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Everything posted by jumbalaya

  1. That putrid pass was a fumble IMO. His hand went back and came forward without the ball. That the ball went in any direction did not matter it was a putrid play and a fumble was a correct call.
  2. If they call themselves the Wolfpack he is the DIrewolf.
  3. The Jets had Maybin, we didn't We lose. Case closed.
  4. Pats drop to 1-2, Jets lose to Miami, Buffalo gets a 1 point win in Cleveland on last second FG after Weedon makes a dumb rookie play. T Richardson shreds the Bills D for 130 yards. Weedon outplays Fitz but we get lucky.
  5. The monday night game would have lasted two more hours fi they did this.
  6. We can very easily be 0-6 or 1-5 in the division again this year.
  7. What was the furthest Fitz threw the ball in the air? 10 yards? Why have a speedster like Graham when you have a QB with an arm like spaghetti. This team never wins on the road until Fitz starts looking off safeties, steps up into a pocket and throws the ball downfield. Why is Donald Jones on the team?
  8. They wre good in week one? What game did you watch? For a group that calls itself a Professional League and tries to give off an air of legitamacy and integrity, you would think they would get professional officials on the field before someone gets hurt.
  9. I watched Fitz all day. (1) He cannot and does not throw deep. (2) He missed at least 5 open receivers. At least three easy 3rd dwn passes that would have kept drives going. His arm looks weary or hos head is in his ass. It doesn't matter what his completion percentage is or if the bills won or lost. He has to improve or this season is lost against every team that will figure out how to stop Spiller.
  10. Great idea. BTW, your Viagara prescription will help ensure you can get up for Sundays.
  11. When leodis got burned for the TD, it appeared to me he let up once he thought he thought he had the WR defended in the end zone, then he only took a half hearted swipe at the ball, On a third down play on the next possession he watched the WR run a small curl to the inside right freaking in front of him and the waited till the pass was thrown and caught before he made a move to get to and tackle the WR. I mean he just watched and waited for the pass to be completed. WTF was that about?
  12. bills win sunday. defense gets going, crowd keeps them in the game. chan finally realizes he has built a running team and not a passing team. fitz gets his head out of his ass and spiller takes over for the next five years. CJ gets 30 carries, 200 yards. fitz mixes in a few quick tosses to chandler & stevie for 7 to 12 yard gains, and throws one bomb to tj. donald jones drops one or two crucial passes. I don't think he belongs in the nfl. so long freddy we loved ya but in the end you got old before your time to shine and are breaking down. cmon back for the final 8 games to spell CJ. Glad you got your contract, you deserved it for past play, attitude, professionalism and leadership. Lee Evans got his contract and quit. Fitz got his contract and has stunk it up since, he best not pull an Evans. mario better play like a man possessed at home. he plays.
  13. Maybe CJ can play both positions at the same time and we can add an extra punter.
  14. Look the Jets were loaded for bear after the beating they took all off-season. They were at home and it was opening day. To me it was very similar to throttling we gave the Pats about ten years ago 31-0. We have the ability to rebound and get better. Fitz has the ability to play well, all he has to do is get his head out of his ass. The Jets probably wont self destruct like we did that year but they may. We do have enough ability on this team to beat the Jets at the Ralph. All is not lost, a win next week against Cassel and we will be okay.
  15. This defense is predicated on the offense getting a lead and making the other team play from behind opening the way for a big passs rush. With a showing like that by Fitz the second won't happen.
  16. The only WR on the Bills that belongs on a pro football team is Stevie, maybe TJ can get there as a number 3. BTW Stevie is a decent #2, he is not a #1. The rest are awful.
  17. Many people complain that Fitz was the reason for the 3 INTs. Another way to look at it.... On the first INT Stevie ran the route too fast making it look like Fitz was late. Fitz felt Stevie's groin before the game and thought he was spent. On the second INT, the WR should have stopped and come back for the ball. He never should have run the complete route. The third INT wasn't really that bad, Fitz tried to gun it in there but simply forgot what colors we were wearing.
  18. Gilmore was simply awful, A Williams was bad, Byrd was no where to be seen. Do we have any linebackers? Super Mario was manhandled by a nobody. Coaching is terrible. Amazingly the best thing that happened to this team was Freddy getting hurt as it allowed CJ to get some carries. Fitz must have the smartest ass in the world as that is where his head is.
  19. Why is this sad. He lived a long time after he ripped off Cleveland. Glad he's gone. Go Browns.
  20. Bills will land Wallace from Pittsburgh
  21. Their offense this preseason was no more or less dreadful than ours. Their defense has been one of the best, our has not been close. On D we have issues at LB and CB. On offense we have issues at RT, TE and WR depth.
  22. I think the idea of having more than 4 receivers is if one gets dinged up you have another to toss into the game. If I am a defense and one reciever goes out, we are looking to take one or two more out.
  23. Report says Bills are trading to get Michael Jasper back and will convert him back to defense.
  24. I agree. I though Florence was terrible last year. If Willaims doesn't cut it, we have to hope for McGee to recover but he is 6 to 8 weeks away from being normal IMO.
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