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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. I still contend he has a lot of Brett Favre in his game, the way he can move around in the pocket, and his fearlessness when trying to put the ball into traffic. I will say though, that I actually think Fitzpatrick has a better understanding of an offensive attack, like a coordinator. Evidence of that would be reading defenses, and putting his receivers in position to make plays.

  2. He's not without talent. He has a chance to make an impact. It's this kind of play that makes it impossible to just completely write him off.



    He looked like a safety trying to make that tackle, I had to watch it a few times to see that it was in fact Maybin. The main reason you can easily write this guy off completely is the fact that he weighs 221-228 lbs right now, and has ZERO run play stopping abilities. Not to mention that was in the 4th quarter against cincinnati's 3rd string offense.


    How does that play even make anyone think he can play, because it resembled a guy who is capable of that type of play on a weekly basis? I don't think so.


    No offense Joe, but that highlight seems to prove how far this guy needs to go to even be considered capable of playing against a good team and actual starters.

  3. Darren Woodson was asked to handicap the AFC East and is still picking the Pats, even though a minute earlier he said the Pats would have trouble beating the Raiders. He said he expected "the wind to come out" of the Bills sails because "the AFC East still goes through New England." (It does?) He even said the Jets are standing in our way.


    The Bills can keep proving themselves but media will always discount what they do.





    Right now the Bills have won 3 games where new England has been winning consistently and been on top of the division for the last decade. By all accounts Woodson isn't really off base just yet. Just look at Detroit, even though they haven't played the Bears or Green Bay yet, nobody is crowning them the next conference champs either.


    Yes we beat the Pats, and I love what's happening right now, but I have to say I am not ready to crown them AFC East champs yet either. We have struggled mightily on defense the last 2 weeks, and until that begins to show signs of improving, and we continue the winning ways further into the season, I won't get too excited yet.


    Luckily for us fans, the players seem to also think that they haven't accomplished anything yet, and until show they can win regularly, they know the respect will come with some restraint from the media.


    I'd probably have shared your sentiments towards Woodson's views if we were in week 13, and gone 5-1 or 6-0 against the division, but I am ok with his opinion right now, although my heart wants to be annoyed and share your angst, logic really says we haven't done anything yet except win 3 games to open the season for the first time(2008 doesn't count, it was trentative and least mode as our starters)in the last 11 years.

  4. dumbest post I have read in a long time. We are winning yet some still sneak in on the retard rollercoaster



    +1 it's mind boggling how self defeatist some of these threads are. CJ is without a doubt an amazingly gifted athlete. He is very young, just like McFadden was, and there's no doubt this guy will be a great one. If it took Freddie, whom we all love till he was 26 years old to develop, why then are so many people around here so critical of this kid when he is not even taking starting snaps? Just stupid.


    If Freddie wasn't on the team CJ would be starting, and I'm sure he'd get into a rhythm in games, every single running back to ever play the game will tell you that, but yeah, lets label the kid a bad pick, so the self loathing Bills fans can have more failures to chat about. <_<

  5. As i said last week, NE was the team we could never beat. Cinci is the team we can't seem to lose to. One streak is broken, let's hope the other stays intact. My guess is that the Bills fall a little flat in a very glum atmosphere. Cinci is hungry for a win against us and plays tough. I'd be happy getting out of there with a 23-17 win and I think that it will play out like that.



    I have a feeling the game will be closer than most expect as well, but if the offense clicks like it did in the last 2 2nd halves, then it could turn into a route, but overconfidence can be a killer, so I hope for the best here, and have a decent level of respect for Cincy going into this game. Like us, they are playing well, and seem to believe in their coaches.

  6. This game will definitely be one to watch after what this team has just accomplished. The Bengals are much better then most people thought going into the season, and have played well considering they have no-one on offense throwing and catching that played there last year.


    On the other hand, we have the Bills playing very strong on offense, and looking a little porous on defense the last 2 games, albeit against two very good offensive squads. Going into this game I will be paying very close attention to how they respond after a historical win against the Pats, and how focused this team will be on the task at hand. I think this game will be a testament to the team's focus, and their ability to put aside all the media hype and early success they have earned and continue to play smart football.


    There's no doubt in my mind this team is capable of doing just that, but this is new territory for these guys, and the outcome of this game will depend heavily on how they respond after last weeks win.


    Go Bills!

  7. No, not name calling. Hating is an action or a feeling, in this case maybe a label but not a name. Had I called you negative nancy you would be right, but I didn't. In fact I like your name, I think it's clever. Your argument is clever I guess, just wrong in my opinion. Again they way over paid for lee for most of his contract. Were they also supposed to over pay Clements? Pat Williams was the only guy I could come up with over the past decade that they could have and should have kept at what ever price. Peerless? nope. Who? Who besides Williams?



    Thanks for clearing that up a bit, I appreciate that, the "hater" comment just caught me off guard, because hating the team, or it's owner is nowhere near how I feel, but I do have a lot of anger towards how the owner handles the financials of this team. Over the years people we failed to keep that I would base my post on were players like Joe Cribbs, Ahmad Rashaad, Daryl Lamonica, Tom Cousineau, Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, Ted Washington, Nate Odoms, Will Wolford(These 2 really fall under Bill Polian though), and many more that would require me to find my old resources, but however you look at this team, it always came down to not negotiating with players, and at the root of my point is that good teams and good management find a way to make both sides happy, and this has not been the way at One Bills Drive. This franchise digs it's heels in and loses out more often than not.

  8. It is a tough situation for the Bills. These players have not won games for them in the last 10 seasons. Expecting the Bills to throw huge money at them without them proving themselves is foolish, especially considering from where these players originated. They turned the corner in 1st 4 games of the 2nd half of the year only to disappoint in the final 4 games of the season. There just has been no consistency. They are also yet to defeat any of your powerhouses, the only close thing being the OT loss to Steelers (Kansas City is not a powerhouse). It is 2-0 and now we are playing a top echelon team in the Patriots. If you win this game and continue to be consistent, the players will definitely be taken care.


    It is a very unique situation.



    Honestly, if they play well, beat a few top half teams, and this(bolded) happens, I will be very happy indeed, but I will still hold my stance that it just made me sick to see them piss off Fred Jackson, a guy who has been nothing but a model of hard working, a leader, and a play maker for the last 3 years. That alone was a very classless thing to do.

  9. Please see any of the million posts covering that we have been playing a Run Stopping scheme for the past 2 weeks. Thanks!



    Thank you. and if you watch the game to look specifically for him, he has drawn quite a bit of double teams on the outside, and has been effective in that respect, along with only playing 39 of a possible 63 defensive plays, I'd say has has been a factor, not lights out game changing, but I am happy he plays for us.

  10. I've been reading many different opinions & after watching the first few games, I'll admit I was wrong. I was wrong about Chan, Nix & their decisions on how to improve our team. I felt that we needed much more work to start being competitive & after seeing the effort / heart the team has, the chemistry is working.


    This team has a heartbeat bigger than most & talent that plays it's heart out, it shows on the scoreboard & in the stats. The efforts made by the players cannot go unrecognized & I hope that the powers that be step up & pay them accordingly, without the players having to voice themselves to the media.


    This thread is designed to man up & call out past things you have said or thought that basically is like confession (Catholic thing). After doing this, think of the Whammie Weenie that we all are & hum the Bills shout song, then all things that you thought are purged & you can become a fan again.






    I admit I was dead wrong about the new uniforms, I REALLY wanted the throwbacks and was not looking forward to the unveil after hearing they were going back to the 70's look, but these new digs look timeless and awesome, I could not be happier. They don't really look anything like the 70's unis, and have a look that's very distinctive.


    I was also wrong about losing Poz, I didn't realize how average he really was.


    And lastly, I was really wrong about Ryan Fitzpatrick's arm strength, he definitely has impressed me with a few of his throws this year.


    If the team continues to play with this much passion, I won't be one bit disappointed with this season, regardless of the win/loss results.

  11. You do realize that the team is in talks right now with both Fitz and Stevie per reports right? I am only guessing that it will be a matter of time before they talk to Freddy, especially with the production he has shown.



    Stevie's talks are about 2 million a year apart... not really that bad,


    Fitzpatrick was already extended an offer, and in case anyone is keeping score, he has declined to sign


    Freddy(Really what ignited my Ire-laced rant) was slapped in the face to put it mildly, but to your point I hope they do.


    To those who took the time to read, and countered with the top draft pick contracts, those were extended due more in part out of necessity, like taxes, death, and beer farts. Not a good example, sorry.


    To the fellow who mentioned Jim Kelly, See the Bill Polian clause I built into my rant.


    and to K-9, go bury your head in the sand and pretend I don't have a point, you'll feel better.



    I am genuinely upset more with the fact this happens year in, and year out, and now that we seem to be rising from the ashes of a miserable decade, they(management, et al) just seem to pick the worst time to pull this crap. Good teams take care of play makers, and just because they were drafted in the 7th round doesn't diminish what they have accomplished for this team.


    I am not now, nor was I suggesting the team overpay, but at least show these guys you mean business, they have become the very core of this team, and how you deal with them sends a message to the rest of the league how this franchise is run. If it made national headlines, who else do you think might formulate a negative opinion of how things are run around here.

  12. First, I have to say that I love the group of players and coaches this team is operating with this year, for the first time in more than 10 years it feels like this team has gotten it's collective $h1t together. in every area, EXCEPT where it counts most.


    I don't know why on God's green earth this team is determined to underpay each and every player it can, until they are forced to go elsewhere. You can trace this absolutely pisspoor behavior all the way back to the mis-handling of Pete Gogolak. Don't believe me, look through the team's history and look at all the talent this franchise has let walk out the front door(Bill Polian era is not included in this rant, as he would not let our miserly owner ruin his teams, and YES, the were HIS teams) and it's staggering, leaving you to wonder how much better this franchise could have been.


    We as fans suffer through 11 years of some really bad football, some total !@#$ players(See McGahee, Rob Johnson, etc) Moron coaches, and countless rosters full of talentless chumps, then sprinkle in just a touch of idiotic drafting, just a sprinkle now, or your brain will have a Chernobyl-esque meltdown, and you'll have to live the rest of your days looking for Kmart on 400 Oak Street. And what does our F-ing front office, under the direct influence of the team's BILLIONAIRE douche-bag owner go ahead and do after a dream-like 2-0 start to this season? They decide to NOT start real, fair and serious talks with the team's 3 most valuable offensive weapons in Fred Jackson, Ryan Fitzpatrick, and Stevie Johnson.


    As a fan for most of my 40+ years of life on this planet, this recent news has just completely boiled me over. I just can't stand the constant short-arm, deep pocketing policy this team operates under, it's enough to make the most passionate and fanatical of fans disgusted. I watch this team, win or lose, from kickoff to final whistle, EVERY game I can get my face in front of, which is about 98% of them since 1979, so I am left to ask WHAT NOW RALPH? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST F-ING PAY YOUR PLAYERS FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISERLY LIFE?


    It's almost comical really. And please spare me the lame brained excuse he has brainwashed so many of the economic situation in Western New York, the NFL could operate a team anywhere in the country with ownership profit sharing, and TV revenue. Why do you think owners like Jerry Jones wanted player salary spending to be within a percentage of a team's cap? So stingy, Miserly owners like the Brown family and Mr. Wilson are forced to field a quality product, and not harbor all that money collected from the teams that actually WANT to win. The Buffalo Sabres ownership has really exposed the Bills this past year, and now that the latest news about 3 players getting the stiff arm from management has come on the morn of the team's best start(2008 doesn't count) in 15 years is just proof that this city deserves better than the owner that presides over this team.


    You're welcome to bash me all you like, but if this team continues to win this year, like I hope they do, how can anyone feel good about it when we aren't even committed to keeping the guys that are making it happen?


    All I would like to see is that they make a genuine effort, rather than piss off the team's most beloved player. These guys love the city, love the community, love the fans, so I say to everyone who made it this far in my rant, It's NOT THE AREA THAT PLAYERS DON'T LIKE, IT'S THE OWNER. Hold your head high Buffalo, you deserve it.


    End Rant.

  13. The most encouraging sign was that he did run into a few tacklers down field and didn't look like a pinball, and did this against a pretty physical LB corps, and secondary. It will take time, but I have loved this pick from day one, and it's just nice to have optimism about a high draft pick in Buffalo again(Dareus included).


    I know things can get a little negative when our team hasn't made the playoffs in more than a decade, but I am more than happy with the direction this team is in, not Terry Pegula buying the Sabres happy, but happy none the less.


    Regardless of their record this year, if they play this hard and with this much passion the rest of the season, I will be more than happy. For once you can see the players believe in their coach and one another.

  14. In my own opinion, I am starting to see that CJ Spiller has the potential to be a great player in the NFL. He is showing that he can get the ball down field, and that he is learning to take what he can get. I was never one who thought we had Reggie Bush 2.0


    I saw this kid play in college, and thought if he can get acclimated to the speed of the pro game, he'd be a game changer. Now I know this seems like a bit of a stretch since the raiders game was the first time he has had an impact, but given the limited amount of touches he gets due to the stellar play of Fred Jackson, CJ's development may come a little slower.


    Whatever you believe about him, I think we can put to rest the notion that he can't play in this league.

  15. I was the biggest skeptic when I heard about going back to the 70's style unis, I was screaming for the throwbacks, they just looked so crisp and classic, but once I saw them in action, I have been sold on the look. They don't look anything like the clumsy, outdated uniforms that this team wore in the 70's, and as long as they keep the blue pants out of the mix, I think these will be my new all time favorite combination. It's nice to see the Bills looking like the Bills again.

  16. I'll second the notion that the only knock on him is that he can't stay healthy, he is a weapon, and it's easy to see how much attention he draws when he's on the field. But the reality is that this is a physical game, and it's hard to keep a player on the roster every year when he is not available to contribute for more than a handful of games each year. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up missing a lot of games this year that the Bills part ways. Injury plagued players end up costing a team valuable roster room, and we all know how much people on this board liked joique Bell, and this year Ruvell Martin.


    I hope he can shake the injury bug, I really do.

  17. The defensive reserves are a little thin right now, as it is becoming more apparent that Torrel Troup's absence is being felt. I know a lot of us around here haven't seen much from him that would make a highlight reel, but there's no doubt he adds a lot of push the the pass rush, and gives the 1st line much needed rest.

  18. I actually paid close attention to Bell in this game, and there were times that he was completely dominant, pushing the defensive end more than a yard back, and I witnessed this on several pass plays. This is not to say he won't have his mistakes, but there's no doubt the guy has the talent and size to be very good, if not great.

  19. Read on ESPN.com (I think) that Lee had 2 balls thrown to him (0 catches) and his mere presence opened up all the underneath stuff for Flacco & the Ravens offense.


    Just sayin . . . it's still 0 catches and yards, 0 fantasy points (tho I don't play) and I'd rather the Bills go 'young' and work with guys who can get open anywhere on the field. I am confident one (or more) of these guys will be able to stretch the field for us, as well as catch slants and run intermediate and deep middle routes. And gain separation from their defender.


    Lee could only stretch the field. Still a great guy and a benefit to any team he's on, but it was time for the Bills to move on.



    It seems like a lot to put on your offense when all a player can do is stretch the field. I wish him well, and thanks NNGU for researching...

  20. Haven't seen a new thread on Lee since yesterday. I guess you covered Tuesday. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.


    It's a good thing this site has tools like you lurking around, otherwise people might actually get a question answered in a thread.


    Thanks for your worthless fodder.

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