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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Jerry is like that creepy guy a woman wants nothing to do with, but just won't go away.
  2. For now anyway, everyone is still free to express their love or hate for the guy in this thread. Here are my questions and thoughts: 1. Why did he not just start an effort, a foundation, or an active group to bring awareness to his cause instead of crapping on the very foundation of why he is free in the first place? 2. Why is it that he started this public stunt, and yes, that's all it really was, once his no talent butt ended up on the bench? 3. Why does no one ever talk about how his actions created a bigger divide in america rather than actually bring awareness to his cause? Then, to make a martyr out of the guy they start a campaign stating he "risked everything... ETC". Really? He risked what? He was already a bench warmer for a bad team at the time on it's way down. Say what you want, but he only did what he did to stay relevant in the media, and I don't care what people think or say about my view, I'm entitled to it, again, for now anyway, just not on some social media sites anymore, but at least here for now. NOW, throw all that aside, and look at this "workout" for what it is. I voted No, and No because he is a lousy QB, plain and simple.
  3. I really do agree, but this team does have talent at key positions. what this team really needs is an offensive line because far too often, this team's really good QB, and talented running backs had nowhere to go, or where running for their lives.
  4. I kinda thought you meant 2001... I'll toss another comparison at you.... go look at Russel Wilson's game day performances in his 1st 2-3 seasons and see how poorly he performed in quarter's 1-3, and how he performed in Q4... remind you of another QB? I'm surprised how similar their numbers look...
  5. I was going to say something cute and snarky about this, but I started thinking about that patriots team, and can actually see your point. ohh well, I save the snark for someone else.
  6. you really think you're clever, that's cute. you respond from a position of superiority, while in fact committing the same infractions you accuse me of, also... funny. Again, I didn't require a reason to save myself, because, and again... I'll break it out to you slowly this time.... you know.... so you get it.... I (meaning me in the first person sense)..... don't think (meaning disagree with).... the Browns (NFL football franchise located in Ohio).... are self destructing (as the thread title suggests).... slow enough for you Francis? And yeah, I did confuse your response with the thread starter.... ooops.... my bad...... burn on me? .... LOL ......aaaanndd enjoy your box you put yourself there, I expected another look-at-me-I'm better-than-him response from you; sorry Francis, but you're just too easy. .....anxiously awaiting your really cool, intellectual, well thought out and probably typed 30 times and edited before submitting response....
  7. Settle down Francis, take a pill and relax. I responded to your stupid title, I could care less about your meaningless rep points, and there's nothing to admit. your thread is about the Browns self destructing dumbass, and my comment is about the rest of the season as a whole body of work. get over yourself (highlighted as well, bet you didn't predict that). So go take your wicked awesome look-at-me-I-predicted-it trophy back to the basement, tell your mom you need more hot pockets, and get back to world of warcraft where people think what you do and say is cool. [Moderator Warning Issued]
  8. I really don't like cocky players, and baker is probably the biggest douche we've seen in a long time, except for maybe the mega-over-hyped-nothing-like-the-next-coming-of-primetime jaylen ramsey, BUT... I hate to admit this out loud.... he's not as bad as he seems right now and they will win some games. I htink oyu jumped the gun on posting your pre-season repdiction. I don't think they're the next AFC champs, but they'll not finish in the basement either. If I were the Bills coaches, i would not sleep on them. for the record though, I still call him Baker Manziel.
  9. When I was a kid playing hockey, I broke my favorite stick, I tried to fix it and make it work, but it was just broke. I even kept it in the garage with my other sticks for a few years, but it was, well, un-usable. That's Ray-Ray. Ask yourself why when posting these things, and the only answer you can produce to yourself is "uhhh... because", or "why not" then simply don't post it.
  10. seriously? I guess anything can be asked in a forum, but why?
  11. Here is a good post.
  12. Anything is better than the 70's loser look of blue pants over white jerseys. Much hate.
  13. yes, all of them/none of them. I don't care how much this season "just feels different so far", I've seen this team go from 6-2 to finishing that same start to 6-10. The biggest threat to this team making the playoffs IS themselves. Add the Bills to your list.
  14. Benjamin was just simply a walking turd, Least-Mode was a total fraud with exception of his 5-6 highlight runs, but Zay, no hate from me. I wanted him to succeed, but he simply wasn't performing, period. I just wish him luck and hope he figures out how to play at this level in Oakland.
  15. Drugs are bad, mmmmmkay?
  16. I never needed the Bills games to have a reason to drink and have a great time during my 20's, I could ruin another day of my life when it wasn't going to cost so much... when we went to the games we definitely drank beer and had a great time, maybe even shout at a few dolphins fans from time to time, but not to the level of stupidity I have seen the last time I was in town for a game. I had friends with me that have never been to a Bills game whom I've been bragging to them about how awesome the tailgating experience was, and to be honest I was embarrassed. I get it, have fun, get a little drunk if you like, but when it degenerates to the level of burning things, guys puking alongside the road, or jumping like morons through tables, it's just plain stupid. I haven't been to a game in Buffalo since 2013, and probably never will attend a home game again, but I have traveled to other places to see games and had a great time. I used to go to nearly every home game when I had the least amount of money in my life, even slept out on Delaware avenue to get tickets to the playoff games of the superbowl era, but until something is done to remove the douchebag element, my home game attendance drought will continue.
  17. I will definitely give you competent from a from a front office perspective, and without a doubt a culture standpoint. Now they need to prove to me they can win against good teams before I feel like progress has been made.
  18. I you look waaaaay back into my post history, and there's been some real doosies back then, I called him "3 Years and a Cloud of BUST". I have never seen him as a really good QB to begin with. I did think he was a God-gifted athlete, which led to his overly cocky and obnoxious personality, in which I now think he's more like "3 years of sub-par play from a cloudy douchebag". In fact, the more arrogant a player is in this league, the less I like them or even want them on the Bills, but Cam, he's done, but more importantly because he never really had it.
  19. I really liked how well he handled himself at the game, I would have been an inconsolable douche for hours.
  20. I've never cared about these for a second. the only ranking I ever cared about was which team was holding the Lombardi trophy at the end of the year. The rest of this is argument inducing forum chud.
  21. Let's skip the nicknames until he does something for the Bills.
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