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Everything posted by jumbalaya

  1. CamCamQuan Sounds like a stripper i knew
  2. In the AFL / NFL days the Browns were my NFL favorite. Jim Brown years followed by The Kelly Green Backfield, Frank Ryan QB and Paul Warfield WR.
  3. That confirms his wife is a fool too.
  4. Maybin needs to show up weighing about 242 to 245, with an agressive attitude and great first step! Not likely
  5. Call me a tree hugger, but what this moron did ranks with Vick's dog antics. Wanton disregard for living things. And how passive can anything be like a 100 year old tree? He should get at least two years in jail. The man has no soul.
  6. Wake up and smell the coffee. Almost every athlete that was any good from the late 70's to now used or uses steroids. Baseball, football, basketball, cycling, hockey, track, swimming and golf. To think that steroid use is down is wishful thinking, steroid masking is just that much better and no one wants to test for HGH; not because you can't (you can, it just requires a blood sample) they don't want to test because they don't want to find out extent of the problem. You think Albert Pujols isn't a huge HGH guy? Look at his physique and the size of his head. He leaped onto the national scene because of one reason, HGH. Blame the lague owners, the managers, the team doctors, the players, the sports writers and the university system all of them contribute to thsi fraud. See no evil, hear no evil, smell no evil.
  7. You are giving Buddy way too much credit for being decptive and trying to steer others toward Cam. It is not like he pulled off a deal and picked up Cornelius Bennett or sat and waited to land Thurman. He has done nothing so far except to draft an unnecessary RB when he had holes on this team that are the size of Peter King's @$$.
  8. You can have a beer with Miller. i'd rather get high with Maher and laugh MAO. Football is mindless and it is a child's game played by men that don't have to grow up. It is watched by idiots like us that would rather watch mindless sports than actually do something to make our lives better. In the end the players and owners make way too much money off idiots like us. If football is cancelled for a year it won't matter just as losing baseball for a year back in the 80'sor 90's did not matter and everyone got on with their life. Personally I think it would do the country good to be without football for a year.
  9. Someone in this group could fall to us in rd 2. Someone usually drops, Who will it be?
  10. Not really, don't they have Tyler Thigpen as a back up? Henne an Fitzy are comparable.
  11. Cookie is my favorite. "Earthquake" Enyart is right up there too.
  12. I truly think Cam Newton is going to be great. He has an arm, legs, vision and desire, don't hold his father against him (not many held Jimbos family against him when we drafted him and look at the screwball brothers he has). If Cam were white this board would be clamoring for him and calling him Jim Kelly with Doug Flutie's moves. But he isn't, so we label him the next Marcus Russell or Vince Young. Personally I'd like to see us grab young and turn his head around - hoping it doesn't fall off - as all he does is win. That said, I am all for drafting defense this year-- DE, DTs and LBs with an OL in rd 3. Forget drafting a TE, whoever we draft will suck, they always do.
  13. Phil Taylor or Son of Ironhead in rd 2 if either fall. Even if we grab Dareus or Fairley in Rd 1, I'd take Taylor or Heyward on Rd 2 if one is there. We could stop worrying about the D line for a decade. Get a RT in Rd 3 and two LBs in rd 4.
  14. I doubt that anyone has settled on a pick yet.
  15. You can never have too many, or too few.
  16. Of all Groups of Laws, there are only Three Laws that matter: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  17. Sorry to see this guy pass away. Would not be sorry for that sad sack that missed family births and weddings to see a game.
  18. You are smoking crack. Lee is not a game breaker and he is no Marvin Harrison. All of the Lee defenders said wait and watch Lee once he has TO opposite him. All Lee did was stand around and watch TO. Lee did nothing. Then everyone said he didn't have a #1 QB, well Fitz turned into a #1 QB and Lee stood around and watched Johnson. Again Lee did nothing. Now you think that by teaming him with Peyton he will become the next Marvin Harrison. You are very very naive. Lee has no guts. Do you think Marvin in his prime would have three catches per game with Fitz throwing to him? I don't, and it is because Marvin has ability and desire. Lee had ability but he has no desire, now I am not sure he even has ability.
  19. Well at least if he resigns he will be resigned at or near market value for his talent. People should get off his a.. about being drafted too high which is something he had no control over.
  20. Lee would be the 5th wideout on the Colts so why would they give up a pick for him? They like players that go all out, Peyton demands it. We could not get a 5th for Lee because Lee quit three years ago. He took the money and ran for the bus. It is a ludicrous statement when people say he makes other players better or he opens things up for the other guys. He could help others IF he caught more than 3 balls a game, IF he blocked downfield better, IF he went over the middle to draw in the safeties, and IF he didn't drop so many critical balls. Blowing by a guy once a year doesn't cut it. He was very good once but he is done so put a fork in him. If we do trade him what do we need to get in return to replace what he brings? Let me think, a fast guy that catches three balls a game, drops key first downs and doesn't go over the middle! Not hard to replace is it. Chad Ochocinqjohnson is available. Another washed-up, "could of been a contender" player. Only difference is that Lee kept his mouth shut and Chad hasn't.
  21. Minor league is college ball. Each NFL team should sponsor one or two schools and pay for this student athletes to attend. It is criminal that tax payer money finances athletic scholarships at state schools.
  22. The only way we can CB in the first is if we pick up Miami's NT or someone like him. PS, Shaun Rogers is not like him. We have good guys at DT is BS. We have guys that have no forward push and cannot stop the run even if Troup improves to an average player. We are too light and too weak.
  23. doesn't matter, we are going newton in the first.
  24. The Steelers of the early 70's were all junked up on steroids. The first pro team on steroids before everyone all other teams copied them. I think OJ had one good run against the Steelers (90 to 95 yds) other than that he was mostly shut down and I don't recall a game we won. Terry B was the first to use steroids for injuries and the rest is history. Mike Webster's demise is a result of steroid use.
  25. Outside of RB, C and LG all of our positions are positions of need. The only really good defensive player we have doesn't fit our scheme.
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