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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. Great athlete, spotty accuracy and not enough trust in his own arm to throw receivers open.
  2. It's not the fans that have quit, it's the team. Historical trending has given the fanbase nothing to hang hope on, and you can't fault people for walking way from a rotting corpse when they see one.
  3. WHEN.... the Bills lose this coming sunday... please fix title.
  4. I voted BIlls. The biggest hole on the depth chart is BIlls.
  5. That's why they play the games, there is no possibility of negativity Vs. Reality at this point. The reality is they are 0-0 so far. all you have right now is negativity Vs. Projected outcome analysis. So with that premise, I'll say that in my opinion, all personnel moves have been at worst a push, and at best an unknown improvement. That's the reality. The team lost a bunch of players that never contributed to a winning season regardless of what their perceived talent is/was. From a coaching standpoint, there has been a massive improvement over the ass-clown, circus-show buffoon brothers that were here previously. I'm not drinking the cool-aid on the new coaches, relax your mouse clicking finger, I'm contending that you could replace those two with anyone on the planet that has a pulse, and the team would have fared better. so in the end, you have to look at the team's status in a better position than a year ago. How many wins better? Can't say, but I can tell you they will play better, more disciplined football, more entertaining to watch, and where the talent levels are thin, they will continue to frustrate us as fans. all this coming from me, a generally "glass half empty" kind of guy when discussing the Bills.... hell I'd even contended at times that there is no glass... My .02
  6. I busted helmet and an empty roll of ankle tape. no wait! Two empty rolls of ankle tape. Why on earth would anyone want an average QB whose best seasons are several years in the past?
  7. I think what you'll find them attempt is to build an offense that utilizes the team's current strengths at key positions where the strength of talent is the deepest. I don't think there is a magical system that will work. at the end of the day, what wins games is execution; the ability to do what your plays call for by outsmarting your opponent, or winning the battle at the line of scrimmage, and staying healthy. You can't win games in any league if you can't do that. When you think back to our Supebowl years, the team did those things, and stayed pretty healthy for several years. When they lost a player at a key position, which was very rare, the next guy up was extremely capable.
  8. If you want to read an article from someone with an intellect that equals a chimp with severe brain trauma, then, by all means....... keep clicking on his stuff.
  9. No thanks. Unless your name is Russel Wilson, run first, low passing stat QBs just don't appeal to me.
  10. Kelly hands down. I personally think if you put Bellichick here as head coach, We win possibly all 4 superbowls. Bellichick made Brady, not the other way around.
  11. I love the direction the team is headed in, and I would like to add that I really wanted to like Doug Whaley, and generally did not bash him when he wasn't successful. I was always hoping he could learn and grow from his early mistakes and build the Bills in the image of the Steelers. My confidence was severely shaken in him when he 1. Hired that blowhard buffoon Rex Ryan, and 2. Allowed Ryan to dismiss Swartz.
  12. Come watch the Washington Generals..... Errr... we mean the Buffalo Bills take on the NFLs best!
  13. We'd have probably lost more games. His spectacular 3.8 YPC does nothing for me. He didn't make Seattle better, they made him look good.
  14. I agree with a few responses aleady, we do have the best looking uniforms in the league, save for those blue pants. burn them please. nothing says loser team like the miserable look of the monstrously disgusting 70's thru the early/mid 80s. the only other team that I can think that looks worse when the Bills sport those loser duds are the titans. I honestly can't believe they sell any merchandise with those colors.
  15. any other relatively competent coaching staff would have won that game given the amount of talent this team has.
  16. I didn't think at the time we tanked that game, i just thought the coaching staff gave up on the team, and the players no longer bought into what Ryan was dishing them, but to answer your question, I was happy they lost that game then, and still happy now. i was officially not a fan of Rx as soon as he drove Jim Swartz(spelling) out of town. after reading what I just wrote, I guess you could call that tanking.
  17. This topic has been discussed many times over, but I never miss a chance to take a shot at Aaron Maybin. No t only did the asshat make a video of how awesome he thought he was, but was soo bad, he was even mocked by other Bills players. Aaron Maybin. Worst ever, all time, spanning several other teams, divisions, and quite possibly other sports. I'd put him in the conversation with Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russell. Unlike your bust, aaron never even had a good series, let alone game, or season for anyone, anywhere.
  18. seriously? How is this even a real thought in someone's head...
  19. This could describe the end of the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and this yea'rs paultry, wimpy, gutless seasons. you should save it as a word document to your computer, then repost at the conclusion of the 2017 season.
  20. As I speak from experience as someone who actually attended "The Music City Mistake" and sat tirelessly through all these miserable rebuilding seasons, and false-hope nonsensical free agent signings, and every other shat-covered dumbass move this moronic franchise has made to basically maintain a 6-8 win season, I refuse to go into this game with a shred of hope for the post season. I really do not take that mathematical likelihood as "alive" or "in the hunt". This team has no business even sniffing the farts from real playoff teams asses, so, yeah, no. Not buying into it at all. for this week only, I will not root against the Bills this weekend, as I explained why in another thread. I lived through why we hate the dolphins, so I hope for a win, but make no mistake, I am by no means "back on the wagon" nor am I running beside it. Until this team makes a genuine effort in fielding a winner, I will not pretend to think they have a chance next year. GO Bills, squish the fish. Then get your clubs out, or your popcorn ready, I have a 70" big screen you can watch the playoff from, along with every other sub-par weak talented team. P.S. Not angry with you by any means OP, just don't share your enthusiasm. Give the newness of your relocation some time, you'll come around. That team you remember watching fondly in the 90's is long gone, and you'll quickly realize this bunch of wash-ups will not feel the same. also, the fans that you see tailgating has devolved to the point of national level embarrassment, so even tailgating is not what it used to be.
  21. If anyone has read any of my rants on various threads lately, you'd know I'm a bit fed up with this team, and quite disgusted. I really wanted them to lose against the Browns last week, not for any agenda other than my disgust for them not being better than any good teams headed to the playoffs. But this week, I simply can't wish a loss on them. It's the Dolphins, the team I grew up loathing with every fiber of my being, and several slices of my eternal soul. Can't do it. so, even in my current state of Malaise and discontempt for this wretched franchise right now, I simply will not root against them. for those of you who understand, this needs no explanation, and for those of you who don't, you really had to live through it to completely understand... which is way more than a little googling will provide you. for this week at least: GO BILLS. Footnote: Discontempt(I know it's not technically a word, I just liked typing it, and it sounds worse than regular old contempt)
  22. I don't know exactly when his era was, but it spanned more than a decade if i remember correctly, and I am not certain, but I do think they won a championship with a different QB/era. I'll have to dig on that... very interesting....
  23. The Bills have continuity, I don't know why people think they don't. perennial AFC East punching bags with a guaranteed 6-8 wins each year, and no hope of a good draft pick, or playoff birth. If that's not continuity, which drives consistency, then I don't know what is.
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