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Everything posted by jumbalaya

  1. As always our best season is the off season. Good thing no other team has improved. 7-9 if we get lucky.
  2. Rex is a crybaby, Grow a pair Rex.
  3. I was at a Bill Browns game around 1986 in Buffalo, Rich Stadium at the time I think, It snowed a foot the night before and then warmed up to about 33 at game time. Rain/sleet all game long. Some buddies from Cleveland stayed with me that weekend and barked all weekend long They went to re-hab a short time later. We lost. Most miserable game I ever went to.
  4. I think Shanahan's the one that you should worry about. Inside source at the Redskins said he is divisive and a prima donna. Pettine should watch his back.
  5. Bill Earthquake Enyart was my favorite name/knickname
  6. What is nonsensical about that? Bridgewater, by all reports, screwed the pooch on his pro-day. Manziel, Bortles and Carr are good bets not to fall. If Bridgewater showed anything at his pro day all four get drafted in the top ten.
  7. I thought I would add my own nonsensical "what if" draft thought to everyone else's fantasy, just musing on a rainy day. Assume four of five QB needy teams: Houston, Jacksonville, Cleveland, Oakland and Minnesota go QB. Bortles, Bridgewater, Manziel, and Carr, you pick the order all within the top 8. If Bridgewater didn't crap the boat at his pro day this could have happened. Instead he probably slides. For some reason I think it's Bortles to Jax, Manziel and / or Bridgewater to Cleveland or Oakland, and Carr to Minnesota. Oakland may see Jamarcus Russel in Bridgewater tho and that's giving them pause. Clowney, Mack, Robinson and Watkins are are near locks within the top 8, but someone always does something unexpected in the top 10 (or stupid Maybin, Whitner come to mind) but if one of these guys slide you grab him and are very happy. If they don't, Evans, Ebron, Matthews, and Lewan remain and all 4 are linked to the Bills in most mocks. If Bridgewater slides, take Matthews off this list. If Bridgewater and Manziel drop then take Evans off this list. Everyone has Detroit going DB after us. We could easily trade back 2, 3 or 4 spots and still get our guy. I think we'd be happy with any of the 4 and can adjust round 2 based on who we grab in round 1. Two picks in round 2 would be stellar in this draft. I like that fast LB from Ohio State that visited the Bills.
  8. The Bill shave the most underwhelming TEs in all of football. Mostly the other team can just ignore them.
  9. Irsay will thank god for the next chance his money buys him, religious hypocrite.
  10. New ownership = New President = New GM = New Coach = New Defense Coordinator and back to the 3-4. Progress is halted as they look for their kind of players.
  11. why should we draft for a 4-3 DE when the defense will switch back to a 3-4 next year? Let's start drafting based on what defense the next D Coordinator plays, not the current one.
  12. Great trade. The Bills have addressed most areas of need allowing them to go to BPA. Ebron rd 1, T in rd 2 Tackle in rd 1, PBA of LB, DB TE in rd 2. Most talent on a Bills roster in 14 years It will be EJ or bust.
  13. best post in a long time. .
  14. In reality the Bills have more politico pressure, economic need/drivers, the desire of NY State to host one football team, the will of people of the region, than St Louis, Oakland, Jacksonville or Charlotte. The move to pull in Rochester and southern Ontario markets was brilliant. Our fan base is electric and the NFL can't give that up. There are enough big money guys in NY State to make this happen. I have spoken with people from Toronto that want the NFL but the last thing they want is for it to be the Bills. We are an immediate natural rivalry for a new franchise in Toronto to have. With the trust set up, there is no way that there is an overnight move like Cleveland to Baltimore. Now if we could only have a winning season and a downtown stadium....
  15. Some of them are poor writers as well. "I do not believe any of them is good at it." That's neither a mini nor low cut IMO. Unfortunate. If they know what they are talking about I don't care what they look like. If they get a job just because they are cute arm candy that says more about the people that hire them and nothing about their ability.
  16. Evans is the guy, Ebron if he's gone, Tackle not a bad choice in rd 1 or rd 2. Don't see how we can lose. The QB needy teams will jump on Manziel, Bortles and Carr, maybe even Bridgewater tho he seems damaged. The more QBs picked ahead of us, our #9 pick becomes a #5, 6, 7 pick value....then we could risk a trade down and still get one the three Evans, Ebron or a T. Unless we jump ahead to get Evans...
  17. There is some money that is just not worth it.
  18. Bills let britt walk because D Jax is a lock.
  19. Arena League gave us Kurt Warner. I think we need an outdoor league.
  20. with all of the changes going on in the NFL, the over emphasis on merchandising and media deals, the girlification of play / rules, no fun league rules, lack of player individuality, overuse of instant replay, way too many commercials and play stoppages, way too much money for under educated over sized athletes, high beer prices, crap food, even tailgating regulations, fake grass and billion dollar domes, no run backs... Isn't it time for a new league that gets back to playing real football? 3 yards and a cloud of dust.
  21. A Buffalo Bull could very well be the no 1 pick in the NFL draft.
  22. godspeed ralph, while you are up there, get jim kelly a little reprieve.
  23. Dang, Flutie will never get another drop kick opportunity
  24. I wasn't trying to start a thread about the Redskins. I was trying to see if anyone else had similar analogies for other players..i.e. Incognito giving money to ALTA. The Abused Left Tackle Association, the most under reported crime in America. Sad attempt to start a humorous thread I guess
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