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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. you know they modeled the "Patriot's" face after Elvis.... It's really hard to hate Elvis, but I do hate their logo.
  2. Not to grind the gears of anyone in particular, but I have always argued that Golf was an activity, not a sport. when you argue something is not a sport, it's basic definition is whether or not there's a competition against opponents, and an outcome of loss or victory. this does feel like an activity, but it's a sport none the less. I'll argue to my own demise in the face of the facts above that golf is an activity, much like mowing my lawn is.
  3. Not really sure this is upsetting news. I had no intention of watching any of the games, nor did anyone I know anyway.
  4. I was there with one of my friends from high school, we were in college at the time. It was frigid, we had his dad's stadium bags for warmth. For those who don't know what stadium bags are, they are like these half length sleeping bags that you sat in. I would be guessing, but I think they were available back in the 60's somewhere in Buffalo, they were old. I made a bet with my buddy that if Thurman Thomas scored a touchdown, he had to take his shirt off, and keep it off until the kickoff. I won, he did it. it was fun to experience.
  5. If you watch this game backwards it ends up being a come from behind tie.
  6. that is great news. No room for a pouty, me first player whose best years look to be far behind him. Let's add to that pile, that, in my opinion was never that great to begin with. yes, he piled up some stats for a few years, but it didn't translate to championships.
  7. I think they need to keep doubting him, it's what fueled Joe Montana to greatness and i think it's why Josh is where he is today. I say, bring on the shade.
  8. No rain being tossed on your parade by any means, but I don't expect him to come remotely close to league MVP, nor do i care. I just need him to be good enough to win games and advance the team as far as the team's talent is capable of. And do that without costing the team any wins. He does that and he'll be just fine.
  9. how much farther away from the field can they turn them(their heads)???!!
  10. I don't think anyone should be surprised if they do draft a running back. they didn't really bring anyone of note in through free agency, and while singletary is quite a talent, he's abysmal at holding onto the football. you keep giving the ball away in key situations, and you'll find yourself very quickly a nice spot on special teams. That simply cannot be overlooked.
  11. Have some balls and just outright call me a white racist you *****. I don't like a lot of players in the NFL who carry themselves a certain way. That "look at me, I'm better than you, I'm a big deal, so I'm going to behave like a petulant child" type. Toss baker mayfield in there too I think he's a total douche as well. But as far as Cam's accomplishments go, I simply never saw what he did as all that great amidst that flashy numbers here and there. My opinion of course.
  12. I would be in favor of this happening, as I have always thought very little of Cam as a player, and even less socially as he is a drama queen.
  13. I'd say this is a popular opinion... and I agree.
  14. There was a lot of very real circumstances that drove a wedge between Ralph and Bill, this really came as no surprise to anyone at the time. It was upsetting to us as fans, but not much of a heads scratcher.
  15. I'll openly admit I preferred him during the draft too. Although Allen has clearly shown all the traits we all knew he had, he's still exhibiting the accuracy issues that have been following him from college. I love the guy now, and can only hope he can develop.
  16. This was a game where the Bills were actually the more consistent team, and actually better on paper. forget all the errors and catastrophic mistakes during the game for a minute and look at that bogus blindside block called against Ford. They'd have been all correct as I was certain the Bills were going to win that game after Josh's run. When you factor in all the things the Bills do right, and all the potential bad things Josh is capable of, this game still comes down to the BIlls winning, except of course when the refs pull a bone job like that call.
  17. Until the offense can be relied on to win games, or at least score more than 16 points, they shouldn't really be any higher. The problem is that Allen, while great at times, seems to still struggle with consistency, and I think that reflects in the rankings, which I truly don't subscribe to very often anyway.
  18. I see it as a decade of 500 ball, with one full 0-17 season...
  19. We'll know who the better quarterback is this Sunday night. At least for that particular game. there is no guarantee Josh plays better.
  20. every Dallas cowboy player, ever. And Jarvis Landry. I hope he received exactly what he puts out there.
  21. I like the all red, all blue, and all whites, but I detest the white jersey over blue pants setup.
  22. I want to believe you so very badly.... I will be very happy if I'm wrong...
  23. You know this is just the usual rope-A-dope they play with the media each year so teams start sleeping on them... I want to believe, so very badly... but until I see him really look bad, they're still the better team.
  24. We've already had our close loss to the patriots this year, which means we're in for a royal ass-kicking in foxboro. Look back at the last 20 years and you'll see we get one "kinda close" loss and a full on "de-panting" loss practically every year. Guess which one we're in line for next? I'll be happy with the post-season for now. Until Tom Brady stops drinking his stem-cell smoothie and decides to retire, this is the Buffalo reality.
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