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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. what I miss the most about him are the 7 yard down field tackles. they were great hits to watch.


    I was a fletcher fan in 2004, when he looked completely dominant, but after that season i didn't see the same game. Maybe it was the defense falling apart around him, but he essentially became a downfield tackler.

  2. My one concern going into the season was depth across the board, and it they can weather this storm if injuries right now, then stay healthy, I think a winning record is very attainable. If the injuries continue to slowly pile up, it won't take long before it will affect them in the win column.

  3. his article is the typical reaction to anything that doesn't work out within the Bills organization, and it becomes apparent that he takes great pleasure in pointing out the failures of this franchise. It;s the classic emotional self preservation tactic: be utterly disgusted with almost everything the Bills do, and wallow in it's misery, but when things go right, be mildly invested. lowered expectations are much easier to manage than putting yourself out there, and invest yourself like true fans do.


    While he has every right to author a column about how he views the Merriman signing, it's the "see how stupid the Bills are, and always will be" attitude that makes him a 2 bit hack. Tell me what in his writing separates him from any one of the negative nancy threads you can find on this board daily. seriously, try.

  4. i have been, and will continue to be a strong supporter of Shawn Merriman, and hope he recovers and returns to the team next year. With that said, I know he had an affect on how opposing teams had to plan for and account for him, but i agree with the OP that it will not be that big a deal simply because the defense is still one of the worst in the league, and on pace to give up more yards per game than last year, or even possibly set a franchise record for futility.


    There's so much more to worry about on the defensive side of the ball that losing Merriman right now should be the least of our concerns as fans.

  5. It's not a knock on those who support the Bills living in Toronto, but a general jab at the people who put this turd-burger together. It is stupid to think a team can play some home games elsewhere and get the same result.


    The idea of the Bills playing a "home" game in Toronto makes me violently ill, it is a black eye to the loyal fans who cherish this team and an insult to those Canadian fans to cram our team down their throats as a local commodity.


    I hope to hell they don't extend this abomination, and it's the only game on the schedule I don't watch or listen to, and really don't mind if they lose. I want the loss to be a statement to our idiot owner that this moronic idea is actually handicapping his team. It just makes me resent him(Ralph Wilson) for kicking the loyal fan-base in the nuts for a cash grab.


    In my eyes, the Bills play a 15 game live schedule, and we start the year out 0-1 automatically... F-ing idiotic.

  6. Sadly, the guy has a point .... the Buffalo defensive coaching staff under Jauron, Fewell and then Edwards couldn't motivate the kid to play better. ...perhaps it took getting cut 2x to finally light a fire.




    He's not playing better, seriously! Watch how badly he gets manhandled on every play. As much as I'd like to see any player succeed, this is just a temporary stat flare up.

  7. I almost want to like you, but then I realize you root for a team that is located in New Jersey with a head coach that has an IQ of 47 and a quarterback with a last name that pioneered a whole franchise of dirty limericks. Not to mention the humiliation of your famed QB hitting on a TV sideline reporter while being completely sauced.


    Now I know you like to take a lot of cheap shots laced with a few kind comments, but in reality, your posts really don't rile up the vast majority of people on this board at all, in fact, you tend to invoke quite a bit of pity. watching your fumble your way through your comments as they are thinly veiled by a false sense of confidence only a delusional mommas boy could have always makes me want to mail you a Phonics book.


    The good people of Buffalo thank you for popping in here on occasion, it reminds us just how good it is to actually still have a true NY team to root for, and how lucky the people of New Jersey must feel to have 2 NFL teams. Don't worry though, you still have Hockey and Baseball in the NYC area for you.


    Thanks once again for making my day a little brighter, love your posts, I'm a big fan, keep them coming.

  8. Partially true, but not totally.


    Yes, you shouldn't use your debit card. While you're not liable for fraud with either a debit or credit card (except for the first $50 - which most banks ignore), the problem is that money is taken directly from your account and if you live paycheck to paycheck, even an honest mistake (like a vendor double billing you) could end up causing a chain reaction of negative issues (ie: failing to make your mortgage payment on time). It's always better to play with someone else's money (credit card) than your own, as long as you have the discipline to pay it off at the end of the month.



    The key piece missing here that makes this true is that IF you use your debit card as a PIN transaction, then the money is lost for good, no matter where you do your banking. If you use your debit card as a credit card, THEN all visa credit protection policies are in place.

  9. Guy is averaging like 8 yards per carry... give him a break.



    This is TSW, it is common practice for people to bash 1st round picks. In fact, this is the only place on the planet where picking a potential game changing running back when our starter is 30 years old could ever be discussed as a luxury pick.


    Your logic carries no weight here.

  10. They are bashing Brett Favre on ESPN radio right now, so obviously the OP felt the same way, but leave it to this forum to bash someone who has an opinion or view that differs with anyone around here.


    I agree mostly with the way the OP took Favre's comments, they were Backhanded comments, and that in my opinion is just lame.

  11. Here we go, it's a loss at the hands of a team most(sans me) thought we should blow out, so I am calling out all the dumb posters who will slam someone in the Bills front office or a few players for the loss. Let's just combine all the garbage to one thread, right here, I'll step aside so you can use this one.


    Who should we all hate now? Buddy Nix? Edwards? Merriman? Spiller? Kelsey(still)? Come on, let's hear how bad it is now that the team has lost one, who sucks/can't play/can't draft now?


    Let's go!! Get to slamming! For the record, I don't blame this on anyone except the expectations of the media. The smartest of fans who really pay attention to the team's development could see this one coming a mile away. The bengals have a very good defense, and the Bills have a very suspect defense. The fact it came down to a kick was the main reason the spread was only 3.5 points in favor of Cincy. If the refs don't dry dock the Bills on that Stevie catch, the game was pretty much spot on.


    It's what happens now that will define this team, and probably the season. I have no idea now what to expect next week, EXCEPT a lot of yards from the Giants running backs, and maybe a slot receiver.


    If you believed in the team prior to this loss, hang in there. If you think the team sucks, and are looking to blame someone, or run someone out of town, post your garbage here, this is your stop, so hop off the bandwagon and wait for the next winning streak, before boarding again.


    Go Bills faithful.

  12. Bills fans are just not happy unless they have someone to bash. ralph is cheap, jauron must go, trent/jp/Bledsoe/collins/holcomb/who-the-frick-ever is QB'ing the team at the time of a loss SUCKS, donte cant cover, get rid of him, blah, blah, blah.


    What a bunch of self loathing candyass pansies. We lost one to a team that was better than everyone thought, and in case you haven't been following the team lately, we haven't stopped anyone on defense yet. How in all of creation can you people even be surprised by this outcome?


    I hate to remind everyone that this team has a long way to go, EVEN IF they won this game. There's a lot of high character guys playing their asses off right now, JUST like the 87 Bills did, and with a few more pieces, this team may even turn the corner, but if you think they'll do much better than 8-8, or even 7-9, you're seriously setting yourself up for more threads like this garbage. Right now this team IS better than last year, but still not there yet.


    Today they didn't look sharp, and maybe the refs seemed to be like the Don shula puppets of old we used to hate, but the truth is, they are still a decent team still learning to win.


    and enough of the Buddy Nix sucks crap, it's juvenile.

  13. That was a fantastic trip down memory lane, and it's funny how coaches that take a no nonsense approach to the fundamentals of the game tend to get winning results. If a guy is not performing, find a player that can do it better, mind blisteringly simple.


    How many coaches in the past has this team had that simply couldn't grasp this concept? Losman, Edwards, Lynch, McGahee, Whitner, Posluzny, Evans... these players were all replaceable, and needed to go, simply because there were able bodies that could be found to do the job better. Marv Levy went through it in 1986/87, and Chan Gailey is doing it in 2010/11. I have not been one bit upset or surprised that any of these guys are no longer here, they never proved they were elite, so why would anyone want to keep them around?


    I hope this is just the beginning for this team, God only knows it's about time.

  14. This is a very winnable game for the Bills, but to go ahead and call it a blowout is something I simply can't agree with definitively. I has the potential of becoming a blowout IF the defense plays like they did in KC, AND the offense plays like it did in the 2nd half of the last 2 games, but to say Cincy has no chance is kind of foolish. They have a running back that stomped us last year, and a QB that seems to be playing quite well despite being a rookie. If the Bills play like they have shown us they are capable of, they should win this game. The keys to this game will be how they respond after a huge win, and how well they can stay focused on executing on every play.

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