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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Is this a rhetorical question? or do you really not know... If you are being serious, how's about you google Michael Irvin cocaine use.
  2. I can understand in some instances what you're getting at, but 'lil Donte really chapped a lot of asses with his whole attitude, and seeing him get torched in the playoffs really brought a lot of vindication...
  3. several players were (admittedly)strung out on coke during the superbowl years as well, that's really more alarming to me than anything.
  4. People around here who have some sense see how bad a player he actually is, regardless of where he was picked, and they call him out on it. He played for Buffalo once and did the same here, then blamed the "system" for how badly he sucked, but continues to blow donkey even in a great system littered with top tier talent. I don't see how you have a disconnect on that, this is a forum after all, it is a topic, and people discuss it...
  5. I am very happy that the Philadelphia braintrust used some madden highlights to fuel his resigning. It will save us one more year of people around here hoping we sign him.
  6. it's very simple, Mike Nolan. Sadly for MIke Nolan was that he never had a decent QB, and Alex Smith's slow development eventually cost him his job.
  7. I will never get the hard-on people have for this guy, ever. He is incapable of managing an offensive scheme, throw accurately downfield, and stay healthy. A seriously awful pocket passer to boot, who the hell would ever want that on their team? I have decided that the only people who think micheal vick is a quality QB are those who play Madden football on PS3/xbox, etc.
  8. He was injured all the time here, I was not surprised to see that trend follow him to Philly...
  9. I was on the high school basketball team, but didn't start, and rarely contributed to the team's success, You wouldn't expect me to guarantee victories now would you? Just because Donte was on the team, does it give him the right to guarantee victory when he clearly doesn't contribute to the success of that team?
  10. The local fan comments are hilarious.
  11. So very well, put. I don't understand how so many on this board can still be blind to it, and mindlessly buying the crap Russ is pushing. yes, emphatically. do you really think anyone would want to begin coming to WNY when all they have to do is NOT buy tickets in WNY and wait for the eventual relocation?
  12. The issue is that he is not a contributing factor in the process, but merely a passenger on that train.
  13. Nobody said more season tickets aren't being sold genius, the basic and very fact laden point being made is that they don't need to give away a home game to accomplish this. A little reading would have saved you the trouble of posting this grossly inaccurate observation.
  14. Nice attempt at sarcasm when simple logic easily prevails over your feeble point of view. YES. lets ignore the actual buyout clause after the completion of the 6th year completely, it would crush your hollow argument. Ohhh yes, and let's not address all the valid monetary facts I presented as alternatives to the stupid toronto game completely...just edit out all those points so you can look like a snarky smartass. Whew you really burned me..... lame.
  15. My intent was not to insult you, but it's safe to say I firmly believe Russ Brandon is full of SH1t, and will eventually separate this team from WNY all on his own. I choose to look at the true facts, and when you look at them from all angles, this blasphemous toronto series' true intent becomes very clear.
  16. I had to pick Linebacker, since the QB position is also a high priority, I based mine on what the team might be able to grab in early rounds. the QB class just doesn't impress me.
  17. Wrong. You can't hold at any yard line, and if you actually watch the play again, you'll see the defender's hand grabbing the backside of Crabtree's jersey, actually pulling the #5 to his side. That's illegal whether it's within 5 yards or not.
  18. I think the superbowl finally shut up all the "We should have never let 'lil donte leave" proponents for good. It was painful to watch him blow coverage after coverage, miss tackles, and get burned on TD passes. It seems like he was running around throwing shoulders at everyone close to, or after the play, and looked ridiculous.
  19. If I recall, the same conversation was had about Drew Bledsoe in the first Tom Brady era super bowl game...
  20. Actually Russ is not doing Buffalo a favor, but since you are blind to the actual facts, maybe you could take a closer look at the new 5 year agreement that doesn't earn the franchise more money than if the games were played in WNY, if you factor in the erie county net losses from having to run the stadium for 7 instead of 8 games a year, but don't let logic, math, and any real fact get in the way of your contradictory ramblings. If you were actually reading what I wrote, I said nothing about NEEDING Canadian fan support, but I guess that's asking too much.
  21. Until teams are relocated to that wasteland of NFL misery, all small market and old crusty stadium laden franchises are at risk, with Buffalo and San Diego being in the worst shape. Lets not kid ourselves, Russ Brandon and Ralphie-poo are not doing Buffalo any favors. If you think our beloved Bills are safe with this new stadium lease, I wouldn't kid yourselves, and the toronto abomination doesn't help either, if fact, it strengthens the perspective that WNY cannot sell out games on their own, and nothing could be further from the truth.
  22. We will know this misery soon enough....
  23. News flash, neither did our beloved and all time greatest Bill of all: Wait for it... Jim Kelly
  24. Well said. While I am not a 'lil donte hater as much as I am a hater of those clowns who think the front office let a talent walk away from the Bills. Nobody can argue now how flat out horrible he was in this superbowl, and was directly responsible for 2 touchdowns, and countless, and I mean countless missed tackles and blown coverages. If they had any other competent safety in that game, San Fran wins. Again, glad he is no longer a Bill.
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