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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. We should take a shot at Tiki Barber too, he could be had really cheap, AND chan will work wonders with him... oops I think he only works wonders with QBs... ohh well, since we're bringing up the corpses of past NFL greats, why not see if Jerry Rice still thinks he can go...


    This thread had to be a joke...

  2. I don't know what's funnier the hilarious guys that posted sarcasm or the 3 bafoon's that actually responded seriously to this post.



    The three buffoons...and counting....


    And yes, it may have been mentioned a time or 2 here, in the media, on the radio, in church pews, at the toll booths, in bath houses, brothels, a few Canadian Ballet establishments, and in line at Mighty Taco over the last 45 years that Ralph might.....juuuust might be a tad frugal.

  3. this will be the first time I ever thought the Bills will actually lose to a 2-7 miami team, but unless the o-line can stop the opponents pass rush, and the defense gets at least 2 turnovers, they will lose this game to the tune of 27-17.


    I do think with some pass rush along with the previously mentioned turnovers and miracle play on o-line I will be wrong and the reverse score for the Bills could be had, but this team is on it's heels right now, so I almost don't see them winning right now.


    I am also not predicting an 0-7 finish either, there's way too much pride in that locker room, and much better coaches in place than in years past.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me some of the knee jerk reactions that get posted on this board after a win or a loss. Example you say?


    sure... we're 4-1 with the worst defense in the league, and people are talking playoffs...




    We lose a few games and now nobody can find another win on the schedule....


    Go ahead and look, these are out there for you to find right now... Maybe a little perspective on the season, sprinkled with just a smidge of restraint before you post would do this board wonders.


    yep, lets cut the guy, trade CJ, and punch leodis mckelvin in the face..... good god people. This team is still developing, and the future looks much better than it did a year ago, but they are not a playoff team just yet, so can we please try to enjoy the ride this year? there will be ups and downs the rest of the way, so a grip is something that should be pursued here.

  5. You guys are idiots!!

    Nothing wrong with being a good businessman. It's a business guys, remember that 1st and foremost. Would you move the team if it was making money?! Maybe we should thank him for taking a chance on Buffalo in the 1st place. The fact the Bills are profitable is a reason they are still here. I'm missing the logic. Sure he wasn't moving the Bills as you stated, unless they were losing money. In which case he would have sold them. So, I am thanking Ralph for running a profitable business. That is why they are still here.


    "Thanking Ralph for not spending the money to leave Buffalo is really what fans are doing. He did not keep the team here for the community's sake, he did so for his own benefit." Again, it's a business, if it's losing money you close up shop, sell or move. Please remove emotion when talking business.



    Another brainless forum tough guy throwing insults around, THANK GOD you're a Bills fan on this board, we have such a shortage of name calling basement dwellers around here.


    But you are by and large right in some respects, we have supported a losing product for 50 years with a 60% fail rate, and a better than 4-1 ratio of missing the playoffs historically, and we did so because of the constant threat since the late 60's that he might move the team. I will not thank Ralph Wilson for that, nor will I give him any credit for the little success the team has enjoyed either. We were very fortunate that Marv Levy turned out to be a decent coach, since he was attained on the cheap, and that Bill Polian actually knew what he was doing, and even he was an internal guy that Ralph obtained on the cheap. Sorry pal, you are one of all those idiots you decided to call out since you choose to support the Bills blindly as well. even worse, you go so far as to thank the man for keeping his team here with a gun pointed to the head of Erie county for nearly 40 years. He has made piles of money and invested very little over that span, yes...thanks...how stupid of me to not thank him for that. Thank you Ralph for not relocating your franchise, costing you millions of dollars and your sole control of your pet project... again thanks for saving you that money Ralph, I appreciate it...for you. The team was never going anywhere, and that makes Ralph a smart business man, thats all.


    I love the team and support them as well, so I can throw myself in that group, but since you felt the need to insult anyone with an opinion different than yours that made anything you were trying to say null and void.

  6. 8-8 or 9-7 seems likely, and I actually felt more concerned about their level of play after the Raiders win. I just don't see how they can compete when stopping an opponent on offense has been a near impossibility(washington was the exception)


    But this is not pessimism, given the way the team has played this year on offense, and how they have really fought for turnovers in games, I am very happy they're finally on the right track. They just need a real pass rusher and a defensive coordinator, and maybe a true shutdown corner.

  7. Good post.


    The same guys who bizarrely knock Golisano for rescuing the Sabres are the same guys who never fail to praise Ralph for "keeping the Bills in Buffalo", as though he was ever going to leave and kill his golden goose.



    A t-shirt needs to be made about what you just said about Ralph Wilson.


    Ralph was never going to move this team at any point in it's existence, it would have cost way too much money, and more than likely cost him sole ownership. Thanking Ralph for not spending the money to leave Buffalo is really what fans are doing. He did not keep the team here for the community's sake, he did so for his own benefit.

  8. I just received my return label, as I was also shipped the fuggin David ortiz ftahead as well, who do they have working for them that this can even happen? I pad with paypal, so I'll send them this douchbag ortiz back, and if I don't get a bruce, I'll dispute the charge.

  9. I'll be at the game this weekend, flying in on Friday. I have generally had a mixed history whether or not the team wins when I go, losses in Tampa and Chicago, and wins in St. Louis and Houston(Losman's nice last second TD pass to peerless price).


    I have that uneasy feeling, like when you get called into a meeting at work, and you have no idea what the hell it's about. I really think they have every chance to win this game, but someone on defense has to stop Jason Whitten, or we'll all be blasting (insert coach, or player name) that cost us the game on Monday.


    I think it's safe to predict one thing though, Tony Romo will look like Joe Montana in a superbowl, unless the secondary decides to play for our team this weekend.


    My prediction:


    Bills 27

    CowBags 20

  10. the Bills got out hustled, and outplayed, coaching had very little to do with it. The Jests secondary is by far the leagues best, and our receivers did not get enough separation when they needed to. Mix in a weakened offensive line, and protection was compromised, holes were no longer there for Freddie, and the defense couldn't stop Mark Sanchez from driving down the field at will on the other side of the ball.


    Sorry, but I completely disagree that this had anything to do with being out-coached, in fact I think it was all the coaching staff could do to keep the game as close as it was.


    Out-coached on defense I can completely agree with, I think Edwards is not quite ready to lead a defense every week.

  11. I find my life is far less complicated when I completely ignore Sullivan's articles. Every day he is still employed as a "journalist" at the Buffalo News is a surprise. There are 5, maybe 6 people on this board alone that start more interesting and readable threads than Sullivan. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if his next article starts ripping Ryan Fitzpatrick, or rehashes the Maybin debacle, or some jab at Chan Gailey. See, what he does is pick someone within the organization that people are really behind, or have high hopes for, then criticizes something that he knows will get a rise out of that fan base. it's hack journalism 101. If good, well thought out articles about the state of the Buffalo Bills are what you'd like to read, may I suggest www.buffalorumblings.com and let sullivan's hack/blog fodder irritate someone else.

  12. call like those make the game almost unwatchable. When you're getting furious at the BS referees, it makes the outcome of the game almost insignificant since you have to wonder how different this game, the Cincy game, and 47 other games this team has lost over the last decade. I have watched so many bad call against this team, i am almost numb to it, and rather expect it now.

  13. This team should use it as motivation plain and simple, but on a side note, I could never be a fan of a team that was full of douche bags like the jests are, regardless of whether or not they had a winning record. As a person with morals and strong character, it would bother me to even see the Bills win with players and coaches like that.

  14. Say what you want about how the Bills played, but the Referees made this game easier for the Jests, plain and simple. If you saw the Wilson interception on HD like we did, the ball never touched the ground in any way, and the BS the jests receivers got away with was ridiculous.


    It's one thing to lose a game, but when the refs keep dry docking you, as a fan you start to hate the game.

  15. the Tampa 2 system was something that was never going to work here with the personnel at the time, and I generally don't like the scheme as a whole. It is structured in a way that will never dominate a game unless you have a few standout players like warren sapp, Brooks and lynch. Look at how poorly the colts defenses have ranked over the last 10+ years. Tampa 2, no thanks.

  16. Patience will pay dividends for Spiller, the guy simply is talented, and looks like he is running stronger and downhill when he gets some touches, but right now you run Freddie, he is simply on fire. It actually cracks me up when people disrespect the guy, it's completely baseless. He hasn't been the featured back for the Bills offense yet due to the amazing play of the guy in front of him right now. Any criticism against his contributions in the running game is pointless.

  17. I think he left because he was tired of losing, so now is probably scratching his head. With our pass rush, we probably could still use him.



    1. Yes if she still looks good in tight jeans.

    2. Yes he is better on his worst day then Merriman has ever been for the Bills.


    Times were tough for his entire time here, so he put up with it for quite some time. I think the switch in defenses had quite a bit to do with it.



    I'm not bashing you at all or intend this as an attack on your opinion, but how do you even get to a Merriman comparison in this thread? So since you mentioned it, the only way you could compare the 2 players were if Schoebel played with a partially torn Achilles tendon. If you watch the limited action Merriman saw before being placed on IR you would see how much attention the guy drew from the offensive line, so I disagree he played poorly at all. And how many solid defensive players did Aaron attract to the team while he was here? The number you're looking for is zero. If Merriman's surgery is successful and we give him a real shot to return, Aaron Schoebel on his best day couldn't carry his jock, so I respectfully disagree.


    And to some of the people here who flat out hate the guy(Schoebel) I don't see how you get to that point either, he played his ass off while he was here for some of the shittiest(worst in history) head coaches and to endure the absolutely miserable QB situation in team history had to be a never ending hell, so yeah, I'd retire too. If he wanted to return and get a couple of seasons to play for a quality head coach how can you blame the guy? Gregg williams, Mularky, and Jauron could easily force even peyton manning to early retirement.

  18. I am diabolically opposed to anything built anywhere but in Buffalo. Not crazy about a dome, but this is Buffalo's asset, and if any downtown area could use the boost economically, it needs to go to the city that has been punched in the gut for the last 100 years. I hate the idea of something being put in Niagara Falls plain ans simple. If they were the Niagara Falls Bills playing games in Orchard Park, then sure, try to bring the team back to your city, but they're not, so can we please let this stupid idea go away....


    Besides, anyone who has been to RWS lately knows how great a place it is to watch a football game, no other new stadium can even come close to competing with it's seating, ease to get into and out of the stadium, and it's relatively easy access for parking. I could care less about the idiot concourses filled with overpriced merchandise, or crappy overpriced restaurants, I go to watch the game, and have yet to sit in another venue that does it better than the Ralph. Now waiting to take a piss, that's something they could spend a little coin updating.


    BTW - I am going to the Bills-Dallas game, so I'll let you know how the seating and overall stadium compares to the new Rockpile.

  19. I am very happy to see the Bills get a win in T.O. but make no mistake about it, the game will always be an away game for this team and can be a liability as they become more successful and try to fight for a deep playoff run. So there seemed to be more people cheering for the Bills and that's great, but it's simply because the team is playing better. What will ultimately be the best thing for them is to let this Toronto experiment die out peacefully. It may have brought some attention to the franchise, but reading local Toronto media there is a lot of resistance to what the NFL would be to their community.


    Congrats Ralph, you successfully stole 78 million from the Rogers group, and kicked your loyal fan base of 50 years in crotch for one week a year and instilled even more anxiety over the team's future in Buffalo, now can you PLEASE cut the cord on this disaster while you're still around to make ammends to the people that helped make this team what it is?


    Bottom line - Playing an extra away game every year will never help this team make it to the superbowl again. Now if every team plays an extra away game a season, then I'll change my tune, but until then I'd love to see the Bills back where they belong, in Orchard Park.

  20. Merriman(type players) will always be a good risk to take given the chance he will recover from this injury, and he's only 27. An idiot would have passed on him, and given the immediate credibility he brought to the defense by just being on the roster simply can't be measured, but going back to the OP's point, it's great that Chandler has worked out this way, but by no means is that kind of signing a guarantee. Just because the team got him on the cheap doesn't mean you never take a swing at a more expensive option.

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