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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. don't care. He lost in his bid to move the team to TO. I'm on to Cincinnati.
  2. I really appreciated some of the segments, and I will agree, there will never be a better team in sports that has connected so deeply with it's fanbase(us)..... but... reliving some of those moments really was hard to take. The pain I endured as a Bills super fan at the time we lost those games was excruciating, and it was nearly just as painful watching that special. I watched it, but like all 4 superbowls, I probably will never watch it again either.
  3. Maybe they should have polled white liberals offended by everything. That would make for a biased result.
  4. The sarcastic guy who's had juuust a few too many, and he's about to jump out a second story window to prove the effects of gravity on liquid in an open container. that guy. OR The guy who yells out: "Watch this!"
  5. true... that's not my style... OK... we suck! We're going 3-13! Pegula is cheap! Rex sucks wet socks! Mario is going to crush us as a Dolphin! Donte' Whitner still hates us! whew... that does feel good...
  6. Honestly, I'm somewhere in the middle. Expect the worst, hope for the best. watch the games, even after we're mathematically eliminated, just because I still have a home team to watch. I'm not exactly bashing all the Optimists here, just the ones that bash the negative Nancys, and not even seriously bashing you guys either, I just thought it was fun. Both views on this team will, and have been 100% accurate by way of the team always going roughly 8-8 every year. Let that fact marinate a little.
  7. I played with literally half a dozen phrases before settling on that one.
  8. Right now he's really more a "One Year Mehh" Her really needs to do a lot more to be a wonder.
  9. What about the equally annoying "Obnoxiously Obtuse Optimists" ??? I am not exactly a doom-sayer, but come on... this team has wallowed in stupidity and played punching bag to the PayTiolets for the better part of two decades now. Exactly how does that even come close to inspiring any real optimism, especially when year after year, this board is alight with blind-faith, blue sky optimism with little more than a few roster moves, maybe a signing of a washed up high priced free agent, and a bunch of gutless puffy chested tweets from a few players about how great they think they are? Before you reply and bash me, step back, and just look at the last 20 years of nonsense we've endured. If I'm even close to wrong, then I'll take my lumps.
  10. Matt Cassel looks like he's playing the game in slow motion.
  11. Great post, worth reading, but my pessimism is running amuck this season, so while I love the optimism among media folk, I sadly expect nothing more than another 8-8, 7-9, 6-10 campaign. for me, it was extremely hard to watch a team with arguably the best defensive scheme in 2014 get dismantled. My brain still hurts over that. I would love to be wrong here obviously.
  12. I could not agree more with you on him. He had a couple of highlight reel runs and that was it.
  13. screw the nick-names and just win some games. STFU, get to the playoffs and do something instead of a bunch of pointless media hype already. how about this nickname instead: #Patriotsbitches Team Marketing Tag Line: Making no real effort to beat the patriots since 2001
  14. I can only hope that's true... I'd be willing to trade them EJ for a chunk of foxboro sod at this point.
  15. I wouldn't let him mow my lawn for free. Not for nothing, but I wouldn't let, say..... J.P. Losman, Trent Edwards, or Vince Ferragamo do it either.
  16. this sucks. Now when we lose to the patriots with a backup QB, there will be mass suicides in Western New York... and shame across the land.
  17. any amount is enough to make the change in my book
  18. I would normally agree with you on the doom and gloom, but when our team can't seem to beat it's way out of a paper bag for the better part of two decades, it's hard not to be.
  19. In our family and friends circle we developed a ritual of smoking a cheap, Back-Woods cigar after every Bills victory. The irony is that none of us smoke cigarettes or anything else for that matter, but it has become our thing. Post up yours if you feel like playing. I can't wait to smoke the 5-6 cigars I have set aside for this upcoming season!
  20. I don't think we could fail to make the playoffs any harder. We're doing a good job of not reaching them without the ramifications of this new rule. Point is, we can't be any more doomed than we already are. ha.
  21. 2016 - "Hey, at least We're not Cleveland"
  22. He'll retire, anyone could see in that game he was a shell of his former self. He hit a few key passes, any maybe Carolina's defense was playing quite well, but Peyton usually dictates the game to defenses. not the other way around.
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