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Everything posted by jumbalaya

  1. for assclowns and asshats start with jerry richardson and jerry jones. lets see what the players wind up with before calling smith names. goodell has not done a lame job and should have been able to prevent this from happening, but with asshats like jones and richardson he was probably dealing from a short deck anyway.
  2. Everything I have ever read about a 3-4 is you need a bull at NT. Is Troup that guy? The answer is not clear, KW is definitely not that guy. Baylor Taylor and Ellis from Hampton are that guy and one or both will be there in rd 2. We have Carrington as a true DE in a 3-4, hopefully Fairley/Dareus will be impact DE's in our 3-4 (as well as slide inside when we go 4-3) along with KW. We have Troup and Taylor or Ellis as NT's. I am liking that front, plenty of power, speed, bulk and flexibility. When was the last time we had that? 1965!
  3. Original Homeland Defender Insider Report
  4. So are you saying it should be spelled Knewbraska?
  5. If you have Three Billion Dollars you can own whatever, wherever, whenever.
  6. Look at Fairley's pic, he sure doesn't look soft as was reported and he has a frame that can easily support another 30lbs without looking heavy.
  7. Pardon me if there is a Fairley column, I went back quite a few pages and did not find one. Early on in mock drafts everyone had Fairley gone before we picked 3rd. Now everyone has Dareus as the favorite DT. With a lot of hype going to Newton. I am starting to believe that the Bills are being coy and are hoping that the hubbub around Gabbert, Newton, Peterson, Bowers, Miller, and Dareus mask their desire for Fairley. Good article by Doyel to that effect. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/14812120/suh-wrong-again-disregard-fairley-chatter I would love for us to get Fairley and actually prefer that the Bills had the guy that plays dirty for a change. Let's put Fairley back on top as our favorite draft option. if he is half the player as N Suh he will be great.
  8. If it was a good deal, the owners would not have opted out. It was apparent shortly after it was signed, against Ralph's vote, that they did not know what they were signing and have been pissed ever since. And Ralph and the Bengals owner did say it was complicated and when they reviewed it, they said it did not do what the owners expected it to do. They were right and now they have a big mess. Personally i don't care and am fine with losing football for a season. Really, I hope it gets ugly and both the players and owners lose big time. This country has a lot more issues to fix than a stupid game. Me, I will go to the Caribbean for a month or two and have a great time. People can save their football money and spend it on something useful like pot. Yes, it is time to invest in agriculture.
  9. The owners are wanting to cut a deal that will deprive him of millions..and for years to come... and you don't like that he has the brains to assert his rights. Nobody has ever held a gun to an owners head and said you must pay the player a ton of money. The owners all consuming greed has caused out of control wages in all pro leagues. In return, we pay ridiculous prices for tickets, parking, beer, and paraphernalia.
  10. Maybe we should give Ralph credit for actually reading the CBA contract and working with financial advisers to completely understand its implications unlike the other 30 doofuses that thought they were the smartest men in the room because it could not have been a bad deal if they negotiated it. Ralph by the way is one of the minority of owners that continues to fight for small market teams to ensure their survivability in places like Buffalo. Granted he has a vested interested in that he owns the team but at the same time he has been loyal. Give him respect, he has earned it. He could easily have folded the tent many times and pocketed a lot of money and our team would have gone "wide right".
  11. Golisano moved to FLA to avoid paying his fair share of taxes of a team he bought and operated while living in NY. He saved enough on taxes to sell to a local buyer, guess we should be happy he wasn't greedy enough to completely screw the city but, instead of the state collecting tax money from Golisano on the sale, the State will collect it from the people on the board. The middle class continues to decline, the rich become ultra-rich, but we are content because we have a hockey team.
  12. You are completely wrong and have this bassackwards. The NFL never reached out and supported the Vets, the Vets had to embarrass them into providing basic coverages for horrendous life style changes effected by playing football. Tossing 80 million at this is peanuts compared to the suffering many have endured and many have died as a result. The owners, especially the new ones are avaricious, greedy, spoiled ego maniacs. The older ones aren't as avaricious but are the rest of those things. I say cancel the season, then cancel NFL and let new leagues spawn. Let's build leagues that require at least 51% local ownership. This anti-union rhetoric in the US is completely misplaced.
  13. The Irish peasants protesting against their English Lord, Lord Boycott. Apt posting five days before the feast day of the last great Saint. I am all for it. I am also for an new football league with the following rules: 1. No nets at the goal posts. All balls in the stands are free for all. 2. No jersey can sell for more than $20. 3. Beer is sold till the end of the game and that includes overtime. Beer is cut off at the half for those under 18. 4. No ticket costs more than $15. 5. Beer - $1 for a Genny, $2 for a canadian beer and Budweiser is banned. 6. No one is allowed to attend who drinks lite beer. 7. Bleacher seat section for pot smokers. 8. Players can wear shirts outside of their pants and may or may not roll up their socks. I don't care what their headband says, it is football not a Prom. 9. No player can make more than $60,000 per year and all players must be able to read and write at the eighth grade level. 10. Permanent ban for anyone not acting like a professional when they score a TD, or make a sack or make a tackle or just do what they are being paid to do. 11. No canned speeches, no thanking the Lord. Contrary to popular belief the Lord does not give a crap about football nor those that play it. 12. If the players only play for the "love of the game and not the money" they will flock to this league, otherwise they are hypocrites just like the owners. 13. The team pays rent to the city when they use a stadium. 14. Using your helmut as a missile results in a permanent ban. Cold-cocking someone earns a pay raise. 15. Panties are optional for cheerleaders. 16. Banners are allowed without censorship.
  14. Agree the most interesting part of our season is who are we going to pick as our football team sucks.
  15. Hopefully some enterprising cities get together and start a pro football league. Let's blueprint the Green Bay Packers and get this game away from a big rich boys club. It is time for the proletariat to take over.
  16. With out luck we trade down with the Vikes and get the 12th pick, a 4th rounder and next years first. Then we trade back up giving to get th etenth and give up the 12th pick, our second and third and one of next years first and wind up with McCargo or JP or Sluggo.
  17. Move on! Develop the next TKO. Von Miller Express?
  18. The single biggest need is beef on both lines
  19. It would be insane if they draft offense in two or more of the first three rounds. Rd 1 Defense line, Rd 2 LB, but OT is acceptable if Rd 3 is LB. I'd prefer DE/ DT - 1, DT or LB 2, DT or LB 3
  20. Teams will not draft based on the CBA being in place or mot. They will draft based on their needs and players available. To do otherwise is foolish.
  21. There are too many games in too many sports as it is.. Cut out at least 12 NBA games, or you could cut out the first 40 as no one cares, what a horrible display that game has evolved to. Drop hockey to about 60 games so playoffs end when winter ends. 14 games for the NFL are enough, have the super bowl on MLK weekend or presidents weekend so we can all enjoy a three day weekend. Drop baseball to about 140 games and add about 10 double headers so teams actually have to work and think about who to start/rest. Let baseball season start in mid April and end in early September. Cut the salaries of these overpaid, under educated jocks to about 10% of what they get. Cut the revenue for the ultra rich owners accordingly and drop ticket prices by 25% and beer prices to no more $3. And let us drink all that we can to make up for their loss of revenue. Cut women's professional basketball altogether why waste time money on made up sports like this. Then with all that extra time, actually make your children go outside and play football, baseball, hockey and basketball so they are not so freaking obese and have half a chance to be able to walk through walmart when they are 35 and not ride in an obese cart.
  22. Agree, CN is anything but slow and has an initial burst that is outstanding. To call CN a slow Mike Vick is like calling a Ferrari a slow Lamborghini.
  23. To answer the poster's question...I would hope that Baylor's Taylor makes it to us in rd 2, if he does not we should grab the best DE (Heyward?)/LB (Wilson), then try to nab NC's DT Austin in the third. Do not take Rudolph in the second to pair with Cam in the first. Better yet forget about Cam and get Dareus or Fairley, if not them, drop a few and get Quinn or Bowers.
  24. Please leave Jim Kelly, John Elway, Jay Cutler and Eli Manning out of this.
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