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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. If we had just won like that with mcCoy, Watkins, KW, and several others not sidelined by injury, I'd probably agree with you to a point. But when you look at what Tyrod did with so many weapons out, I'd say let's not jump off the happy wagon just yet. It's 5 games in, there are new schemes on both sides of the ball, and nearly every player with talent on offense has yet to play full games with each other. I still think this could be a pretty good season.
  2. Fred Jackson will forever be one of my all-time favorite Bills. A great player, a great team leader, and a great family man. so rare these days among these flash-millionaire athletes.
  3. Titans: 20 Bills: 3 Unless something changes, In my mind at least; this team looks downright lost on defense, much worse than last year, and the offense has no weapons at any position that can score other than Clay. Sammy has not been healthy at any point in his career yet, McCoy is out, Woods fumbles in nearly every game he's played as a Bill, and there is the fact that as much as I like the guy, Tyrod Taylor is not consistent enough yet. I do think he will get there, he seems different than the last batch of garbage QBs we've seen behind center.
  4. I quietly believed that we could actually win. my bad...
  5. How much worse could the Karma get? 15 years, no playoffs?
  6. I won this last year, still many thanks!!! I will sit back and root for someone else to win.
  7. I like this one the best.
  8. I feel all warm and gooey on the inside after reading that. After lastnight's patriots game, I don't think they are quite ready to lay down and give us the division just yet.
  9. Now that they can cheat and never have to suffer any consequences, I will never want that team to win. Regardless of how it might impact the Bills playoff chances.
  10. I was not surprised too much that, when he left the team, the Bills defense improved. While he made some great plays at times, I think he was never quite the talent everyone made him out to be.
  11. Jackson was far more impactful than Cribbs was. He(Cribbs) was also a selfish player if my memory serves me. If this list is based upon just the numbers, then my top 5 looks like this: 1. OJ 2. Thurman 3. Gilchirst 4. Jackson 5. Cribbs If it's based upon leadership and the ability to carry an entire team on his shoulders, then Freddie moves much closer to the top of this list.
  12. I put a lot of thought into this..... I really like Tyrod Taylor... Maybe we should try calling him that. t-mobile is goofy, and i don't get why he needs a childish name. Win some games, make the pro bowl, then we'll talk.
  13. No matter what the reason, no matter how much the move makes sense, this still is the saddest day in Franchise history to me, right next to the passing of Ralph Wilson, and the announcement of Jim kelly's bout with cancer. Thank you Fred for giving me something to believe in when there was so very little to cheer for over the last 10 years. I wish you all the best, and I hope you find a place within the organization, Buffalo just wouldn't be the same without you.
  14. I know we are hard up for a QB, but seriously...
  15. That's difficult to say. I don't really remember him much as a game changer like Tim Brown, Jerry Rice, or Chris Carter/Randy Moss was. He played a long time and piled up a lot of yards, but I struggle to think of him as a HOF'r. Same way I look at Emmit Smith. Does he have more yards than Walter Payton? Yeah, but I wouldn't consider Emmit Smith the greatest back, not by a long shot. I struggle to even think of him in the top 10 of all time.
  16. Lowes..... NO! Home Depot. Lumber department.
  17. Loved that play... it was a shame they missed the playoffs, you could look at any one of their losses and think, if we just had that one game. I really hope SOMEONE steps up this year at QB so this team can play some meaningful games at the end of the year
  18. All Doomed jokes aside... BUT... This has to be the absolute worst group of QBs this franchise has ever attempted to field. And that includes the ever-so miserable 1984-1985 Bills teams that tried to field the likes of Vince Ferragamo, Bruce Mathison, and the mighty Joe Dufek. I'd LOVE to see 'ol Joey D sling the rock instead of this group of camp fodder. The team may not be doomed, but I seriously doubt they win enough games to break the playoff drought.
  19. seriously... no. If anything it set the team back in terms of national image and in the ability to compete with a full set of home games. By and large it was colossal failure of epic proportions.
  20. Thank you very kindly! And I do wish him the best of luck as I do most people... I think eric Wood said it best to him in practice, calling him out saying he should pay back his huge salary. If Buffalo and the Bills were soo horrible, I'm sure he could give that money back to the under-privileged kids in Buffalo if it bothers him that much.
  21. This was a great article, and I am very saddened to hear of the tragedies in his life. But his portrayal of the NFL in his painting was pathetic. Nobody forces these guys to play football, that that's what he is trying to get across. Sorry, you got paid millions to play a game(that you weren't very good at) and want to have a pity party over it. That's the business of the NFL, if you don't like it, you can always work at Wal-Mart, or go sell insurance, or any other profession. Nobody held a gun to your head. I'd stand in workout shorts for NFL scouts in a heartbeat if I had just a modicum of talent to get me there. I'd have considered the experience the thrill of a lifetime. He claims that fans don't know what it's like to go through that. Well, Mr. Maybin, try getting laid off in a nationwide cut 4 months after getting married, and a freshly purchased house, wondering what the hell you're going to do to not be on the street. pardon me if the multi-millions you "earned" while being in Buffalo doesn't make you feel good about the NFL. Of all people, you should be the most grateful.
  22. No brainer... sign the defensive staff... Rivers is just not worth losing actual top level talent. He's at the end of his mediocre career anyway. I'd take rivers if he was available off of waivers obviously, but he is better than that, just not by very much in my opinion. The guy hasn't won anything, and I don't think he ever will.
  23. I know a thing or two about clowns... and he is definitely one of them I just actually listened to the interview and loved that Jim sounded like he could care less to answer Cowherd's questions. Loved every second of it.
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