there is no way st louis spends $700MM to renovate a perfectly viable dome. second, games in the dome absolutely suck. too noisy, too pricey, too many distractions, food stinks, girls will pull up their shirts and display some nice boobies but that's about it. if you like being seen but not seeing the game this venue suits you. I'd rather watch games at a high school stadium. choice is to build a retractable dome that will be out of the elite in 15 years for $1B+, this town simply cannot afford it. but truly the sports fans here don't give a rats ass about football. most would welcome the football cardinals back but will never pay much over $100MM to keep the Lams. as someone else mentioned the baseball cards screwed them tot the wall on ballpark village, promise d$150MM in development then built a softball filed for $10k, and no way does anyone here trust a sports franchise anymore.