I was getting fat. I guess when I look at myself in the mirror, I tend to subconsciously angle my body in the most favorable ways. I used to belong to a YMCA that had a suggestion box. The director of the facility would read your suggestions and post his responses on the bulletin board. One time I wrote a suggestion that they install an elevator because I would get out of breath when I went upstairs to use the treadmill. The idiot actually responded that he would review my request during the next budget cycle
  11. Are you talking about me or you? You never gave your weight
  12. I am about 425, but I am 6'1", so I am not really that fat My top weight was 493 before I got a gastric band operation
  13. I wish I would have read her age before I stared at her picture. Now I feel dirty. San Antonio has a reputation of having alot of morbidly obese people. It is sometimes called "Fat Antonio". One of my kids visited down there and they said everybody is my size and I am over 400 lbs
  14. What a coincidence…I was a freshman in college when the electric guitar was invented Isn't that spelled "accordeen" ? I'll bet trying to learn to play a guitar on that thing is like trying to learn how to play a piano by practicing a player piano...It ain't gonna work I am the best guitar player in my garage. One of the three songs I know how to play is Cream's "Sunshine of Your Love". I tried to play it on somebody's Guitar Hero one time and I did lousy on it. I never picked up that toy again. By the way, I also know how to play "Wild Thing", "Can't You See" "Sweet Home Alabama". Whatdaya think about THAT?
  15. Q: How many Bluegrass musicians does it take to change a light bulb? A: Three---On to change the bulb and the other two to complain about it being “electric
  16. Wow...I had Mike Brady figured for a SF 49'ers fan
  17. One of my sons seemed to take interest in the Captain America and Transformer one Not me. I am not a special effects kind of guy. I like strange movies with strange dialogue, strange characters and strange plots- "Slingblade", "Precious", "Paris Texas", "The Apostle", "Anita the Swedish Nymphette"
  18. In general, teachers are not known for their brains. College students who are education majors have an average SAT score entering college in the lowest 20 % among all students at their college. You can also factor in that most colleges that offer a major in Education are among the least selective (Buff State, Fredonia, Brockport, etc). One of my daughters has always been a good writer. Now that she is twenty-five with a Masters in Education, and teaches high school English, she writes almost as well as William F. Buckley or Thomas Sowell. When she was a freshman in high school, her English teacher, who was also the “head of the English Department”, Told her she was a poor writer and sent home some papers with examples of “good” writing that she herself had written. I read these papers, and they were nothing but a bunch of Maya Angelouesque upchucking of her nonsensical “feelings”, yet full of bad spelling and serious grammatical errors (including “irregardless” and plenty of malapropisms). My daughter asked my to take a red pen to this teacher’s “body of work”, so she could take it back and show her. I was tempted, but I knew she would destroy my daughter for it. Instead, my daughter sat down and penned her own Maya Angelouesque garbage (minus the spelling and grammatical errors), and turned it in as a joke. This “educator” thought her writing was wonderful and gave her an “A” There is an old saying “Those who cannot DO-Teach….Those who cannot TEACH-teach gym”
  19. I do not know because I have never played in a Superbowl
  20. Jalapenos??? I like jalapenos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOPLk03tWfY
  21. With that big, dark cloud hanging over Auburn, you should expect to see the other SEC schools steal some pretty good recruits. I hope they can stay under budget with the higher salaries they will have to pay all those blue-chippers.
  22. You should have written "...anyone over the age of ten who can spell and write...". Numbers of one or two between one and ninety-nine should always be written out. "That" refers to objects. "Who" refers to people. Irregardless, you should ax Fitzgibbons about it because he went to Harverd.
  23. Or this would be a good fit
  24. Don't take any advice froma bunch of 30-something snotnosed kids with one or two kids. Listen to me. I have 5 between 29 and 20, and none of them are convicted felons yet. All are either college graduates or in the process. Do NOT start a college fund...Not officially anyway. These tax-free-free-freeze-the-tuition-rates funds will be held against you when they apply for financial aid. Take the CASH and stash it in a safe deposit box. You won't make much interest anyway. A friend of mine started a generous fund for his grandchildren whose parents make less than $30,000 combined. Those kids would get a free poor-boy ride if not for that nice fund he started for them. He should keep the money himself, and then buy their books and himself a better nursing home when the time comes. Do NOT let your kids play tackle football until middle school, and only then if it is a school team. Little League/Pop Warner football is a joke. The coaches get all of their football "knowledge" from playing madden and watching TV. Very few of them even played in high school. They will teach your kids bad habits, and may even get them crippled from bad technique. In the early years, steer them toward soccer, basketball, martial arts, track, etc. If you have an endomorph who looks like he might be an OL someday, get him into raquetball for his footwork. Do not PUSH your kids into athletics....PULL them into it... When it comes to weight training, do not let them use any heavy weights until they sprout hair in their armpits. They could get hurt and they won;t make any gains anyway until the testosterone kicks in. SQUATS are the most important excercise they can do. You don't need to use alot of weight, but they need enough weight and enough reps to make them breathe like a rhino after the set. They need to use proper technique and perform the reps clearly breaking 90 degrees for each rep. If they don't go down far enough or start "backing" the reps- reduce the weight Do not let them get piercings, tattoos, or wear their hair like Justin Bieber Don't YOU get piercings, tattoos, or wear their your like Justin Bieber
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