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Everything posted by jumbalaya

  1. He will back up Matt Moore
  2. Watkins is not Humpty Dumpty. He's going to have a tremendous year.
  3. Not only is Kurt in the HOF, you can find him in the dairy section of the supermarket where he worked prior to playing pro ball.
  4. OJ's a disgrace and should be removed from the HOF.
  5. Eric Wood is the surprise cut due to Groy's excellent play.
  6. before we throw Dawkins to the dogs... he is a rookie. most rookie tackles do not adapt until year 3. he's been practcing on the left side all off season. he's just now moving back to the right and he is a rookie. Prediction: Mills gets cut when Seantrel comes off his weed suspension.
  7. In a few of the clips from practice Sammy looks a lot bigger to me. Seems like he filled out; but still fluid and fast and those exceptional hands. If he stays healthy here comes double & triple coverage; so look for some game busting runs from Shady and Tyrod. Terry & Kim get ready to break the bank.
  8. Can you help fix this one? Tyrod Taylor's spray chart was just posted somewhere with the title he has an aversion to the middle. Can you replace the middle window with a toilet bowl and change Pass to Pee? Tyrod Taylor's spray chart 1:47 PM - 25 Jul 2017
  9. So Tyrod should see his own benching as a positive move? Are you kidding? I'd call you an idiot but that would drag other idiots down.
  10. I like Sammy. I hope he gets paid a ton by the Bills because the only way that happens is if he earns it. If he earns it, pay the man.
  11. That's not quite true.
  12. I felt he was vastly overrated when we drafted him and the main reason he was picked is that Rex hung out with the team and Rex wanted to show he was a big shot. For that reason I did not care much for him as a first round pick. After I read Shaq's letter to his dad for father's day, my opinion greatly shifted and I am rooting for him now.
  13. Can he at least win one game before we extend him?
  14. The Bills have the best players with the most upside of any team in the league, in June. By December they mostly suck.
  15. Lot of people on this board said Goodwin or Wood were expendable because we had Listenbee?
  16. I did not see this answered. Cookie Gilchrist, pound for pound the best player in Bills History, switched jerseys at halftime with a RB that was not getting enough playing time. Name the back-up running back.
  17. The best way to look at the initial trade is that we drafted Sammy at #4 but gave out original 1st round pick (#10?) and our next year's first (#10?) and a fourth to do so. Sammy has not stunk when he has played. He just doesn't play very much. Bad trade for not a very great player.
  18. What future Bills RB was on the receiving end of the hit heard around the world?
  19. Al Collins I believe....
  20. What running back did Cookie Gilchrist change jerseys in a game so that the other RB could get some playing time? OJ and the guy that drove the Bronco....after OJ decapitated two people
  21. Marcus, no but Cookie Gilchrist would be an upgrade over every player on the roster.
  22. So you drop someone that had 600 yds and 8 or 9 TDs for someone that got cut at the end of camp and call it even?
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