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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Apparently Joe Flacco didn't, did anyone around here know if he played in the opener against Pittsburgh, and if he did, about how many plays?



    For the record, I loved him as a player with first class character when he was here, but while very surprised at the time of the trade, i didn't think it was going to hurt this team at all. It's sad to see him fall so far from where he was in 2006.

  2. We let him walk because Ralph is cheap.










    Sorry, it HAD to be done.



    Seriously, i was going to start a thread about how bad he looked, and felt very good about the guys in front of Fitz after watching that game last night. I never saw Incognito as a long term answer around here, and didn't have an opinion one way or the other about his departure.

  3. Better question:


    How long before the fans stop with this constant need for a RB whipping boy?



    Spiller is fine. He will be fine. He got a TD yesterday when he was finally able to do what he does best.



    Couldn't have been better said. He is an excellent athlete, and everyone knows when he is in the game, he is there to get tome touches. The guy can play, it's just not his time yet, this is not another Maybin situation, Spiller has made plays with the limited amount of time he has gotten.

  4. I swear, Bills fans and media are so self defeatist it's ridiculous. One coach says it's hard to win in the NFL, and he's crucified, then we get a coach with a game plan, and a very good offensive mind who says "I expect to win them all" and HE gets crucified.


    Honestly, the bull **** that goes with this team is almost as deep as the Atlantic ocean. It almost seems like people like to see this team fail, just so they feel better about their own lives. You don't have to have blind faith and think they'll win them all, but how can you call yourself a fan if you can't stand the product?

  5. With all due respect (sincerely PTR), we aren't beating the Patriots this year. There's a talent gap, a coaching gap and equally as important, there's a psychological edge. Even if we do stay competitive with them, rest assured they will keep their cool and we will flub it and the result will be a familiar one.


    Granted, nothing is impossible but I can't make sense of predicting a win over New England, given the state of the two franchises.



    Trent Edwards and the haplless 2009 Bills almost beat the patriots on opening day, if not for a seriously bad string of flubs near the end of the game. So my point is that this team is much better today than that 2009 squad, and the Pats are not nearly as good as their 2009 squad, so I don't think this is a foregone conclusion anymore.

  6. I don't think too many people will doubt Barnett is a better player once the season starts. Pozluzny was a high character guy with the ability to tackle players well after initial contact, and in most cases 5-7 yards down field. that's more a testament to his ability to read a play than the weakness of the defensive front.

  7. So anyone who is not a "GAME CHANGER" however you might define it must go????




    I don't remember that being my point, but since you're asking, it is, in my opinion not a bad thing that Evans was traded IF the team finds a better player on the roster. My point was that I didn't see him as a benefit to this team's overall big picture anymore, and his lack of other route running skills made him a one trick pony. There are lots of guys who can contribute in more than one capacity, and i don't think Lee was that guy anymore. Besides, the bigger issue is that with the offensive line as bad as it is these days, who would have the time to wait till he was open to even deliver the ball to him?


    But to most people's point about the trade, we currently didn't make the team better by trading him in the short term.

  8. I am not going to defend everything the coaching staff has been doing recently, but in order to gather more information about the players this coaching staff has at their disposal, they need to see them play. CJ Spiller, any, or all of the receivers, linebackers being moved, offensive linemen being tried at other positions, trading away some veterans, these things have not been done in Buffalo in more than a decade, and I see these things as very beneficial. People seem to forget that what the Bills team has been under DJ was an under-performing bunch of coddled athletes that never had to worry about someone taking their job, and when Gailey came to town, he made it very clear nobody's job was safe. I loved Lee Evans as a professional, but in 7 seasons, he vanished for massive stretches of each season, and was simply not a game changer. Could we have used him this year, sure in some capacity, but I just don't think you can keep a guy like that on your roster when this team needs someone who can do more than run a deep route.


    Things need to change, and if the players and fans don't like it right now, too bad, this team has sucked balls for too long, and if Chan Gailey's approach doesn't work right away, it probably will somewhere else, when the media and cheap-o owner run him out of town.


    I want to see CJ Spiller more, I love Freddy, and want to see them both featured, I just don't see how you can develop the guy by not playing him.



    From what I have seen so far, it appears that the defense has been addressed quite well in the new regime's first 2 drafts, and if the defense can improve this year, I think its only fair to hold out hope that they can do the same on offense. I know we as fans want it to happen faster, but it's just not going to. I still think this team is on the right track.


    it's easy to forget how very little talent this team really had going into last year.

  9. and this is what a freakishly small OLB REALLY can do:


    The Real Maybin


    I am sure with 5 minutes left in a game against one of the worst teams in recent NFL history we should get Maybin's bust ready in Canton.


    You have one thing right though, and that's the bust part.


    Your posts are enjoyable, it's not often we get to read ridiculous fodder like this here, so keep them coming. :thumbsup:

  10. How do you make a team better by leaving the same players in the same positions? This preseason, and Chan Gailey is shaking some things up. How soon do we forget the Jauron era where the team keeps doing the same thing expecting winning results. Everyone moaned about Lee Evans drop in production, so the guy gets traded, then everyone is up in arms about how we desperately need him. I'm sorry but I see things a little differently.


    I am very happy to see CJ running with the first team, he looks like he can play, and there's no reason CJ and Freddy can't share the load.


    The defense will be an improved unit as long as they stay healthy


    And the new notion that no position is safe on this team. sorry, but the soft, cushy, win some lose more attitude isn't cutting it with our new head coach, and I for one applaud it. None of the players, including the likes of Lee evans ever won anything of significance, so it's time they are held accountable.


    As far as the ownership concerns made by the OP, I share those feelings too and think it's time the team is passed along to someone who is interested in keeping the team in Buffalo, and winning. enough of this playing games in toronto crap.

  11. I still for the life of me can't figure out how people think Spiller was a luxury pick. The guy will start for this team and Freddy is north of 30. Explain to me how you'd want to trade a guy that hasn't had a chance to play yet? This is the kind of stuff that keeps this team mired in mediocrity. He has the potential to develop into a true game changer, so yeah lets trade him now before he gets too good :thumbdown:

  12. The unis these replace were an abomination pure and simple. The all white ones were not too bad, and I do agree i have always loved the red lids, the white ones look epically classic. This new look now looks classically timeless very much like the Colts, or San Diego's return of their original unis.


    Sorry, you may be on your own with this thread, most people hated the previous duds.

  13. All of the excuses are well and good, and valid actually, in the first preseason game.

    They become less valid in game 2 and much less valid in game 3.

    The third game is the one I am interested in. The starters will play much more, the game is in Buffalo, and it is against a fairly average team in the Jags. If the Bills starters do not look like the superior team in this game all the excuses in the world won't matter. Personally I expect the game to be pretty even when the starters are in. And I'm happy it is in Buffalo for the one game I go to so I can have a good look (kids day).



    even less valid on opening day. I am quietly waiting for the season to start, where all the talking stops, and the games become the real test of where this team is.


    Currently though, if I were to make a list of what I saw these would be the synopsis:


    1. Improved defensive play, but still not deep in talent past a few starters

    2. same old offense, but with some wild cat looks that I don't really care for

    3. Spiller looks more patient and may contribute

    4. O-line looks pedestrian at best

    5. Past Fitz, there are no other capable QBs on the team

    6. Special teams look to be the worst unit to play in Buffalo in 10 years

    7. The team no longer has anyone to stretch the field


    That's really no different than what was on the field last year, and in all honesty, if a few starters go down like they tend to do here in Buffalo, we really won't see any improvement over last year's outcome. Honestly, how could we?

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