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Everything posted by Bills99999

  1. Seeing as it's"all under one roof" What kind of vision correction do you use (surgery, contacts, glasses) I have wire framed bi-focals...the kind of bifocals you can see, not those "Invisaline" bifocals. My visible bifocals get me senior citizen discounts sometimes
  2. One message per week??? I take it you are not a fan?
  3. I was only asking for the car you USUALLY drive, but everybody listed everything, so I will too My other car is a 1986 Olds Cutlass and I paid $600 for it about five years ago. Neither this nor my truck are "restored". Plenty of rust. Most of the time I drive a company car which is a 2005 Impala. I have never owned a new car, but this spring I am thinking about pulling the trigger and getting something new that I plan to drive until I am dead
  4. What did you pay for the BMW ?
  5. Nobody should be allowed to own more than two cats unless they are raising them for food
  6. 1987 Dodge Ram 100 pickup, two tone blue and grey with a slant 6 225 engine. Paid 500 bucks for it
  7. Dolphin fam friend of mine used to call Thurman "Fumblina". I had to agree with him And don't forget "Jay Rearsmegma"....Thank you very much
  8. I'll get my info from someone besides some bartender at AJ's
  9. Rott-Black Lab mix. 15 years old...80 lbs I love the old girl, but she is way over-do for a "yellow shot". The kids won't let me do it (I am talking about my dog this time, not my wife)
  10. Read the instructions...I said Tops didn't count. I worked for the Central park Plaza Tops part time back in 1975 for $2.20 an hour bagging groceries and cleaning up after a pack of wild animals Hold off...I will start a new thread for dog weight
  11. OK, whatever Billy Ray, you achey-breaky hillbillie simpleton... It had nothing to do with the fact you had a baby with another woman while you were married to your present wife... Disney is evil, but the Cyrus clan would have crashed and burned regardless Disney has always turned out garbage music anyway....except this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSp3E3AnpmA
  12. Only count jobs with health care benefits and stuff $10,600 per year in 1979
  13. Yes #1- Male- 6'2" 245 #2- Female 5'7" 150 #3- Female 5'7" 145 #3- Female 5'7" 145 #4 Male 6'3" 275 And two brothers #1- 5'10'- 325 #2- 5'11'- 300 Big, but not quite like this family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJwPMr8qIQM
  14. I figured his first deal would be selling laptops with the owner's name written in whiteout on the outside http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=cam+newton+laptop&cp=12&wrapid=tljp1297746964542020&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=780&bih=438
  15. I look at the huge guts on some of these Ted Washingtonesque DTs and NTs and I think they kind of look like me. Besides about 30 years in age, there is a BIG difference between me and these guys...They are amazing athletes. Even when I was in my best shape in HS at a weight of 215, I only ran a 5.7 40
  16. I think you will also find that the average man in the Carolinas is not only short, but he is most likely married to a close relative, illiterate, and a convicted felon Check out these "folks"
  17. That not only made my day, it made my entire week I am sure he will put away his boxing gloves and take up the boxcutter....the little scumbag
  18. Are you a St Joe's Marauder? Back in 1974, I made Bill Hurley my bee-yotch...I was only 215 back then
  19. I don;t think Plaxico wants to play in Buffalo. NYS gun laws are too strict
  20. 180 for a woman is not really "fat"...She's just "swolt" But I must say I do respect a man who dumps his wife because she gained weight... Just like I respect this friend of mine who is planning to play in a golf tournament the morning of of his daughter's wedding. His daughter said "But what if mom wants you to go pick up the cake or something" He replied "I am not interested in doing anything like that". He is my hero even though he won't let me play on his team for the torunament
  21. I had no idea so many of you guys were dopers
  22. To a somewhat lesser degree you know what I am talking about About 15-16 years ago I was playing in this full contact charity football game on Thanksgiving. We would practice for about a month three days a week before the game. The first year I played, I was about 390. The second year I played I was down to 303 and I felt quick as a cat. It’s like taking the doughnut off a baseball bat before stepping up to the plate And I have a question about that hockey picture...Was that puck about to go between your legs and trickle into the net before you got your stick down, or did you block it and it was moving away from you? It was hard to tell from the picture
  23. Will they be posting on stolen laptops?
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdy3orO6tQA
  25. I don;t need drugs. I am doing the Adkins diet for thirty days. It has been 15 days so far. Because of the diet, I have not had liquor for 15 days, so I have been having some great hallucinations (pink elephants, etc) I also have sleep apnea, so I stop breathing in my sleep which also causes great hallucinations
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