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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. All I have to say to the OP are two names: Bruce Mathison, and Hank Bullough.
  2. Ralph is cheap.... you missed that one....
  3. Seriously, who cares, he was a likeable player that couldn't stay healthy, I doubt that changes for the Belicheats.
  4. C'mon.... really? you really need to ask what we have to lose? How about most of our games for 2013?
  5. To @nyjets: That's a clown question bro....
  6. I have DTV and have only had the sunday ticket 3 out of 13 years, DirecTV is far superior in quality, amount of real HD channels, and customer service, I wouldn't have comcast to save my life.
  7. no need to hope. And I wasn't crazy about the idea from the beginning anyway, it's going to show how hapless small market teams try to compete against the glitzy large market teams, so I'd rather the Bills not be that punching bag for once. It's bad enough we have to have a moron like Russ brandon brainwashing everyone into thinking WNY can't support our team.
  8. The circumstances around Bowe signing with the chiefs is so vastly different than any of our own FAs that are still unsigned, I don't even know where to begin, but I'll make one point that should be obvious to everyone: If you are a wide receiver and your team just brought in a well regarded QB and an offensive minded head coach, how on earth would you risk going anywhere else? Once KC landed alex Smith, NFLNW analysts literally predicted this was a matter of time.
  9. even as a satyrical joke, this thread makes my head hurt a little... but then makes me laugh thinking back to when the front office once thought we were T.O. away from the playoffs LOL
  10. I'd like to add a little 1st round draft trivia factoid if I may: All 3 of Buddy Nix's 1st round selections are still on the roster, either performing at a high level, or pro bowlers. Seriously think about that for a minute. I know the team's fortunes haven't been all that great, but it really says a lot when the team is now hitting on their 1st round picks for once, and that they are very good additions to a team that has been starved of talent for a very long time. Given the excellent info provided by the OP, that says a lot to what Buddy has contributed so far. Not all is doom and gloom in the front office, well with the exception of douche-bag Russ Brandon.
  11. I never liked anchor bar. and I agree Duffs wings are better.
  12. I don't see what all the commotion is, David Nelson was a high character guy with good work ethic, but when he was on the field, vanished for games at a time. He had a few very good games with some nice highlights, but in the end, that's simply not good enough to win in the NFL, plain and simple. If the new coaching staff fields mostly the same team as last year, do you really expect anything more than 7 wins? If you think a new starting QB puts this team in the playoffs, you are greatly mistaken. There is far more average talent on this roster than there is elite talent, so the coaching staff is making some changes. This really isn't news, its just business when a new coaching staff comes in. There won't be a lot of interest in his services, much like Donald Jones, and every other receiver this team has cut in that last few years.
  13. it's yet to be proven that Levitre is a top 10 guard, but if he's not, he is very close. If this team wants to continue to grow, it's mandatory these 2 players are retained.
  14. one of the all-time greatest moments in sports history.
  15. is that a rhetorical question?
  16. since you have the greatest avatar ever created my God, man, or other, I will agree with you on all accounts..... Wait, what? Ohh yes, I'd like to see Freeney here for a tryout...
  17. this team was 2-3 poor fitzpatrick decisions away from 8-8 last year, and sprinkle in 2 key INT drops from Wilson, and they easily finish the season at 9-7. I can't see them absolutely tanking, not with a much better coaching staff in place on defense.
  18. I'd be all for a Saturday game as well, makes way more sense.
  19. Get off your high horse, seriously. There is nothing wrong with discussing a topic on an OPEN FORUM. If you don't like the subject matter, don't read it, then you won't have to embarrass yourself by name calling.
  20. Definitely #2 That man has an abundance of stupid in him.
  21. Some people including myself are happy he was exposed as the crappy player he really is so all the 'lil donte lovers would quiet down. It's relevant on another level because these people are the same that question and bash everything the front office does and that gets old really fast. I had started a thread about how he was embarrassed on national television, which excludes me from your ex-girlfriend rant, and also because i don't personally care what he thinks of himself, but rather the Donte lovers who think we should have kept the bum, but i totally agree with your sentiment on who cares what he says on twitter. Again, he blows, always did, always will.
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