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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Awesome video, it really looks like we've had a great season the way it's presented.
  2. They do love crappy QBs.... let's hope they collect themselves another one in Vick...
  3. If you agree that home field advantage is in fact real, why then would you even want the Bills to play 7 as opposed to the 8 every other team gets? and no, this is not about how bad them team has played in any way, it's about being put at a very real disadvantage. And I could easily argue the Bears game might have turned out differently if played in Orchard Park, but that's another discussion for another thread.
  4. Here's hoping Jacksonville picks him up, so we are saved of that train wreck.
  5. the simple fact is that home field advantage is a very REAL thing, and you are an advocate of the Bills giving away that advantage 1-2 times a year. Point is, that's not good for the team regardless of how the team has been performing, there is nothing you can say to change the fact that playing more away games could be good for this team.
  6. While the city of Buffalo itsself is not a city on the rise, Russ Brandon has you along with countless others believing that the area cannot support the team any longer. This is in fact very false, and he also has you believing that giving away home games will cure all. It's obvious to me you aren't willing to see this for what it is, so I won't continue boring you with the facts like WNY and southern Ontario population, or a radical concept of selling stadium naming rights, or anything else this bonehead could do OTHER THAN taking away from WNY a Sunday of revenue. yes, let's pretend that game up in rogers center didn't leave an economic void in WNY last Sunday, that's really convenient. FIRE RUSS BRANDON NOW!!!!
  7. great video, what a ride through memory lane for me, it's been more than 12 years since I moved away, and I still miss home as much as I did the very first year.
  8. Dead Wrong. Explain to me how 9 away games could POSSIBLY ever be an advantage, nevermind how good the team is. Go ahead and try to make sense of that. Yeah, ignore the fact the guy IS IN FACT milking the team away from WNY.... nevermind all those actual facts, and thumb your nose at those who actually see this stupid series for what it's worth. So I guess that it has not been overly publicizied, but the new toronto series will call for 2 games, YES 2 games played in Rogers center each year, and that's somehow GOOD for Buffalo? How can Bills fans actually be so blind?
  9. What proof do you have that he IS trying to keep the team in Buffalo? as a matter of fact, the Rogers group has already publicly admitted to trying to butter Ralph Wilson up to have first crack at the team. who do you think is STILL pushing this? Russ Brandon... ohh wait, your head is in the sand, and you ACTUALLY believe this guy is trying to keep the team in Buffalo... haha!! You think "dud is good at his job" - really? selling the NFL may be the easiest sales job on the planet... give me a break!! You should pass whatever your smoking to the left, wake up and listen to some reality for a change, this man is slowly stealing the team away from WNY and your patting him on the back while he is doing it.
  10. CJ Spiller. I have said it from Day 1 he will be one to remember.
  11. Thank you! I will add my name to this list, along with my list of names. The more people stand up for what is fast becoming the darkest days in Bills history, the sooner we can put this colossal failure behind us. Keep sending me your information, and I now urge you to sign this one as well!!
  12. If you read the thread, you'd know and your question wouldn't have sounded so un-informed. UPDATE - the list is growing, those of you who understand why this man has to go will be heard.
  13. Listen Russ Brandon's Mom, get off the forums and go make some christmas cookies.
  14. Im me your real name, and I'll add it to my list. If you'd like to add your email, that's fine, this list will remain private. It will get delivered to the right people.
  15. The key to the patriot's success is very simple: they don't have RUSS BRANDON trying to shirk the team away from foxboro.
  16. IM me your name and I'll add it to a list and deliver it to WGR, I have relatives who can get it to the organization. If you want to add an email address that's fine, but I do have the resources to get our message to the right people.
  17. This miserable toronto series is BY FAR the worst thing to happen to the Bills in their entire sports history, it is an embarrassment to the team, the city of Buffalo, and has become a national punch line. After listening to Russ Brandon on the radio, it is VERY clear he is clueless to what this team needs to be successful, and does not care what fans, player, or anyone with common sense in the media have said. he continues to claim the game is a success, but even Canadian callers admit that they left the game this past Sunday NOT because the Bills were losing, but the experience was a complete bust. I would like to publicly petition his removal, and get someone who knows that a team that plays less home games than the rest of the league will never be successful. The formula is simple, win games and the stadium will sell out in Buffalo, THE END. If the team plays better, the atmosphere will never favor the Bills at rogers center, so what is the point? the answer is painfully obvious, it is simply a cash grab with no regard to the team's loyal fanbase. There are simply so many other ways to bring fans and corporate support to the team from Toronto, like possibly SELL naming rights to a toronto based business? SELL luxury suites and packages to toronto based businesses? SELL advertising to toronto based businesses? SELL tickets and travel packages to toronto residents? GOOD LORD that can't possibly help the team!! NO, Instead, give away a HOME game where they Bills are at a DISADVANTAGE!!! Think the team's long term survival in Buffalo is the reason for this abomination? Then why is the City's name not present in the promotional material? "Bills in toronto series" is everywhere, but nowhere is it called the Buffalo Bills in toronto. Ignore the facts if you want, but I simply don't know how anyone can fool themselves into thinking this is good for the city of Buffalo or the Bills anymore, I thought we were all smarter than that. After hearing Russ on the radio this morning, I am convinced he is on a mission, and completely ignoring the obvious. FIRE RUSS BRANDON NOW!!! NOTE - I.M. me your name and I will add it to the list, also if you'd like to add some brief comments, I will create a spot for your voice to be heard. ALSO - SIGN THIS PETITION IN THE LINK PROVIDED BELOW: https://www.change.o...-toronto-series Lets stand up and stop this embarrassment and get our team back before it's too late!!!!
  18. Shut the !@#$ up Russ Brandon! He is now my all-time favorite Buffalo Bill. This Toronto series is an abomination.
  19. Jim Kelly does not have an owners group ready to buy the team, and the tooth fairy is not real either.
  20. It's more like the Toronto Abomination, big bag over the head punch in the face to all Bills fans everywhere.
  21. FYI - there is no santa claus either
  22. WHEW!!! I'm glad you said that, I was beginning to worry. For the realists, the Bills have a weak stadium plan long term, a 94 YO owner hell bent on making sure there is no succession plan, a marketing douche-bag still fostering the Toronto abomination, and the fact that even toronto papers are now leaking the fact that the rogers group were in fact trying like hell to milk the team from the old man. http://www.torontosu...t-for-the-bills Add in the small market, the miserable economy, declining profits, Blah, Blah, blah... Again, anyone who thinks this team is not in dire jeopardy of moving is seriously delusional.
  23. No coaching experience at any level, amateur or pro?
  24. Bring back Hank Bullough!!
  25. this team will be the new L.A. Douche-Bags in a few years, anyone who thinks there will be professional football in WNY post-Ralph is seriously delusional.
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