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Everything posted by 87168

  1. give it time.
  2. or Brady, Manning(s), Brees, Newton, Flacco... I mean, I get your point, but I think this may be more of an experience thing. I don't quite think the tech is making QBs, overall, less capable. We just don't have an experienced QB, nor do we have a well oiled machine of an offense. Tyrod isn't a leader....yet. He does not lead this offense. He looks to Roman.
  3. QB and Roman are the reason Watkins is not targeted more. I honestly think that Roman's offense just isn't written to take advantage of a player like Sammy. He doesn't know how to utilize him. Tyrod, I don't think gives him many looks, for whatever reason. Chemistry, play design, whatever the case may be. Watkins is an ELITE WR and he's shown that when he's targeted, which is why so many fans are scratching their heads as to why he isn't used more. Clay is crazy talented, but a different OC, and perhaps QB, and Clay would not be #1 in receiving yards and targets.
  4. I'm sure it's his as well.
  5. It was a bad game for TT. I don't get the sudden outcry against his skill set. He's been on more than he's been off. Of course there are things he can approve upon. After all, this is his first year starting a game! Haha. He went against Tom Brady, of all QBs, for his first MNF, in Foxborough. He'll be fine. We've seen him hit targets downfield with accuracy. We've seen him run. This was a bad performance, coupled with other bad performances from his teammates. Dropped passes, multiple costly penalties, missed FGs, fumbles... I mean, Brady threw a pick, but over all his teammates had less costly penalties. Tyrod played bad, but he is not bad. Don't be so fickle.
  6. you're not wearing that cologne I bought you.
  7. that was histerical haha. all of them classics.
  8. you have a coach that has taken one the BEST defenses in the league, completely changed schemes, and the roles of his defensive players...and people blame the player(s) for not making plays? haha you play to your player's ability. you don't force VETERANS to change their style of play during the offseason and expect to be competitive. this only points to ONE individual, and that's Rex. the offense has it's problems, but lets be honest, they still manage to put point on the board (sans NYG game), even with EJ at QB. the culprit here, is Rex. so to answer your question, a compitent and intelligent coach is what were are lacking. the talent was here last season and even more so this season.
  9. Hmm poor grammar and Ebonics are quite different. Nice assumption. People today across the world are becoming more and more illiterate, and grammar is beginning to suffer. I could point out poor grammar being used on TSW in almost every post. What I didn't see, was Sammy spell, or use the word(s) "cuz", "wat", "kno", "sayin", or "reel", like you insinuate. So sorry to inform you, not all blacks speak Ebonics, but thanks for assuming they do, even when the message is typed out. Hmmm Try being a little less narrow minded. Oh wait, haha I just made a funny.
  10. Unless you listen to R&B/Pop, why would you? Also, she is much older than any of those products, so I'd say now. Thanks for playing.
  11. I never understood why Schwartz wasn't hired.
  12. haha other than Brown, and EJ...you're kidding right.
  13. people often forget that A LOT depends on your device. For example, a Roku is not going to perform the same way a PC or SmartTV will. They lack the components to process and render that data. The pixilation is natural, given the device or the setting on the actual player. I work in tech so I see this all the time. It's like a car. Both will get you from point A to point B, but some will do it quicker, more smoothly, and more consistently. I had no issues on my gaming rig, MBP, or Surface. However, I didn't try my roku.
  14. change definition to HD. you should see a gear looking icon.
  15. that's HDMI, a direct connect. not a wireless one, like AirPlay.
  16. if you're using AirPlay that will increase latency. no way around it. diminished data transfers.
  17. great experience here on my PC. this sort of stream will NOT work as well on mobile devices. just a heads up to some. as far as using a mac...well, just go to the site. nothing else is needed. increase video quality. by default it will be on "auto". switch it to HD.
  18. what does releasing fred jackson have to do with this? last I checked fred was also suffering from injuries. people really need to move from that. you think keeping fred jackson would have us at 6-0 right now? why are we constantly dwelling on things that are in the past, as if they are the reason for current situations. fred is gone. he's crashing cars out here in Seattle. Move on. I like fred, but every time there is a low point we talk about the players we should not have released. when Karlos Williams was shredding, all i saw was people posting "fred who?" mighty fickle.
  19. um all you need is a spark. thought that was obvious. people feed off of others. for the most part, anytime you reunite or go against an ex of anything, you want to impress and are typically more fired up. OL Coaches still bear a presence.
  20. Bills lose this. I'm not trying to be negative. I just see an implosion forthcoming. Marrone may have a chip on his shoulder. The Bills have been public with the disconnects happening on defense, and the offense is broken. Jags - 17 Bills - 10
  21. I feel like EJ will put on a show tomorrow.
  22. um, it could have been. seems to me as though you waited for a moment like this... I could be wrong.
  23. yea, maybe stop beating it. what's done is done.
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