Here's the real deal:
NYS cannot afford to lose their last and only football team. The State will do whatever it takes.
The NFL cannot displace a team with the most ardent fan base without looking like a bunch of shills.
There is enough big money in Buffalo and NY to compete with the out of state money.
The move to regionalize the Bills was brilliant because:
(1) Toronto deserves a franchise. The NFL is creaming in their pants to be international. Toronto will go first. The Bills marketing rights when TO is awarded a franchise will cost the Toronto franchise $400M all paid to the Buffalo. The real cost to stay in Buffalo will be offset by this in a couple of years.
The Browns move to Baltimore and the Colts move to Indy gave the NFL a black eye. They don't want another.
Toronto could turn into another FLA/LA team, with no fans at the games. The NFL can't take that chance.
This really isn't about market size, its about perception.
All things being equal or close to equal, Mary Wilson and the board would want the team to stay.
In the end it is our fans that are in the driver's seat.