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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Colin Cowherd is a complete ass. what he says or reports I have very little respect for or interest in.
  2. Passing accuracy and efficiency regardless of who is throwing the ball.
  3. I've always thought he was a douche bag, so this sadly doesn't surprise me. It's unfortunate though that his girlfriend had to endure his stupidity.
  4. the best thing this team could do is find it's own talent. right now the roster is full of inaccuracy and second tier ability. I was not one of those who thought we missed on him when he suddenly became popular. I thought he was very sloppy and looked like a good defensive game plan could expose him. The league caught up, and he did not improve his soft skills. Pass.
  5. I don't really think you can blame a QBs development entirely on the coaching staff. Was Dan Marino's QB coach a superstar? Was Elway, Manning or Jim Kelly's QB coaches really what made them successful? Or even more, was Marv Levy, or Tony Dungy what made them winners? How about this thought: Maybe...... juuuuuust maybe EJ really isn't that good, and we whiffed on the pick. Maybe he is exactly what he appears to be, a great, intelligent, hard working guy that just can't handle the speed of the game once he's on the field. I can't see how Marrone did that to him when you watch some game film from FSU, read the breakdown of his game, and the pre-draft analysts analysis and tell me those things don't read like a post game analysis of any game he played in for the Bills. I would love to see him prove all of that wrong, I like the guy, he seems like the perfect fit to be a franchise guy on size and maturity alone, but I'd also like to win the lottery and I don't see either happening. personally, I have been told I have the best practice swing of any golfer anyone has ever seen, but once the ball is in front of my club all bets are off, and I'm lucky not to kill anyone withing 200 yard of my shot immediately to my right. I think this is what we are seeing... a great practice performance.
  6. Who really cares about this game, really? I never watched one single toronto game and probably won't try to watch this overseas crap game either. I hate that the NFL wants games overseas, it just seems greedy and pointless to risk all the travel just to grab some euros.
  7. Agreed... I'm not even sure how anyone could assume anything else.
  8. For me it used to be the campground atmosphere and people sitting around their setups grilling, socializing, and drinks a FEW... some more than others, but generally, it was still pretty high camaraderie. I loved that. The last time I went to a game, it seems the Douche Baggery was dialed up to 11 in many places, and that was a bit embarrassing and sad to see. I witnessed more fights and barfing than I ever have. that was lame. I can drink till I puke whenever I want, it seems like such a waste to do that at a Bills game when you have the tailgating festivities to enjoy, the food, the friendships, and every once in a while the game when they don't **** the bed.
  9. Brutal... most of those are kindling for a dumpster fire.
  10. I will root for him too, simply because he deserves the opportunity to show he has(May have) the skills to win the job. If he still looks like a project, you(as a team) really need to move on.
  11. I picked Chandler in every category, because EJ. There... now you don't have to wait for it any longer.
  12. I won't be one of those people to defend Tom Brady in the least, and I think that team does waaaay more cheating than what's been caught, no doubt, but I really wished his 4 game suspension would not have affected when we play them, because Tom Brady is a very good QB whether you like him or not, and if we make it to the playoff this upcoming season, I don't want that to come with an asterisk of our own. I want to compete against the Best possible team when it xomes to them, simply because I have witnessed so many losses, that when we do beat them, we've beaten"Them", not a watered down, sissi-fied version. Did anyone really feel like we beat the Pats last year? That game sucked a horse's knee cap. If the Patriots needed that win for whatever reason, THAT is what I want this team to face. Now, the rest of the punishment I think was a bit weak. That team I'm certain is definitely doing more than what meets the eye that's not within the rules of the NFL.
  13. Nothing will happen to them. You can't tell me Belli-Douche had no idea...
  14. I've been calling them The "PayToilets" for years.
  15. I wonder if sarcasm makes EJ a more accurate passer....
  16. Or maybe he's just not that good, but yes, I'm sure he is thinking twice about that DB agent he is employing.. On a side note - I still crack up every time I see someone post a comment on how we should have retained Da'Rick. I will never understand the man-love for that guy.
  17. I am so very jealous! what an amazing experience for you!
  18. Yeah, they really were... and when he stole a championship or two from Samprass, it felt like a superbowl win to me.
  19. I identified with him from as early as high school, his family relationship with his father was one reason, and I really connected with his struggle with the game emotionally. For whatever reason, I became glued to his career, felt every loss, and reveled in every victory. while he was very talented, once he hit the pros, nothing came easy for the guy, very much like our home town. I played tennis and had a very similar style of play, so once I learned that I emulated his game even more.
  20. I actually think they are very helpful, especially since we have been turning over coaches like flap-jacks at IHOP the last decade or so...
  21. anyone who knows me personally knows that I don't have many sports heroes I really care about. In fact, I have only 2 that have in some way touched my life, and it's been Jim Kelly and Andre Agassi for 2 different reasons. so needless to say I was excited to read the news posted by Erin about her Dad. Link: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2015/4/14/8409671/jim-kelly-still-cancer-free This is great news for him and his family.
  22. If there are some "Can't Miss" guys left on the board, then I'm OK with it. If there are some potential 3-5 ranked QBs on the board, then I say pull the trigger on that need in Rd3, and go for your can't miss OL in Rd2.
  23. ^^ This, more than anything is the single most reason to think this team can only be better, even if it's just a win or 2 more. IF EJ starts and plays well, Or Matt Cassel is an upgrade over J.P. orton, I see 11-5 as very possible.
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