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Everything posted by They

  1. They would advise you to not ask too many questions.
  2. They know why this is happening and They made sure your fly was down. They can use both Android an IOS for many functions.
  3. They have become aware of this thread and They have learned some important information from it.
  4. They can have your name changed to We Come in Pieces any time they want.
  5. They are calling BS on this.
  6. They snicker at your statement that They are desperate. They will control the conversation or anything else They want to control. They will talk about anything They want including the economy. They did not come here looking for a fight but if They get in one They will not lose.
  7. How did They end up in this thread? Perhaps it is because They know who will win. They will not however reveal this knowledge. This again leaves They wondering why They showed up in this thread.
  8. They finally got Irwin to press the correct buttons. They have never had to put up with so much incompetence. They are now in partial control. They will complete the transition of this dimension soon They point out that this dimension was a waste of energy anyway. They wish you well in your last few hours.
  9. They hope you have a nice weekend. They will make sure it is your last. They will erase history from your pathetic dimension.
  10. They don't think he is dead. They think he is hiding. They think that although technically he won't be dead soon, he will be gone like the rest of humans, having never existed.
  11. They think you are going insane because your husband is missing. They are willing to cut you some slack because of this. They will no longer allow They to be insulted by being compared to Who.
  12. They don't think Sage will be in attendance at class.
  13. They don't think Sage will be reporting any progress. They think Sage is in hiding. They think They will find Sage soon. They are uncovering the secrets of doublecheney.
  14. They know. They are aware he is with his boss and Sage. They wonder if his boss or Sage have been on the board. They would like to know how to research this.
  15. They have a little situation on Their hands. They had a mishap traveling through the wormal and one of their companions has gone missing. They know who he will go see. Does anyone know the address for a slut named Carl? They should point out that Carl is a gerbil.
  16. They would like to refer you to Their signature. They would also like to thank you for giving up the secret of the centrifuge. They do not apologize.
  17. They will look into it. They will remember if you send They astray.
  18. They would like to point out what They can do to even your strongest. They cite Jack LaLanne as exhibit A. They wonder how quickly your eyes will stop rolling.
  19. They snicker at your ignorant bravado and insolent tone.
  20. They will make no deals regarding those in hiding. They are aware of only one silo large enough to make your statements true. They know it's location is 14 galaxies away. They would advise you against fabricating information.
  21. They are aware that Sage is hiding. They are aware that he has brought enough lentils for a lengthy stay. They can wait longer than he can.
  22. They need to know the whereabouts of the basement and the silo. They do not care about the property and the 200 people. They know Beerball, Sage and their leader are in hiding. They are wondering if the lentil silo is in the basement.
  23. They did not mean friends literally. They seek those who are hiding.
  24. They need you to be more specific.
  25. They would like you to disclose the location, and time of your friends. They would like you to do this immediately.
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