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Homey D. Clown

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Everything posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. I have nothing to add that's not really snarky or downright insulting to your intelligence...... So I'll say thanks for posting a pic of Jim Kelly in a game I really wish I could un-remember(yes, I know it's not a word).
  2. I don't understand the question in it's current context, but if you're asking me that this team full of gutless talent is at .500 and I am impressed that McD has gotten that much juice from a turd, then yes. But I thought I made that clear. Were you trying to be clever on the internet?
  3. I would love to see this actually happen.
  4. Funny you mentioned Zay Jones always looking off balance... I would probably attest that to ball placement most of the time, I was more surprised this year over his drops.
  5. Ohh, make no mistake, I am not crowning him coach of the year either... just kind of impressed that he's got this group of gutless pansies led by arguably the most inaccurate QB in modern NFL history at .500 so far. I'll also add that if he finishes at 6-10, which was my prediction when they were 5-2, I'd still be impressed. never have I witnessed such a collection of incapable players, not since, well... yesterday when I caught the Brownies get de-trousered by an average chargers team.
  6. I've been numb to this team's gutless play for close to a decade now. I knew with dead certainty when this turd of a team was 5-2 that they'd collapse in gut wrenching fashion, so I told most of my friends at work that very thing. see, I live and work 700 miles from Buffalo, and they thought I was out of my mind. I simply told them that unless you followed this wretched team for as long as I have, you'd know it's coming. They still tell me "hey, your team still has a chance" and I always reply with.... "Give it a minute, you'll see how bad it's about to get..." My complete gutting really happened when the Trent Edwards led collapse occurred. Everything since then has by and large been completely expected. Too bad Bon Jovi wasn't such a cheap dick, I'm ready to see a half century of misery put to pasture.
  7. I couldn't disagree more. It was those idiotic responses that got this team in repeated trouble. He's not a 10 year old with a low IQ, we's a paid pro. Where in any normal society is it ok to stoop to the brainless sack-of-**** level that useless douche bag Gronkowski exists at? I;ll answer for you: "it's not ok" it's moronic. Let his act of shitforbrains, 37 IQ, douche baggery stand alone. I saw nothing wrong with this team's response.
  8. I'm not buying it. I think he;s an excellent coach, the guys commit far less penalties, and the defense has played most of the year like they understand the scheme. I can't believe people are trying to run the guy out already. nonsense...
  9. Not since the savage beating these hapless clowns took from the NJ Jets have I even remotely thought they could beat Miami. I didn't vote simply because it didn't take the loss of these two players for me to come to this conclusion. After that loss I posted on facebook they would be lucky to finish 6-10. the KC game was counted as a loss, leaving only the Dolts as the last remaining win on the schedule, but even now, if they beat Indy, it'll be a "claw and scratch" type of victory. This team is just not good, and really I don't know anymore what can be done to fix it.
  10. no. He's a great person, has solid work ethic, but cannot throw a pass to save his life. That ship has sailed. I can't remember very many(If any) passes he's thrown this year that weren't off target completely, or grossly missed altogether. Ride Peterson, see what he may/may not have, then look to the draft.
  11. lol... hatred. And... bravo to you for calling someone else's viewpoint inane(Stupid). That shows how cool you are... my hero.
  12. I can't believe Geno is still on a roster, that's what is more shocking.
  13. I only say no due to his age and best years more than likely behind him. If he was 7 years younger, then yes. I still contend that overall, his body of work really hasn't been elite, but he sure did perform well when it mattered most.
  14. I like them much better than the loser look of the 70's (Blue pants, white jerseys). I think they look pretty cool as a change of pace type of thing. My all-time favorites are the all white throwbacks WITH standign Buffalo...
  15. perish the thought! We've had ringing endorsements from the likes of Bill Walsh himself over our past signal callers!
  16. Eli Manning was unceremoniously benched this past sunday, and I thought for sure that loud mouthed Douche Bag Richard Sherman would be up in arms! It seems he is very concerned about quarterbacks getting benched when they under-perform. This is a shocker for sure... I have been searching social media for days just waiting for him to cry "Outrage!" So I am writing him this letter: Dearest Richard, Why have you gone silent Richard? Is this not your fight to fight as well? It baffles me why you would for one, but not another? Is this silence a new, cool way of protest? Please help me understand, you leave us little people so confused, and poor Eli to face this travesty all alone, when his heart could be warmed in the cockles of your tweets. Warmly yours, Homey D.
  17. relax. No need to get your panties all wadded up. Wasn't attacking you.
  18. I'll play along.... It's no secret Brady will pick you apart when blitzed, if anything, that's his #1 strength. They have more weapons in the passing game than they do in the running game, so I would do the following with the above statements in mind. 1. utilize 2 down linemen on every series outside of the 30 yard line, rushing Hughes as the third DE. 2. Deploy 2 linebackers and 6 defensive backs with a 1Rb, 1TE set 2.a Deploy 3 LBs and 5 DBs when the Patriots have a 1RB, 2TE set Now, run a trap zone(cover 2) where the defense bates Gronkowski to appear open, and tight man press when they line up with the quick slant/pick play formation to the slot receiver. get a body on that man as soon as the ball gets there. If you watch any of the games where their offense was completely shut down, this is your key right here. go back and watch the 2007/2008 superbowl when the Giants Neutered Tom Brady and his high flying trapeze acrobats, they had a body on his little cheater/pick play almost before the ball got there. Can't say this would work or not, but certainly seems plausible, and if that 2 Down Linemen formation sounds familiar, it should. It's what Bellicheat used against the Bills in SB25.
  19. Gronkowski had a choreographed celebration, this has to be BS.
  20. It's hard to feel numb when I fully expected it. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. I sincerely doubt this team will every be competitive again. Some franchises will never win, and sadly this is one of them. They have always sucked from the earliest days. If you remove the Polian era, this team is probably the worst franchise in all of sports all time. The only other team that could be worse are the Washington Generals. Numb you ask? I have been numb to this team since 2005. 3-0, 4-0, 5-1, 5-2 starts? those just make the colossal seasonal failures that much worse to endure, I'd rather they just come out of the gate sucking balls so there's no chance of false hope.
  21. Was literally posting this too. All others have a stronger hand in their own demise.
  22. Well thought out. I was desperately looking for a "next Joe Montana" quote from the late Bill Walsh referencing Trentative Edwards. If you edit your post, I give it an A.
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