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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Being a Bills fan either makes you resistant to pain, or a glutton for punishment



    I find that it does both actually.... I am numb from all the losing, humiliation, and past failures, which induces the constant onslaught of recurring failures and humiliation since i remain a Bills fan(Buffalo sports fan in general). :ph34r:

  2. We are getting run over in either alignment. Our linebackers are not very good and we need help at DE too.


    One of the better players this season has been Kelsay and he is on your list of cuts.


    Kelsey gets cut and I predict he won't last very long on the waiver wire. Can't say the same for Moats, Batten, Coleman, Davis, Morrison, Merriman, and Edwards.



    I actually accidentally cut him, I wanted him to play blind side OLB. I also should have been more clear when I said cut the rest, when I posted that I was indending to only reference the secondary...


    But if I cut your list, it would be quite daunting to replace all of them via draft and fee agency, since a GM for the Bills can only spend what the meddling owner is willing to cough up.

  3. Do you guys really think Ralph has anything to do with the day-to-day goings on with the Bills for the past couple of years?







    No Wait....








    HELL YES!!!!




    If it has anything to do with his money, you can bet your ass he has his hand in that cookie jar. Ralph is the Websters official definition of meddling, miserly sports owner without any sense of how to run a team from any other standpoint other than keeping it in the black.

  4. good thing you played offense and not defense...andra davis should NOT be a starting ILB let alone OLB - which plays to all of his weaknesses- sure he could misread a few run plays a game and not attack the line of scrimmage...dont know why you wouldnt have Shepp. starting at either ILB or OLB with Barnett (and merrimans hurt for the season, and even if you pencil him in as starter next season he will only last a week or so in his steroid riddled body)...so hopefully in your scenario (which I kind of agree with in the 4-3 sense) we would start a rookie (or free agent if possible) at the other LB spot


    we need to find a way to generate a pass rush...period...


    I dont care if thats in the 3-4 or 4-3 or 2-5 or 1-9, doesnt matter, we need to do that or we will continue to stink



    It would be a 1-6 actually. I put Andra Davis as a starter only because of his status coming out of preseason, but Merriman would definitely start for this team next year if he returns healthy from surgery. I still hold out hope he can return from this setback, and bear in mind this was all a concept lineup with many players overtaking starting spots based on performance. But until they draft a true OLB pass rushing threat, this scheme change would not address that part of the problem, but I do think with a healthy Kyle Williams and Dareus in a 4-3 scheme would definitely open up more chances to get to the QB for the talent they do currently have.

  5. You do "read" that we are basically getting shredded on defense no matter what scheme we play, right? Coaches are part of the problem, but the other part is most of our players are not quality players.


    Is that a rhetorical question? Is that not what I made painfully obvious? I disagree that most of the players on defense lack talent, but I don't think we have pro bowlers at every position either. Go ahead and fill the spots with the current roster as I did, then take a look at the limited number of picks and uncertainty the draft offers, THEN factor in the stingiest and most clueless NFL football mind the team has for an owner, and tell me what you would suggest as an alternative? Try to approach the problem realistically, and you can really feel the frustration a GM must have when looking at this problem.


    For now, and the foreseeable future, I think a scheme change, a better defensive mind running that side of the ball, this is all you can do.


    Ok, how about this:


    When they are around a ball carrier, they often times make a solid tackle.


    If you think the opposing teams aren't ripping off huge plays before the tackle often times, then so be it. I agree with you on their tackling abilities, and I don't blame them, very often, for being the reason for the huge gains before the tackle.



    they are also leading the team in tackles, which says something about the 7 guys playing in front of them are rarely in position to even make the tackle.

  6. I played the quarterback position growing up and through College, but while my height and physical talent levels kept me from going anywhere with it as a career, I always took tremendous pride in reading the defense at the line of scrimmage, so as I sit and watch NFL games, I find myself actually reading the defense more often than what the offensive set is doing, something that used to be the other way around ironically.


    What I see from the Bills on the defensive side of the ball is disjointed it's almost alarming to see how easy it is to open passing lanes, and get to the edge as a runner, or a quick out pattern. The team seems to have all the makings of a power 4-3 despite what they have been drafting for(3-4), and I don't mean the lousy Tampa 2 step either. I mean seriously strong front 4 with plenty of depth, and Line-backing corps that seem to just fit perfectly in the power 4-3. With Wilson and Scott as competent run stoppers, and Jairus Bird showing to be very capable in the run game, I don't understand why the massive hard-on the NFL now has with the 3-4.


    Countless times this team has left passing lanes open even I could throw through, and it's obvious now that there aren't 2 OLBs on the team that can play the edge rush, or even get to the QB on a regular basis. As much as I love Moats for his desire and energy, I don't think the guy starts on the 31 other teams in the NFL right now, I still think though that he can develop.


    The front 4 this team could feasibly field with JUST the guys on the current roster looks incredibly solid, if not a bit scary. Here's how I see that now:



    DE...........Dwan Edwards.....Kellen Heard

    DT...........Kyle Williams....Torrel Troup

    DT...........Marcel Dareus

    DE...........Spencer Johnson..Alex Carrington


    And the LB corps now look much deeper like this:



    LOLB.........Andra Davis......Kelvin Sheppard......Antonio Coleman

    MLB..........Nick Barnett.....Kirk Morrison......Danny Batten

    ROLB.........Shawn Merriman...Arthur Moats


    Obviously positionally some players could be moved from side to side based on performance...etc.


    Secondary, Keep:


    George Wilson

    Jairus Bird

    Terrence McGee(For now)

    Aaron Williams

    Da'Norris Searcy

    Bryan Scott

    Justin Rodgers

    Joshua Nesbitt

    Cut the rest.


    As for scheme, I'd love to see Dave Wannstedt take command with this concept and make the most out of these guys, it is painfully clear these guys are just not built for the 3-4. As it stands now the Bills defense could possibly give up the most points, yards avg per game, and several other infamous measurables this year, so I think it's time to bag this colossally bad idea. The team could make a mid-season scheme change and they couldn't play any worse, seriously, I don't think it's even possible a team could play any worse on defense, and I thought last year they were atrocious defensively.

  7. If the Bill lose 3 or more games this year, their chances of making the playoffs start at 13% and go down from there with each loss. I don't care if they make the playoffs this year or not, I just want to see competitive football, and hear that the front office is signing the good players we have on this team. This year has been very promising at times, and finally showing some improvement. Now if they look like they did against the jests and cowgals next year, I will be severely pissed.


    I am very optimistic that the organization is finally headed in the right direction, and i don't blame anyone who wants this team to make the playoffs this year, there are definitely some high character guys on the team that are working their asses off that definitely deserve to play in a post season game.

  8. I agree...immaturity of some of the players and how they handle losses (and winning) is key. Other problem is attitude: players should keep their yaps shut and play football...let your record speak for itself. McKelvin is a thorn but we can't replace him right now...I expect every offensive coordinator will be concentrating on him from this game forward.



    McKelvin is one of those players you can't quite figure out, he seems to always have the receiver blanketed, and in some cases, air tight, and the receiver STILL comes down with the ball. The Dallas game was the latest example, and you could literally find 2-3 examples per game. If the guy could just maybe, I don't know....put his hands up????!?? There's no doubt he can cover, his big problem is defending the pass, and if that light doesn't come on this season, then you have to move on, because he is clearly costing the team some wins at this point in his career.

  9. Now my personal theory about the current losses has more to do with the mounting injuries to the offensive line, and a few key defensive players being lost for the season, but there's no doubt winning and success seems to fuel its self, and losing slumps seem to cause teams to press, and that's when the hole can get deeper when mistakes start to affect outcomes. I don't think it is coincidence at all that the takeaways on defense have dropped off completely when Kyle Williams and Shawn Merriman went out for the season, regardless of popular opinion around here about the effectiveness of wither player, the defense has been pressing, making more mistakes, and no longer getting the turnovers.


    Same on the offensive side of the ball, they seem to be pressing too much, forcing things that aren't there, and you now see the byproduct. It seemed to gain steam when Donald Jones and D. Bell went down, and they haven't played the same since. I found this video on NFL.com, and since they show some cool Bills highlights, I figured I'd share.


    Cool NFL video


    It's time to line up and just play, make sure you do your job, forget what you can't control, and see where the chips fall. It really does seem like the problem is less with talent and game plan, than it is confidence due to a momentum shift triggered by injuries to the team.


    A win against Miami won't cure all but I think it is the medicine this team needs right now, everyone knows they are tougher than their record suggests, just like we were last year.

  10. Honestly, I am a huge hockey and NFL fan, simply because we have teams that play those sports, but when the Bills bail on the city, I will have watched my last game of NFL football, I simply could care less who wins a league where we don't have a horse in the race.


    NBA, college football, MLB i really could care less, and absolutely don't watch any of those games ever. I have a mild curiosity for the Yankees, but that's more attributed to playing little league baseball as a kid, and thought Don Mattingly was the shizzle.

  11. Revisionist history.... Pffft... I do believe the curse was beset upon the great city of Buffalo in 1901... (See Screen name)


    You see, even in our greatest hours we seem to still have to take a punch in the face, IE superbowl defeats, skates in the crease, murderous hall of famers, music city mistakes, a 50 year waterfront proposal that will never see the light of day, a peace bridge project that even if completed will most definitely suck @ss...


    Yes, I think Flutie was simply another incident that happened because of the events that transpired in 1901... :ph34r:

  12. Shout out to McKinleys Curse and Woody.., how long did it take to get your Bruce Smith Fathead after receiving an e-mail they were shipping it out?




    I received my Bruce Smith corrected order about 5 days after I sent them an e-mail, I am very pleased with the service post error.


    CAN SOMEONE DELETE THIS STUPID POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I usually criticize people for name calling, but how big of an idiot do you have to be to post a comment like this?


    Hmmm... an informative thread about items people have bought collectively where there was a shipping error, and people are updating it with their experience to share with others in the same situation.... yeah, lets go ahead and delete it.

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