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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Byrd... not sure the team will miss him if he goes elsewhere
  2. If only he was around for the superbowl years, one can only imagine how hellatious his numbers would have ended up like. Classy guy with deceptive skills.
  3. No truer words have ever been spoken on this board..... And I love your avatar!
  4. yes. it will be a Tuel vs. jamarcus russel super bowl this year, bills lose of course.
  5. I would totally enjoy the Hartford Honkeys...
  6. In case anyone has been keeping track, the word "Redskin" Hasn't been used as a racial slur in more than 2 centuries, If someone called me a brown skin, I'd call them astute. I call my friend "red" because he gets red from the sun in the summer, should he get enraged at the thought and take it as an individualized derogatory statement? If he did, that would be a little nonsensical. Comparing this to the infamous "N" word or any real world racial slur meant to be a direct insult just doesn't hold up. All people have to go on are some crappy John Wayne movies from the 50's as reference to whether or not it was used as a derogatory statement. One of my best friends here where I live now is 100% native american, and is not a fan of the Redskins, but has a jersey because he likes the warrior image on the helmet. His entire family has never even heard the team name used as a derogatory statement against his culture, so I have to ask, who really has the issue, and why? Is it just because, or is it that some asshat called you a redskin in the 5th grade? If my isolated point of view on this is way off base, and there are far more people out there insulting native americans on a daily basis, then my apologies, but to me, and from where I see it, I think it's a big to-do about something that just isn't used in the context people think it is, or more appropriately, was. OHHHH BTW.... GET THIS!!! My buddy actually hates the term "Indian"... YES.... WHY you ask? He's not from India of course, and thinks that's inappropriate. I agree. Like calling someone from Japan Chinese...
  7. I know that sounds bad, but anyone with some sense about them gets the point he was making, If you get in the players head, they lose focus, and start making mistakes. Now that just doesn't sound too tough, but that was the point.. These coaches have to keep highly aggressive and physical men in tune with what they want to accomplish, and they need to communicate in a way that gets their attention. I remember hearing that tape on NFL network, and thought, "Ohh man this is going to get blown out of proportion" I am hoping Mario's comments are understood this time around, this shouldn't even be an issue.
  8. Bruce Mathison.... hands down.
  9. really? that's a little juvenile to point out, and adds nothing to this conversation. What that's called is trolling, and it's lame at best.
  10. I can't say that I am even remotely surprised, I thought his throwing motion alone was clunky.
  11. I believe pretty firmly that QBs can be ruined by coaches. Not all of them, some just suck right out of the box. Trent edwards was one I believe was ruined by the moronic coaching staff he had to suffer through, while JP Losman just sucked right out of the box..
  12. With all due respect to Deacon, but his physical condition was nowhere near where Bruce was in his playing prime. Images and highlight clips really show you the difference in conditioning. If you put Deacon in today's game in his prime, he wouldn't even make the roster from a conditioning standpoint only. I think he was the best defensive player of his time, and that's saying a lot, but Bruce was the far more athletic of the 2 and clearly a more dominant player in an era designed to give the offense an advantage.
  13. I have a signed hat and jersey from Jim, and they're the only 2 signatures I have from any pro players.
  14. No coach is going to make brash statements about young QBs until they've seen some actual Game time results, and even then the comments will be very benign.
  15. Agreed, it even sounds a little hokey and belittling in my opinion, I actually thought it was a joke.
  16. There's a name for those people, they're called DoucheBags, or Delta Bravos if you need to apply a military feel to it...
  17. Stevie has accomplished 1000 yards in 3 consecutive seasons, something our Hall of Fame hopeful Andre Reed never did, so does that make Andre a #2? Yes my point is nonsense, and so is your argument. Stevie was the best receiver on his team, that makes him a #1, not sure how this is even a debate.
  18. Some players will always reek of classlessness.
  19. We'll more than likely be picking around #12 unless the offense can be carried by CJ and F-Jax. I have no idea what the defense will perform like, but that unit could potentially win a few games on their own, or continue to look like the worst defense in the league. I think 7-9 is going to be the record they finish with, and 2 of those losses will be agonizing to watch. I am also guaranteeing a loss in the away game in toronto.
  20. I'll be happy if he just gets some reps this season in live games, Kevin Kolb when healthy is very effective, and a new head coach has to go with the guy that will give him the best chance to win because his job literally depends on it. I'm not sure he will beat out the veterans on the team just yet.
  21. Surprised to read all the comments here about a very "matter of Fact" statement. What were people around here expecting him to say?
  22. It's really hard to be a bust when you've been drafted in the 4th round with very little expectations of being a high impact player. In fact, I think the fact so many of us here at TSW desperately wanted this kid to be a hidden Gem really says a lot about how bad the team's WR group has been over the last decade or 2...
  23. So true... it's sad how many crappy ex-players litter sports channels... On an aside, I loved Shannon sharp as a player, he was awesome to watch, but when I hear his analysis, all I can think of now is "Simple Jack"
  24. is this a joke? you think that's coherent? "one of the players i wanna emma-late" I hope this was rhetorical... you should probably dig a little harder next time pal.
  25. I'm sorry, but this guy's career is on lifeline, and all he will be remember for historically is BUTT FUMBLE.
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