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Everything posted by 87168

  1. same thing could be said about many other qbs around the league. hasn't stopped them from winning championships.
  2. "misfortunes" make an impact on a league level.
  3. yea, I think you're missing their point. haha Go Bills.
  4. ^ I'm sure fans of opposing teams have been hassled at RWS as well. I don't think we should allow the actions of a handful of juvenile drunkards to broad stroke an entire fan base. People just don't know how to act sometimes.
  5. with all due respect, their team isn't experiencing the longest playoff drought in NFL history. perspective is everything.
  6. Did either of them contribute to this team being a success? No. That is why they are gone.
  7. Please tell me where you read this.
  8. There's always one.
  9. He wouldn't, because no other coach would dress him as starter
  10. unfortunately !@#$s are NOT identified by how well their home team(s) performs. If you're an ass, you're an ass.
  11. obviously you. you opened the thread.
  12. Personally I don't understand why there is even a pole. My guess is there aren't many native americans on this board so asking if this name "redskins" is offensive is of course going to yield different answers and opinions. Not to mention, the Bills fans base, especially on this board aren't the most culturally sensitive bunch. That's a tad bit different than singling out an entire race's skin complexion.
  13. One Bills Drive Sorry to inform you, but AA works both ways.
  14. Nice typo PTR. I don't expect to see that at again, or at SS. You've been warned
  15. Well if that defense is under perform then I guess it's a form of continuity. haha I'm amp'd about this.
  16. Regardless, it's still kind of a slap in the face to their fan base and city. I mean I know it's cold but imagine if a player for your local pro team said openly that he'd rather play somewhere else? Ignore their reasoning and just think. Isn't that kind of cold (no pun intended) for him to just bump them like that?
  17. Is this a joke?
  18. "I make a mean vegan lasagna. You're sure you don't want me to bring anything?"
  19. 37-56, 443 YDS 0 Ints Yea much better.
  20. Funkadelics shirt? Yes!
  21. Actually Buffalo's decline has be minimized drastically and is showing amazing turnaround. Also, 44 percent? where did you get that number from? Oh, also, he wasn't blaming Canada. I'd like to see where Wood personally said that the country of Canada is the reason for our losses at Rogers. If he did, please show me.
  22. I think some people like being negative for the sake of being negative.
  23. Tebow has a winning record. He wins games. May not have the best arm but he WINS games. Just needs to be utilized correctly. Not saying I think he's a good fit but I'm just trying to play devil's advocate.
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