Let's stop drinking the off season kool aid.
We should stop calling this D great, stellar or elite until after the season or at ;east let them play half the season.
Also stop saying how good our WRs, RBs, and TE's are until after the season. Our Oline looks pitiful and so are our QBs. As the play of the WRS, RBs and TEs is entirely dependent upon two wobbly pillars they probably won't be as good as advertised.
Again we drink the kool aid that a rd 3 rookie G is the answer; Glenn will rebound, Wood will step up, Henderson or Kujo will play like a pro, and Incognito won't get suspended for something stupid. Three things could happen with this unit. 1 all positives happen and they improve. 2, all bad things happen and they blow up. 3 some good, some bad, they play mediocre to poor all year. Chances are it's number 3.
We drink the kool aid that a 3 man competition will spit out a reliable QB? When / where has that ever actually happened before?